SOCS 185  Week 5 Assignment – Socio auto biography

SOCS 185  Week 5 Assignment – Socio auto biography

SOCS 185  Week 5 Assignment – Socio auto biography

Socio auto biography

Your socioautobiography assignment is due this week. The purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to apply the sociological imagination to your everyday life: to make connections between your everyday life and the broad sociocultural structures within which you live. In this assignment, you will reference appropriate Terminal Course Objectives (TCOs) that relate to your socioautobiography. You can find the TCOs in this course listed in the Syllabus and in the weekly objectives. This assignment can be related to any and all of the TCOs.

The Socioautobiography is a reflective paper that allows you the opportunity to explore the interconnections between biography (a slice of your life), the social structure, and culture. In preparation for this paper, please read Socioautobiography Guidelines posted in Doc Sharing for detailed assignment instructions and grading rubric.

Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these”>step-by-step instructions.

See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.


SOCS 185 Week 5 Quiz

Question 1. Question:

(TCO 3) Kuznet’s curve suggests that

  • it could be an effective pitch for the veteran who is starting to lose a little something on his fast ball.
  • industrial societies will, in the longer run, remain unchanged.
  • industrial societies tend to become less stratified than agrarian societies.
  • as human technological sophistication has increased, social stratification has decreased.
  • industrialization and social stratification are unrelated.

Question 2. Question:

(TCO 3) _____ is the term for earnings from work or investments and _____ is the term for the total value of money and other assets, minus outstanding debts.

  • Income; personal property
  • Profit; income
  • Wealth; income
  • Income; wealth
  • Rent; net worth

Question 3. Question:

(TCO 3) Which theory of poverty blames poverty on the shortcomings of the poor themselves?

  • Individual responsibility theory
  • Personal chioce theory
  • Social forces theory
  • Culture of poverty theory
  • Legacy or poverty theory

Question 4. Question:

(TCO 5) Which of the following did Max Weber suggest were analytically distinct components of stratification?

  • Conformity, deviance, and social control
  • Power, prestige, and position
  • Class, caste, and age
  • Class, prestige, and esteem
  • Class, status, and power

Question 5. Question:

(TCO 4) Accounts Payable Administrator Imelda Czechs works for a small international corporation. This category of work can be described as _____

  • blue-collar work.
  • white-collar work.
  • pink-collar work.
  • fur collar work.
  • no-collar work.

Question 6. Question:

(TCO 4) Which type of slavery consists of employers holding workers by paying them too little to cover their debts?

  • Chattel slavery
  • Child slavery
  • Debt bondage
  • Debit slavery
  • Revolving credit slavery

Question 7. Question:

(TCO 4) Which of the following gives the correct order of stages of modernization according to W. W. Rostow?

  • High mass consumption, traditional, drive to technological maturity, and take-off
  • Traditional, drive to technological maturity, take-off, and high mass consumption
  • High mass consumption, traditional, take-off, and drive to technological maturity
  • Traditional, take-off, drive to technological maturity, and high mass consumption
  • Take-off, drive to traditional maturity, technological, and consume mass quantities

Question 8. Question:

(TCO 4) Andre Gunder Frank states that poor nations

  • are responsible for their own poverty.
  • were “underdeveloped,” or made poor, by rich nations.
  • suffer from traditional culture.
  • need to gain more productive technology.
  • can be helped with the investment of multinational corporations.

Question 9. Question:

(TCO 4) According to Immanuel Wallerstein’s view of the global economic system, which type of nation is relatively independent of outside control?

  • Core
  • Periphery
  • Semiperiphery
  • Marginality
  • Tertiary

Question 10. Question:

(TCO 5) While modernization theory focuses on _____, dependency theory focuses on _____.

  • poor nations; rich nations
  • distribution of wealth; production of wealth
  • production of wealth; distribution of wealth
  • culture; economics
  • multinationals; self-reliance