NUR 3826 Week 1 Discussions 1 and 2
NUR 3826 Week 1 Discussions 1 and 2
DQ1 Right Wrong Picture
Differentiate between the terms “Ethics”, “Morals”, and “Values”.
Discuss why ethical theories are important to nursing practice.
Discuss a situation from your clinical practice or training where one or more ethical principles was supportive of care or was in conflict of care.
DQ2 Explain the term “standard of care” from a legal and a nursing perspective.
Include support for your explanation by using references from your ANA Essentials of Nursing Package (Scope and Standards of Practice, Guide to Nursing’s Social Policy Statement, and the Guide to the Code of Ethics for Nurses).
Week 2 Discussion
DQ1 Are you knowledgeable about your own state statutes and regulations regarding informed consent?
1. Discuss the law or rules of informed consent in your state or workplace organization.
2. What ethical issues should be realized by practicing nurses in regards to consent?
3. How does the process of consenting patients for genetic testing differ?
4. Many patients or family members ask nurses for further clarification regarding genetic testing and often the response is in terms of what the health care provider himself or herself would do. Discuss this phenomenon and include the concept of “paternalism” in your remarks.
DQ2 Please thoroughly review the “Effective Documentation” and Electronic Medical Record (Computerized Charting)” content from Chapter Nine of the Guido (6th ed.) textbook.
After reviewing:
1) Discuss at least two of the findings you consider most important to your practice.
2) Does your present (or past) employer use Electronic Health Records (EHR)? If so, which technology platform is utilized? In your experience, describe your biggest challenges using EHR?
3) How can privacy and confidentiality be ensured with the use of electronic health records?
4) What ethical issues might arise from the use of technology in patient care?
5) Discuss if the electronic medical record has made documentation better from a legal perspective AND from the nurses’ practice perspective.