NUR3516 Week 2 Handout Assignment
NUR3516 Week 2 Handout Assignment
Handout Assignment Guideline
DUE DATE: Sunday of Week 2
Summary: Patient handouts have been used by nurses for many years as a teaching tool. A good patient handout can be an effective teaching strategy for additional patient education. For this assignment, you will create a two-page only patient handout or brochure outlining specific criteria and based on your readings and literature searches.
Who you will What you will write about How you will write How you will evaluate and
write for support
Primary Topic: Crisis Intervention Format: Create your Write in your own words by
Audience: The Education assignment in a paraphrasing content from other
primary audience Microsoft Word sources and cite according to is the general For this assignment, you will document. There are APA standards. Citations can be population of create a two-page only patient templates you can use in a smaller font following any patients in your handout or brochure. Consider within Microsoft paraphrased content.
community. the use of variety, balance, text Word if you wish.
and images placed Save it in a location It is important to present your
Tone: This asymmetrically and with on your computer and ideas about the subject matter assignment is to simplicity. with a name that through your reflection and be written in follows this analysis. Present the information third person as it You will address all of the format: Last name, to your audience in terms they reflects your following criteria on your First name, can understand. Write as if you professional handout/brochure: NUR3516, Crisis are telling the information to the insight and
• Discuss the definition of a Brochure. person who is reading the research findings. “crisis” Organization: Your brochure.
• Describe how a crisis can be both an opportunity handout/brochure References: Include a minimum
Secondary and a danger should have a balance of three (3) references; one (1)
Audience: As
• Analyze how someone of informational being a nursing journal article your instructor, I becomes “crisis prone” content and images. (no more than 5 years old). Use will read and
• Provide suggestions for Images should not proper APA paraphrasing, in-evaluate how assistance constitute large text citations, and corresponding effectively you portions of your reference for all sources.
have addressed Consider your audience, handout/brochure.
your primary There should not be References should be found
varying cultures, and literacy
audience. large amounts of somewhere on the two pages.
levels as you create your white space nor DO NOT move to a third page.
brochure. The elderly may not should there be so Your references can be in a text be able to read typeface that is many things on it that box with smaller font.
Title: Crisis Intervention Patient Education Due Date: Sunday of Week 2
Audience: General Patient Population
Tone: Third Person
Format: APA Microsoft Word Handout or Brochure
Length: Two (2) pages ONLY
References: Minimum three (3) scholarly sources; One (1) being a current, nursing journal article
Assignment Rubric:
Criteria Allowed Points Comments
Points earned
Two-page ONLY handout/brochure 5
Covers all information completely.
Good sequencing of material with clear and concise content reflecting education of the general population.
Demonstrates synthesis, analysis, and evaluation of topic. Presented succinct and relevant information in consideration of a diverse population.
Handout/Brochure demonstrates good visual appeal. Graphics are appropriate for space and relate well
to message. Font is appropriate for population.
Minimum of 3 references (1 reference from a nursing peer reviewed journal within the last 5 years) included on the two pages and in APA format and style.
No spelling errors. Excellent grammar/spelling/punctuation.
Proper APA Format, Citations, and 5
Total points 100
To ensure that you get the most benefit from your BSN education and meet learning/program outcomes, this assignment is NOT optional. All students must complete the assignment in order to pass the course. Failure to submit the assignment will result in an F in the course regardless of the numeric grade without the assignment.