SOC 320 Topic 6 DQ 1 & 2 Latest

SOC 320 Topic 6 DQ 1 & 2 Latest

SOC 320 Topic 6 DQ 1 & 2 Latest

Topic 6 DQ 1

If you have children, think back to the time before you had children. If you do not have children, look forward to the time when you may want to decide to have children or not to have children.

If you have children already, was that a conscious choice or was it just assumed that you would have children? If it was a choice, how did your reasons for wanting children compare with the reasons discussed in Chapter 12 of the Lauer & Lauer text? If it was not a thought-out choice, do some of the reasons discussed in the text help explain why you and your spouse did not “choose” to have the children you have? Explain.

If you do not have children, do you hope to have some at some later time or will you be voluntarily childless? Explain your thinking and compare it to the reasons described in the text in either the “Why People Want to Have Children” section or “The Child-Free Option” section.

Topic 6 DQ 2

In your own words, briefly describe each of the three styles of parenting discussed in Chapter 12 of the text. Then analyze the likely effect of each style of parenting on the lives of the children. Which of these three styles comes closest to the style used by your parents in raising you? Did the predicted effect of that style occur in your case? In retrospect, what are your thoughts about this style of parenting? Are you likely to use it if and when you are a parent? Or, if you are already a parent, are you using this style or did you use this style when your children were younger?


Complete the “Topic 6 Marriage and Family Journal” worksheet.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

SOC-320 Topic 6 Journal Entry.docx

SOC 320 Topic 7 DQ 1 & 2 Latest

Topic 7 DQ 1

While we must be careful not to confuse correlation with causation, it is clear that some characteristics (sociodemographic factors) such as socioeconomic status, age, race, social integration, and changing norms can have a negative impact on marriages and are correlated with divorce. On the other hand, it is also the case that it is the interaction between people that leads to the actual disruption in a relationship. Briefly list and describe the interpersonal factors that the Lauer & Lauer text identifies as the more immediate types of complaints, conflicts, feelings, and problems that lead to divorce. Then choose one as an example that you have seen and heard in a particular relationship that ended in divorce. Can you identify any sociodemographic factors that may have had a bearing on the type of interactions that led to the breakup of the relationship?

Topic 7 DQ 2

Discuss the positive and negative effects of divorce for adults and children in a family.

Chapter 14 of the Lauer & Lauer text begins with the question, “Is divorce ever good for you?” The answer, it seems, is that there will probably be short-term negative effects but there could also be long-term positive effects. What are some of the positive and negative effects of divorce? How might a Christian Worldview affect whether a couple going through a divorce treat each other ethically? Describe examples with which you are familiar that illustrate both positive and negative effects. Include in your discussion the impacts – positive and negative – for both children and adults in the family that goes through the divorce.