NR228 Unit 3 Discussions 1 & 2 Latest
NR228 Unit 3 Discussions 1 & 2 Latest
Unit 3 Discussion 1 Latest
Diet and Lab Values (graded, 25 points)
Proteins have many functions within our bodies. List the functions, and explain why proteins are crucial to growth and maintenance. Why are the protein diets of children different from adults?
Mark, a single father of a 2-year-old son, Jacob, stops every morning at a local fast food restaurant to pick up breakfast for himself and his son on their way to daycare. Mark says, “I don’t have time to cook in the mornings, and I can’t feed Jacob anything I would ever make at home any cheaper than this! Besides, he really loves these sausage and egg sandwiches, and at least I can get him to eat them!” Mark has a family history of diabetes, as well as hyperlipidemia. At his next physical, Mark learns that his lipid panel is as follows:
Total cholesterol 245 mg/dl, LDL 180 mg/dl, and HDL 35 mg/dl.
What is the significance of this blood work?
What should his lipid profile look like, and as the nurse in Mark’s physician’s office, how would you educate him?
Unit 3 Discussion 2 Latest
Personal Food Diary (graded, 25 points)
In Units 1, 3, 5, and 7, you will be posting a 24-hour food and activity diary. Using, you will be able to observe a snapshot of your personal behaviors. Each unit will have a different focus on specific nutritional concepts. In addition to your initial post of the food and activity diary, you will examine one other student’s diary from a nursing perspective and offer feedback on ways to promote healthy living.
This unit’s focus will be on carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in the diet. Consider your own eating habits, and apply those here. How would you plan for food that you simply “cannot live without”?
NR228 Unit 4 Discussion Latest
Bone Health (graded, 25 points) Mrs. Law, a 77-year-old female, is at home recovering from surgery that she had after falling and breaking her hip 5 days ago. She lives with her husband, Dean, who helps to care for her. Mrs. Law is a former smoker and has a past medical history of hypertension and hyperlipidemia. You are the visiting nurse, assigned to check on her postoperative progress. You ask the client how she is feeling, do an assessment, and inquire as to what she has eaten over the past 24 hours. Mrs. Law states that she has “No pep, no appetite, has been taking her pain medication as prescribed (every 4 hours—but not real helpful!), cannot sleep well, doesn’t feel much like walking, except for to the bathroom, and has been unable to move her bowels for several days.”
Breakfast: Two glazed doughnuts, coffee (black)
Lunch: Tossed salad with oil and vinegar, diet soda
Dinner: Tomato soup, 1 cup; four soda crackers; and red homemade wine
Snack: Pretzels, diet soda
What nutrients that contribute to bone health are missing in Mrs. Law’s diet?
What other dietary concerns do you have?
Is Mrs. Law getting the appropriate amount of vitamins and minerals for her age and current condition? Why or why not?