NR228 Unit 5 Assignment Latest

NR228 Unit 5 Assignment Latest

NR228 Unit 5 Assignment Latest

Nutrition, Health, and Wellness

Required Uniform Assignment: Nutritional Assessment (Team Project)


To evaluate, compare, and analyze menus from different agencies and suggest revisions for healthier food choices based on the cultural and age group. Students in a cultural concentration will use that specific cultural focus to complete this assignment. Those students in a cultural concentration (such as the Hispanic concentration) should be grouped together for this assignment. However, should the groups be mixed (with students in the cultural concentration and students not in the cultural concentration), the RUA must explore the cultural concentration (e.g., Hispanic).


This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO1. Assess whether nutritional intake provides basic nutrients for optimal health and wellness. (POs 1 & 2)

CO2. Describe nutritional needs for optimal health and wellness throughout the lifespan. (POs 1 & 2)

CO3. Discuss the psychological, sociological, economical, and cultural implications of food on nutritional status. (POs 1 & 2)

CO4. Describe evidence based practice interventions and modifications in nutrition therapy that can positively influence the outcome of disease and illness. (POs 1 & 8)



Due as instructed by your faculty member. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment.


1. Students in a cultural concentration will use that specific cultural focus to complete this assignment.

You will develop this Nutritional Assessment project addressing the population/culture in your area and one other geographic location. For or example, if you are in the Hispanic concentration, your project might exam food choices in menus that are related to cultural preferences and traditions that contribute to the high rates of diabetes among Latinos. Acculturated Hispanic subcultures, while keeping traditional cultural values, may have migrated to American fast foods, which contribute to high obesity rates among that subculture.

2. This is a TEAM project; therefore, please complete both the team charter and the guidelines below.

a. The team charter can be found in the Assignments tab of Unit 1.

b. During the creation of the team charter, please select one team leader who will be responsible for submission of the PowerPoint presentation and the assignment’s accompanying Word document that contains an outline of the speaker’s notes in the presentation. NOTE: Both documents will be reviewed by TURNITIN.

c. All team members must complete and sign the Team Charter Form. The team leader will place the final draft in the designated team discussion thread under Team Collaboration in the course navigation panel. The charter is due in Unit 2 or as indicated by your faculty member.

Nutritional Assessment Guidelines.docx Revised psb 1

d. EACH student is to also complete and submit the completed team charter document individually to the dropbox as well.

e. Teams are usually composed of three to five students but may vary depending upon class size.

f. The instructor will assign teams and provide the team’s assigned age group and the type of facility in which the clients are found.

g. All team members will receive the same grade for each deliverable unless it is determined that a team member did not participate in the planning and completion of the assigned portions of the project. NR228 Unit 5 Assignment Latest

3. Deliverables:

a. Team Charter

b. PowerPoint Presentation Slides with Speaker Notes included in slides (uploaded to the Dropbox)

c. Word Document outline of the team’s speaker notes and references

d. Campus Students: Delivery of presentation in the classroom

4. Students in a cultural concentration will use that specific cultural focus to complete this assignment.


Speaker’s notes are below the slide itself, but cannot be viewed by the audience if presenting live!

5. You will use the “Team Collaboration” discussion area (under the Course Home menu at the left of the course shell) as a “meeting room” or communication venue to create assignment threads. Be sure you are documenting in YOUR Team’s discussion area, identified by the color assigned to your team! This will also serve as documentation/verification for group members that will demonstrate how each team member contributed to the project. (See photo below!)

6. Application: Use Microsoft PowerPoint 2007, 2010 or higher.


Begin to research early! Both the team members and topics will be assigned by the instructor in Week 1.

1. Coordinate individual assignments with your designated team leader

2. Complete the Team Charter document, found in the Unit 1 Assignment tab.

a. Team Leader: Place the final draft of the team charter in the designated team discussion thread under Team Collaboration in the course navigation panel. The charter is due in Unit 2 or as indicated by your faculty member.

b. All team members: EACH student is to also complete and submit the completed team charter document individually to the dropbox as well.

3. Your team will be assigned the specific type of facility menu to research. As a team, you will determine in which two regions (see United States map) to locate these facilities. For teams in a cultural concentration program, place the location of your facilities in an area with that particular subculture.

