MHC 611 Business Analysis Report Structure 

MHC 611 Business Analysis Report Structure

MHC 611 Business Analysis Report Structure

1. Background and Introduction (300w)Background Context

Develop a succinct understanding of the organisational problem or situation you have investigated, including all essential information about the case organisation and a positioning of the problem against existing theoretical knowledge.

Research Problem, Research Purpose, Aims & Objectives

What are you being asked to do? What is your report targeting, specifically?

Significance of the Research

Scope of Report – what major sections and sub-sections are involved in your report? (Tell the reader what is to come)

2. Literature Review (1200w)What you are doing in the literature review is developing a research framework for understanding and interpreting the research issue you are investigating. You do this by undertaking a literature review of the published academic research and credible industry sources, and by an explanation of the ideas and concepts that have relevance to your business situation. This is an evaluative piece of writing demonstrating familiarity with a body of knowledge. Your review relies on your capacity to critically interpret existing knowledge, compare and contrast credible perspectives on concept areas, and build an informed, logically developed argument about a topic.

To supplement academic references, credible industry sources can be integrated to contextualize the industry environment of your identified business situation, strengthen your developing argument about the topic area and evaluate relevant industry knowledge.


3. Methodology (600w)A methodology is a justification of “how the researcher knows what they know”. A well- constructed methodology will identify approaches taken by other researchers who have studied a similar phenomenon. Secondly it will identify the research question and sub-questions (should the research have a question) then explain and justify the approach and methods to collect and analyse data. Thirdly the methodology will explain why the research should be considered credible, transferable, dependable and confirmable. It is essential to consider when writing a methodology – could another researcher, based on my methodology, replicate this research?

4. Findings/Discussion/Analysis (2000w)Present a clear and logical outline of key findings of the study, in sequential order if appropriate. Where applicable, use figures and tables to present data in a structured and accessible format.

Argue towards an interpretation of the findings. Show your argument is supported by literature (academic and industry). Include evidential support where applicable to strengthen your argument. Ensure it is clear what information comes from your investigation and what comes from other research.

5. Recommendations and Implementation (600w)Create a detailed set of recommendations against each significant finding, numerically ordered. Explain and justify the feasibility of recommendations as solutions to be adopted by the organisation/s, including what is to be ready, by whom and when. If alternative options are presented, evaluate each to show strengths and weaknesses.

6. Conclusion (300w)Provide a concise summary of the research project’s key findings and show how you have achieved the purpose of your study. Examine the implications of these findings for the case business, for broader industry (applied implications) and academia (theoretical implications). These implications should link to the significance identified in the Introduction section to the project. Briefly identify limitations of the study.

References * not included in the word count

Provide a full reference list using APA 6th referencing style. Students must refer, in the text, to a minimum of 12 journal articles, plus others as Needed, in order to show competency in the assessment. Failure to meet this standard will result in a fail grade for this assessment.

Appendices * not included in the word count At a minimum, ensure you include:

Transcripts of interview/s with the key informant and any additional raw data (e.g., journal of observational notes).

All supplements must be referred to within the body of the work.