FP6005 M5 Assignment 2: RA2: Course Project Task II
FP6005 M5 Assignment 2: RA2: Course Project Task II
FP6005 Maladaptive Behavior & Psychopathology
M5 Assignment 2: RA2: Course Project Task II (Etiology and Treatment)
Etiology and Treatment
This assignment follows up on your M3 A2 assignment in which you made primary and secondary diagnoses and also considered some of the differential diagnoses for your chosen case.
Please do the following:
– Modify your diagnoses (if needed) based upon the feedback I gave or the questions I asked you to spur your thinking;
– Read five (5) peer-reviewed sources on the etiology of both your primary and secondary diagnosis.
– Read five (5) peer-reviewed sources on the treatment of both your primary and secondary diagnosis.
– Your paper should have these sections with the headings in bold:
– introduction
o etiology of primary diagnosis
o Etiology of secondary diagnosis
o Therapeutic modality of primary diagnosis
o Therapeutic modality of secondary diagnosis
o Justification of the Selected Therapeutic Modality for the Primary Diagnosis
o Justification of the Selected Therapeutic Modality for the Secondary Diagnosis
o Application of the Treatment for the Primary Diagnosis
o Application of the Treatment for the Secondary Diagnosis.
o Citations / References in APA style.
**Please focus on this, as this is still an issue.
– The total page should be 8-10 pages.
– NOTE: The developed emphasized that you should not discuss your differential diagnoses you did in Module 3 in this paper. These are just to get you thinking and to arrive at your ultimate diagnoses so there is no point of having it in the final paper. All that we need to address here is the two diagnoses that you decided upon: the primary and the secondary diagnosis.
This assignment is due Monday, July 20th. Note the special date for this assignment deadline as it is the last week of the course.