PHIL 447 Week 1 Short Paper Latest

PHIL 447 Week 1 Short Paper Latest

PHIL 447 Week 1 Short Paper Latest

Please complete the assignment, Facts and Opinions. You will be writing a paper evaluating a short article on a topic of controversy or interest. Please see the document Week 1 Assignment Directions located in Doc Sharing for full instructions.

Submit your completed paper to the Dropbox by the end of Week 1. As with all weekly written assignments in this course, it is most important to follow the directions carefully and sequentially.

Doc Sharing also contains a page of general directions that apply to all written papers for this course.

Language and communication are also important in this course, so take care to write as well as you can. Use the Spell Checking and Grammar functions on your computer. Word is the required format for everything you submit in this course.

Write your answer in a Word document and save it with a filename SurnameThinkingWeek1.docx.

For example, Chiquita Banana would name her assignment BananaThinkingWeek1.docx.

For this week, using the format provided will ease your way.

Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page