HSA 4190 – SBAR Process Improvement Assignment

HSA 4190 – SBAR Process Improvement Assignment

HSA 4190 – SBAR Process Improvement Assignment

Title: Project Name Date: Today’s date
To:  Steering Committee From: Name of submitter
Sponsor:Exec Sponsor or Ops Team member Process Owner: Who owns this work?




Directions: Fill out each section as completely as you can. Prompts can be viewed by hovering your mouse arrow over the footnote mark [i]. When complete, please submit to the Process Improvement Department to begin the prioritization process. For assistance, please contact the Process Improvement Department.

Situation: What’s going on right now?

Problem Statement [ii]

Click or tap here to enter text.

Scope [iii]

Click or tap here to enter text.

Current Situation [iv]

Click or tap here to enter text.

Roles [v]

Click or tap here to enter text.

Background: How did we get here?

History [vi]

Click or tap here to enter text.

Alignment [vii]

Click or tap here to enter text.

Assessment/Analysis: What have you found?

Observation Results [viii]

Click or tap here to enter text.

Pillar Impact

·        Serving the Patient: How big an impact?

Describe why

·        Quality, Safety, Regulatory: How big an impact?

Describe why

·        Fiscal Responsibility: How big an impact?

Describe why

·        Employee Satisfaction: How big an impact?

Describe why

·        Operating Efficiency: How big an impact?

Describe why

Data [ix]

Click or tap here to enter text.

Request: What could be done to resolve this? What help do you need?

Countermeasures [x]

Click or tap here to enter text.

Assistance [xi]

Click or tap here to enter text.

Results [xii]

Click or tap here to enter text.

IT Implications [xiii]

Click or tap here to enter text.

Additional Information:


·        Process Owner’s capacity to lead this work:   Choose an item.

·        Sponsor’s capacity to lead this work: Choose an item.

·        Team’s capacity to work on this problem: Choose an item.

·        Team’s enthusiasm about working on this problem: Choose an item.


What else should we know?

Team’s Project Management Experience:
Check all that apply:

☐ No experience             ☐ Limited experience

☐ Positive experience    ☐ Negative experience

☐ Great deal of experience

Team’s Process Improvement Experience:
Check all that apply:

☐ No experience             ☐ Limited experience

☐ Positive experience    ☐ Negative experience

☐ Great deal of experience

Executive Summary for SBAR Presentation to PI Steering Committee:

Click or tap here to enter text.

[i] Hover here to show prompts and questions

[ii] Problem Statement: Briefly describe the problem you are trying to solve. Who experiences it?

[iii] Scope: Is this problem contained within your department or team, or does it have a broader reach? What are the starting and ending points? Are there any sub-processes involved? Are there pieces of this problem that should be out of scope for any reason?

[iv] Current Situation: When does this problem happen? What factors contribute to it?

[v] Roles: Who is impacted by this problem? Who is aware of it? Are patients impacted or aware?

[vi] History: What have you already tried? Why didn’t it work?

[vii] Alignment: Who agrees that this is a problem? Who disagrees?

[viii] Observation Results: When you observe the process, what do you notice?

[ix] Data: What data do you have that supports your findings?

[x] Countermeasures: Do you have a solution in mind? Why do you think this might work? What else are you willing to consider?

[xi] Assistance: What help do you need from the PI team? What other help do you need?

[xii] Results: What are you hoping to achieve? What will be different when you’ve succeeded?

[xiii] IT Implications: How do our current IT systems resolve or contribute to the problems? Is there information or functionality missing? What updates would you like to see?