NUR3516 Week 1 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest
NUR3516 Week 1 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest
How is stress different than a crisis? What makes a person “crisis-prone”?
How did the introduction of psychotropic medication and the deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill influence current crisis intervention and the provision of mental health services?
When MUST a counselor, nurse, or other health care provider (HCP) breech confidentiality? When MAY a counselor, nurse, or HCP breech confidentiality? Give an example -maybe even one where you were directly involved. (Do not use real names or breech confidentiality.)
Explain the assigned readings from the ANA Scope and Standards, ANA Social Policy Statement, and ANA Code of Ethics state in relation to confidentiality.
Week 2 Discussion
Read the case study on page 862 in Clark 6th edition* entitled Caring for a Client with Depression. Consider you are the nurse caring for Donna. Describe the type of crisis or crises Donna is experiencing. How might you assess her risk for suicide or harm to others such as her baby? What interventions might you implement in Donna’s plan of care? Who else might need to be involved in Donna’s care? Provide rationales for all responses.
*If you have Clark 5th edition, the case study is on page 926.
Describe the 4 stages for successful mourning.
What are some special needs of a parent who has lost a child to death?
Relate the assigned readings from the ANA Scope and Standards, and the ANA Code of Ethics to the needs of the parent and stages of mourning.
Week 3 Discussion
What is a need of most adolescents that often is thwarted and leads to acting out through self-destructive behaviors?
Discuss a developmental crisis or special situational crises of adolescence and possible intervention strategies to deal with it.
Nurses assess patients’ use of alcohol and drugs upon admission. Many times those under the influence present to emergency rooms for medical crisis situations. Explain how you would go about assessing for substance abuse and crises. What type of interventions might be appropriate for alcoholics or substance abusers? Describe 5 defense mechanisms that are often utilized by enablers and co-dependents.