NR501 Week 3 Discussion: Steps of Concept Analysis

NR501 Week 3 Discussion: Steps of Concept Analysis

NR501 Week 3 Discussion: Steps of Concept Analysis (graded)

As you begin, take a moment and reflect on the following course/program outcome:

Demonstrate logical and creative thinking in the analysis and application of a theory to nursing practice. (PO #4)

In order to begin this discussion, it is important to first reflect on the steps involved in concept analysis. Wills & McEwen (2014) include a table identifying the steps of concept analysis (derived from Walker & Avant, 2005).

The steps include the following:

1) select a Concept;

2) determine the aims or purpose of the analysis;

3) identify all the uses of the concept possible;

4) determine the defining attributes

5. Identify model case;

6) Identify borderline, related, contrary, and illegitimate cases;

7) Identify antecedents and consequences; and

8) Define empirical referents.” (p. 58).

See Box 3-1. See you in the threaded discussions.

In your response to this question, I want you refer back to the steps of concept analysis that are explored in the chapter. Identify a concept and show how you would apply the concepts in your current practice. Take this response as far as you can go in terms of a basic concept analysis. Please make an attempt to reflect a clear and diligent attempt of applying the steps. I look forward to seeing you in the threaded discussions.


Wills, E. & McEwen, M. (2014). Concept development: Clarifying meaning of terms. In M. McEwan & E.M. Wills (Eds.), Theoretical basis for nursing (4th. ed.; pp. 49-71). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins.

Dr. Kari Luoma

At the end of Week 4 your concept analysis is due. This threaded discussion provides an opportunity to start this assignment.

Select a nursing concept (be sure to use a nursing theory) and then provide a response to each one of the steps included in a concept analysis regarding your selected concept. This information does not have to be comprehensive but provides a foundation to the upcoming assignment. Be sure to include a scholarly reference.


NR501 Week 4 Discussion Latest

Connection Between Theory and Advanced Clinical Practice (graded)

As you begin this week, please reflect on the following relevant course/program outcomes:

Analyze theories from nursing and relevant fields with respect to their components, relationships among the components, logic of the propositions, comprehensiveness, and utility to advanced nursing. (PO #1)

Examine instances where theory is used to guide the development of new knowledge and implementation of evidence-based practice. (PO #6)

As you prepare your response, there are some items for you to consider. You will select a grand nursing theory. When you do so, you need to be prepared not only to identify a grand theory that will guide you in sharing what characteristics your selected theory has that substantiate the fact that it is a grand theory. Please provide specific examples. Once you have accomplished this, you will then share a specific example that includes your chosen grand theory and how it can or cannot be readily applied in clinical practice. I look forward to the threaded discussion.

Dr. Kari Luoma

Some nurses say that theory has no role in advance clinical practice. How would you use nursing theory to improve advanced clinical practice? Be sure to include an example that demonstrates your thoughts. Don’t forget to include a scholarly reference!