NURS 6623 Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner PMHNP Diagnosis & Management I: Clinical Application
NURS 6623 Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner PMHNP Diagnosis & Management I: Clinical Application
Primary care experience in health promotion, disease prevention, diagnosis and management of psychiatric illnesses. Additionally, this course emphasizes collaborative, partnership development among patients, families, and interprofessional teams
Credit hour allocation: 6 semester credit hours
Clock hour allocation: 300 clock hours clinical practicum; 15 clock hours seminar
- NURS 6412 PMHNP Diagnosis and Management: Concepts and Theory I
- NURS 6416 PMHNP Diagnosis and Management: Concepts and Theory II
Upon completion of the Master of Science in Nursing Program (MSN) students will:
- Integrate scientific findings from nursing and related sciences, including genetics and genomics, into the delivery of advanced nursing care to populations in diverse settings.
- Demonstrate organizational and systems leadership to assure ethical and critical decision-making at all systems’ levels for quality and patient safety.
- Incorporate performance improvement strategies for quality, safety, and patient-centered care delivery.
- Use improvement science to achieve optimal patient care and care environment outcomes.
- Integrate meaningful and usable information systems and healthcare technologies to support safe, quality patient care and healthcare systems effectiveness.
- Advocate for policy changes that influence healthcare at appropriate levels.
- Lead interprofessional teams using collaborative strategies to effect quality patient care and population health outcomes.
- Analyze and incorporate broad ecological and social health determinants to design and deliver evidence-based clinical prevention and population healthcare and services to individuals, families, and aggregates/identified populations.
- Integrate the advanced competencies expected of a master’s prepared nurse to design, deliver, and evaluate outcomes of systems of care for individuals, families, and diverse populations.
- Provide patient-centered mental healthcare with emphasis on health promotion, disease prevention, health protection, anticipatory guidance, counseling, and disease management of patients and families during developmental transitions and life-style adjustments in psychiatric practice across the lifespan (Essentials I, VIII, IX).
- Integrate knowledge of acute and chronic psychiatric illness to diagnose and manage patients and families from birth through old age as health status varies (Essentials I, IV, IX).
- Integrate history and physical examination data with the knowledge of pathophysiology and psychopathology of acute and chronic psychiatric disorders from birth through old age to develop appropriate differential diagnoses, and initiate appropriate customized interventions (Essentials I, IX).
- Integrate traditional and complementary pharmacological interventions into the treatment and management of psychiatric illnesses (Essentials I, IX).
- Integrate social, cultural, explanatory models, and spiritual components in patient-centered plans of care (Essentials I, IX).
- Demonstrate core professional values and ethical/legal standards in the implementation of the nurse practitioner role (Essentials I, VIII, IX).
- Create a climate of patient-centered care to include confidentiality, privacy, comfort, emotional support, education, mutual trust and respect (Essentials II, IX).
- Use self-reflection to evaluate progress in professional development as an integral member of the interprofessional team (Essential II, VII, IX).
A = 4 points (90-100)
B = 3 points (80-89)
C = 2 points (75-79)
D = 1 point (66-74)
F = 0 points (65 or below)
This course contains 5 credit hours of clinical practicum (300 clinical hours) and 1 credit hour of a seminar for a total of 6 credits.
Grade for the Course is Pass or Fail. See course packet inside Canvas for more details.
Written assignments are required. Clinical Seminar Participation is required.
Students must pass clinical practicum to pass the course regardless of written work grades.
300 hours of clinical practicum required.
See course packet in CANVAS for details.
The APA Publication Manual 6th edition is required for use in all nursing school programs.
