NURS693 Week 5 Discussion latest

NURS693 Week 5 Discussion latest

NURS693 Week 5 Discussion latest

Share the theoretical or conceptual framework that you are using in your research proposal. Explain why you chose/developed this framework. Reference any nursing theoretical underpinnings if it supports your framework. How do you see this research as eventually helping the nursing profession or informatics specialists in general?


NURS693 Week 5 Theoretical or Conceptual Framework

This week, review your literature and look for gaps of knowledge in your topic. What is missing? What questions do you still have that you can potentially solve in your research? Compose a 2- to 3-page paper that outlines the framework for your research project.

Address the following:

Explain the problem and briefly summarize the research you have completed in your literature review.

Define any gaps or relationships that are apparent and how you will address them in your project. Be sure to reference back to your research questions and problems to ensure that the gaps correlate with your problem and questions.

Demonstrate that the solution you propose is not based on your personal opinions or guesses, but are formed from the facts that you have read from the authors of the previous research.

You may find that you are adding onto your references and your literature review based on new investigation and that is okay!

Explain your perspective and reference any nursing or informatics theoretical underpinnings if it supports your framework.

NURS693 Week 6 Discussion DQ1+DQ2 latest


Although you are not implementing your project at this point and conducting studies with human participants, IRB is an important step in research. State the required components one should look for in a project to determine if IRB submission is needed. Discuss an example of a research study found in one of your literature review articles that needed IRB approval. Specifically, describe why IRB approval was needed in this instance.


Visit the Yale Center for Bioethics Cases in Research Ethics website. Choose one of the three cases below to read and respond to in this week’s discussion. Be sure to read the background of the study, the ethical and regulatory issues raised by the IRB, and the comments presented at the end of each case.

Choose from one of these three cases:

Case 1: Payments to subjects who are substance abusers

Case 5: Reasonable right to privacy for patients accessing hospital services

Case 6: An ethnographic study of homeless adolescents

Address the following in your response:

Identify the key ethical issues that are questioned in this case and the category of risk: physical, psychological, social, or economic harm.

Do you feel the level of questioning and concern by the IRB was appropriate? Were you surprised by any of the IRB’s decisions? Explain.

Identify a risk or red flag in this study that you may not have considered on your own prior to reading this study.

Present a new perspective you gained about the IRB, the type of study you read about, the ethics involved, or human subject research processes.

In your replies to peers, respond to at least one peer who chose a different study.


NURS693 Week 7 Discussion latest

All research projects are based around variables, which are essentially the characteristics of an individual, group, or the environment that is of interest in a research study. Variables can be straightforward and measurable (e.g., gender, age, amounts, funding). Variables can also be complex (e.g., socioeconomic status of a group, attitudes toward a topic, aspects of a system). Now that your research topic has been identified and you have reviewed the overall literature and constructed your framework, you should identify the key variables of interest. In the discussion board this week, free write a list of variables that revolve around and within your topic of study. Are there variables that are of particular interest or focus in your study? Can you narrow your study down based on your list of variables? Is there anything you need to do to narrow your scope of research and your research questions?

NURS693 Week 7 Predictions Outcomes and Variables latest

Develop your project predictions and desired outcomes portion of your paper using the following as starting points:

Describe the desired outcomes: Specifically, state the purpose, focus, and viewpoint of the project as well as its expected accomplishments. While you may not be implementing your project, you should have a goal in mind that relates to solving your problem.

A project goal should reference the project’s benefits in terms of cost, time, and/or quality that address needs or changes, results, impacts, or consequences that the project has on people, programs, or institutions.

Goals and objectives should be measurable, shared, and hypothetically agreed on by all key stakeholders. They are directly linked to the concept of project success factors.

What variables need to be considered and would you have control over them? For example, if you were to implement a department wide system change, would budget be an issue and how would you address that variable?

If you were to implement your study, how would you gather data? Would the focus be qualitative or quantitative?

What will your research provide to the community or to social change?

In the statistical sense, what is already known about your problem? Cite evidence from your literature review.

Compose a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the intended outcomes of your project.