SOC 402 Week 4 Discussions 1 and 2
SOC 402 Week 4 Discussions 1 and 2
DQ 1 Second Shift
Respond to the following questions: Among twin- income and dual-career families, do you think there will ever be an equal sharing of household work? Why or why not? There has been some indication that women voluntarily assume a larger share of household responsibilities because they feel that their male partners do not perform these tasks satisfactorily. How do you think this observation fits in with the sharing of housework?
DQ 2 Substance Abuse
Substance abuse may include alcoholics and drug users, their behavior will be different than other workers on the job. In what ways can alcohol and drug use affect job performance and career success? What are some ways that employees with alcohol and drug problems deal with their problems and in your opinion, what can employers do to assist employees?
SOC 402 Week 5 DQ 1 and 2
Analyze 2 of the following ethical scenarios:
§ Although John is an honest employee who never takes money from the company cash box, he uses the company car to run personal errands while making sales-rounds. Is this unethical behavior? If so, why? If not, why not?
§ Betty is a high producing, devoted employee who might work overtime in an emergency. She tells her boss that she got caught in traffic upon arriving late the next day, when in fact, she overslept. Is this unethical behavior? If so, why? If not, why not?
§ Suzy is a sympathetic employee who knows a co-worker is operating a small business on the side (often using company office equipment and paper) but says nothing. Is this unethical behavior? If so, why? If not, why not?
§ Noticing her supervisor, a young married man, taking her co-worker, Joanna, who was divorced, home two nights in succession, Diane decided something was going on between them. Without any malicious intent, Diane introduced the matter into the local grapevine and, as so often happens, the rumor got out of hand. Is this unethical behavior? If so, why? If not, why not?
SOC 402 Week 5 DQ 2 Globalization
Describe how globalization has changed the way American companies are doing business. In what ways do you believe this change has benefited American organizations and/or their customers? Are there ways in which organizations and their customers have been adversely effected? Explain.