American Psychiatric Nurses Association, International Society of Psychiatric Mental Health Nurses, American Nurses Association. (2014) Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice ISBN: 9781558102507
American Nurses Association (2015). Nursing: Scope and standards of practice, 3rd Ed. Silver Springs, MD: ISBN: ISBN: 978-1-55810-619-2
American Nurses Association (2015). Guide to the Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements: Development, Implementation and Application. ISBN: 9781558106031
American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition Paperback (DSM-5). American Psychiatric Association. ISBN 978-0-89042-555-8 (you should already have this text)
Beck, J.S. (2011). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Basics and Beyond 2nd Edition. Guilford Press. ISBN: 978-1-60918-504-6 you should already have this text
Blazer DG, Steffens DG, Busse EW. The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Geriatric Psychiatry. 5th ed. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing; 2015. Use the electronic edition available through the library
Caplan G, & Caplan R.B. (1993) Mental Health Consultation and Collaboration. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press; ISBN 13: 978-1-57766-073-6
Dunphy, L.M. , Windland-Brown, J.E., Porter, B.O., & Thomas, D.J. (2015). Primary Care: Art & Science of Advanced Practice Nursing, 4th Ed. F.A. Davis. ISBN: 9780803638013
Goldenberg H & Goldenberg I. (2013) Family Therapy: An Overview 8th Ed. Belmont CA: Cengage. ISBN13: 978-1-111-82880-6
Longo DL, Fauci AS, Kasper DL, Hauser SL, Jameson JL, Loscalzo J, eds. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine.19th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; Use the electronic edition through the library
Perse, E.F. (2012) Psychiatric Advanced Practice Nursing: A Biopsychosocial Approach. F.A. Davis. ISBN 98-0-8036-2247-0 (you should already have this text)
Sadock, B.J. & Sadock, V.A. (2015). Kaplan & Sadock’s Synopsis of Psychiatry: Behavioral Sciences/Clinical Psychiatry, 11th Ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ISBN: 978-1-60913-971
Stahl, S. (2013) Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology: Neuroscientific Basis and Practical Applications 4th Edition. Paperback Edition. ISBN: 9781107686465 (you should already have this text)
Stahl, S. (2014). The Prescriber’s Guide, 5th Edition. New York, Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-1107675025
Van Leeuen, A.M. & Bladh, M.L. (2015). Davis’s Comprehensive Handbook of Laboratory & Diagnostic Tests with Nursing Implications 6th Ed. F.A. Davis ISBN: 978-0-8036-4405-5
Wheeler, K. (2013). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how to guide for evidence based practice 2nd Edition Springer Publishing. ISBN: 9780826110008 (you should already have this text)
Winston, A., Rosenthal, R.N. & Pinsker, H. (2012). Learning supportive psychotherapy: An illustrated guide. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-58562-399-0
Yalom, I.D. & Leszzcz, M. (2005). The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy 5th Ed. New York: Basic Books.ISBN: 978-0-465-09-284-0
Yearwood E, Pearson G, & Newland J. (Eds.) (2012). Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health: A Resource for Advanced Practice Psychiatric and Primary Care Practitioners in Nursing. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley; ISBN: 978-0-8138-0786-7
Antai-Otong D. (2006) Nurse-Client Communication: A lifespan approach, (6th Ed). New York, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning; ISBN-13: 9780763735883
Boyd M.A. (2014). Psychiatric Nursing: Contemporary Practice (Enhanced Update). 5th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ISBN/ISSN: 9781496308740
Carlat D.J. (2012). The Psychiatric Interview. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; ISBN-13: 978-1451110197
Gilman S, Newman SW. (2003). Manter and Gatz’s Essentials of Clinical Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology. 10th ed. Philadelphia, PA: FA Davis. ISBN-13: 978-0803607729
Martin A, Bloch, MH, & Volkmar, FR (eds.) (2018) Lewis’ Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: A Comprehensive Textbook. 5th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams &Wilkins; ISBN-13: 978-1496345493
- OSCEsClinical Practicum:
General Adult Hours: 175
Child & Adolescent Hours 125 or
Geriatric Psychiatry 125 hoursThe practicum must be completed by April 26, 2019
Learning Supportive Psychotherapy:
General Concepts
Principles and Mode of Action
Assessment, Case Formulation, and Goal Setting
General Framework
Therapeutic Relationship
Crisis Intervention
Special Populations (Substance Use Disorders)
Evaluating Competencies and Outcomes