4. Create a title page/slide lists (a) the type of facility, (b) the two regions chosen, (c) the cultural focus, and (d) all of the names of the team members completing the team presentation.

5. The project will be completed in a 10?18 slide PowerPoint presentation (NOT including the title and reference slides). Quality of the professional presentation and the visual appearance of PowerPoint adhere accepted guidelines for presentations and PowerPoint use (color, graphics, and other visuals are allowed). Use of speaker notes is required to avoid overcrowding of slides and communicate content. Length should be no more than 10?18 slides (Title and reference slides do not count in totals). NR228 Unit 5 Assignment Latest

6. The types of facilities assigned to your team could be from the following:

a. Daycare center: Preschool?aged

b. Daycare center: Geriatric adult

c. Hospital

d. Nursing home children

e. Elementary schools

f. High schools

g. College

i. Visitor menu

ii. Specific hospital units

iii. Meals on wheels (postoperative, obstetrical,

h. Senior center

j. Assisted living or medical units)

k. Community Center

7. The presentation’s introduction will include the purpose of the presentation, the cultural concentration, and age group focus.

8. Analyze the menus that the team has selected based on the following criteria and provide rationales for your analysis:

a. (a) healthy/unhealthy menu selections, (b) appropriate for nutritional requirements of age group, and (c) the influence of cultural and regional food practices. Provide sample menus of each. Topics/questions to help you develop your analysis include the following:

i. Are cultural menu selections healthy choices or not? That is, do they provide adequate proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals?

ii. Is this selected age group getting the RDA in all nutritional aspects of each meal? Look at one full day, how about the entire week?

iii. Explore the cultural and regional influences. What are the traditions and customs usually observed with regard to mealtime in this culture? How are these included in the current menu? Are they healthy influences? Why or why not? How could they be made healthy, if they are not?

9. Create a one?day replacement sample menu of meals with healthier choices for each original menu. Each should include breakfast, lunch, and dinner options. Include age considerations, potential health concerns, cultural influences, and regional patterns. Include with each menu the nutritional components of your food choices.

10. Compare each original sample menu with its corresponding replacement menu and explain (a) why the team’s menus are better nutritional options for your two facilities, and (b) what nutritional benefits are being achieved for this age group.

11. Identify three barriers that may prevent the provision of optimally healthy meals for this age group. Barriers may relate to geographic area, health, culture, socioeconomic issues, available food choices, or other barrier sources. NR228 Unit 5 Assignment Latest



Category Points % Description
Title Page 2 2% The title page/slide lists(a) the type of facility, (b) the two (2) regions chosen, (c) the cultural focus, and (d) all of the names of the team members completing the team presentation.
Introduction 3 3% Presentation introduction includes the purpose of the presentation, the cultural concentration, and age group focus
Current Menu 5 5% Analyze the menus that the team has selected based on the following criteria and provide Analysis rationales for your analysis:(a) healthy/unhealthy menu selections,

(b) appropriate for nutritional requirements of age group, and

(c) the influence of cultural and regional food practices.

Create Sample 20 20% Create a one day replacement sample menu of meals with healthier choices for each original menu. Menu Each should include breakfast, lunch, and dinner options. Include age considerations, potential health concerns, cultural influences, and regional patterns. Include with each menu the nutritional components of your food choices
Compare 20 20% Compare each original sample menu with its corresponding replacement menu and explain why the Menus team’s menus are better nutritional options for your two facilities.
Barriers 20 10% Identify three barriers that may prevent the provision of optimally healthy meals for this age group. Barriers may relate to geographic area, health, culture, socioeconomic issues, available food choices, or other barrier sources.
Summary 10 10% Summarize key points from the presentation, and comment about what you have learned from the assignment and what you will apply as nurses.
Presentation 10 10% Quality of the professional presentation and the visual appearance of PowerPoint adhere accepted Appearance guidelines for presentations and PowerPoint use (color, graphics, and other visuals are allowed). Use of speaker notes is required to avoid overcrowding of slides and communicate content.
APA Format 10 10% Include APA formatting with four to six references, excluding the textbook.In text reference citations Length of should be found on the slides where the referenced information is included and match the reference

Presentation listing on the reference slide. Grammar and mechanics are correct. Length should be no more than 10-18 slides (Title and reference slides do not count in totals).

Total 100 100 A quality presentation will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.