NR505 Week 1 Discussion: Ask a PICOT Question

NR505 Week 1 Discussion: Ask a PICOT Question

NR505 Week 1 Discussion: Ask a PICOT Question (graded)

Write a quantitative research question using the PICO(T) model about a health or safety issue observed in the Iron ridge or Summerville community or your practice setting. Conduct a search of the literature for the quantitative research question. (Remember you can use this topic and quantitative research article as part of your Research Summary Table assignment).Provide a brief summary of your quantitative research article. You will not be able to see other’s posts for this forum until you have posted your response to the threaded discussion thread.


NR505 Week 1 TII Draft: Clinical Practice Guideline Summary Template

Using this worksheet which is based on the AGREE II instrument, evaluate your clinical practice guideline using these questions:

Domain I: Score and Purpose

· What is the overall objective of the guideline? What is the scope and purpose of this CPG?

· What health question(s) are covered by the guideline? Be specific.

· Who is the target population (patients, public, consumers, students, etc.) to whom the guideline is meant to apply? Who are the recipients of the services outlined in the document?

Domain 2: Stakeholder Involvement

· What professions are represented in the guideline development group?

· How well were the target populations’ views and preferences considered and sought?

Domain 3: Rigor of Development

· What systematic methods were used to search for evidence to develop the CPG?

· What were the criteria for selecting the evidence?

· What are the strengths and limitations of the body of evidence used to develop the CPG?

· How were health benefits, side effects, and risks considered in developing the CPG?

· What explicit link is present between the recommendations and the supporting evidence?

· How was the CPG externally reviewed by experts prior to its publication?

· What procedure is in place for updating the CPG?

Domain 4: Clarity and presentation

· What key recommendations are presented? How specific and unambiguous are the recommendations? How easily identifiable where these recommendations?

· What are the different options for managing the condition or health issue presented in the CPG? How clearly are they presented in the CPG?

Domain 5: Applicability

· What facilitators and barriers to the application of the CPG?

· How did the CPG provide advice and/or tools on the application of the recommendation into practice?

· What potential resource implications of applying the recommendations have been considered?

· What key monitoring and/or auditing criteria are presented in the CPG?

Domain 6: Editorial independence

· How ere the views of the funding body kept from influencing the content of the guideline?

· What conflicts of interest are possible?

· How are the competing interests of the CPG group members recorded and addressed?


· Does the CPG answer the key clinical questions presented in the CPG?

· How will you, as the advanced practice nurse, apply this CPG in practice?