NIU NURS304 Discussion 2 latest
NIU NURS304 Discussion 2 latest
You only need to post an initial response to one of the following. Your participation posts can be to anyone and either option. The only rule regarding your selection is what others have posted. Half of your group will respond to option #1 and half of your group will respond to option #2. Therefore if you are in a group of 6 and when you log on 3 people already made a post to option #1 than you will make your initial post to option #2. Your posts to others can be in either option #1 or #2.
Option 1: In the following scenario, discuss the developmental, age, socioeconomic and cross-cultural considerations that should be considered during the gathering of the subjective and objective data and the provision of health care. Discuss the findings presented. Is there additional information / assessments you would like to know prior to making a clinical judgment?
It is December in a northern state. S.A. has brought her two children, ages 3 and 5 years, to the health clinic for the first time. She states that she recently emigrated from India. She is wearing a sari with a light coat, and each child is wearing a light jacket. Interaction between parent and children is appropriate. The children both fall at the 4th percentile for both height and weight. Overall, nutrition status appears to be satisfactory.
Option 2: S.P. is a 75-year-old female who presents to the provider’s office with fatigue. Subjective data includes: PMH – hypertension, hyperlipidemia, MI 3 years ago; fatigue started about a month ago, getting worse; relieved with rest, exacerbated with activity; denies chest pain, ankles swollen. The Objective data includes: Vital signs T 98.3, P 112, R 18, BP 110/54; Lungs – bilateral lower lobe crackles anterior and posterior; O2 sat = 94% on RA; Skin is cool to touch; CV- heart rate regular, positive peripheral pulses, ECG=no changes, +2 edema bilateral ankles; Medications include Metoprolol 20mg/day and Aspirin 325mg per day.
1. What other questions should the nurse ask about the fatigue?
2. What other assessments are necessary for this patient?
3. Based on the readings, what is the most likely cause of fatigue for this patient?
NIU NURS304 Discussion 3 latest
As in prior discussion forum. Your initial post can be to either option #1 or option #2. However, the group must split so that half the group does #1 and the other half does #2.
Option #1 – S.P. is a 3-year-old female toddler who presents to the pediatrician’s office for a yearly well visit. The child complains that her leg hurts. Subjective data includes: PMH of otitis media; up to date immunizations; no medications; no allergies; pain is 3/5 on pain scale; attends preschool and unable to recall injuring leg. Objective data includes: vital signs – T 98.6, P 92, R 18, B/P 100/70. Lungs clear in all anterior and posterior fields, heart rate and rhythm regular, moving all extremities; full ROM in legs and arms, and strength 5/5 in all extremities.
1. What other question should the nurse ask?
2. What other techniques are helpful to incorporate in assessing a patient in this age group?
3. What other assessments should the nurse make for this clinical presentation?
4. What are a few of the major differences in the musculoskeletal assessment of a child?
5. Based on the readings what is the most likely cause of leg pain for this patient?
Option #2 – Discuss the developmental, age, socioeconomic, and cross-cultural considerations that should be considered during the gathering of the subjective and objective data and the provision of healthcare. Discuss the findings presented. Is there additional information / assessments you would like to know prior to making a clinical judgment? Also, relate the anatomic area of injury or physiologic alteration to the neurologic source of that condition.
J.L. had a CVA within the past week. J.L. is easily frustrated, anxious, and fearful, and her speech is slurred. She needs verbal cuing for any task she is asked to carry out. She eats only food on the left side of the tray and responds only when approached from the left side.