NSB 305 Assignment: Delegation of Duties in Nursing
NSB 305 Assignment: Delegation of Duties in Nursing

Sample Solution:
Delegation can be defined as the act of issuing authority to another person to accomplish certain tasks. The person who provided the authority or delegated the task still remains accountable for the results (Copeman, 2014). There are 5 rights that govern delegation in nursing practice and they include the right task, the right circumstance, the right person, the right communication and finally the right supervision. The delegation process involves defining the task to be delegated, decide on the delegate, determine the task, reach an agreement, monitor the performance and finally provide the feedback.
Choice Of The Issue And Justification
For my assignment, I have chosen delegation of duties. This is because delegation of duties is one of the issues that is experienced or exercised in the nursing practice on several incidences. The nursing profession requires a nurse to be on duty each and every time because the disease process is usually unpredictable. Besides, the nursing process involves emergencies like accidents (Démeh & Rosengren, 2015). Nurses are also expected to be in constant supervision of patients throughout. Due to this commitment nature of the job, it is necessary at one given time to delegate duties because the nurse in charge might be having some other urgent or pressing issues to handle such as sickness or family issues. Delegation of duties has both advantages and disadvantages within the nursing practice (Fischer, 2016). The advantages includes improving time management, building trust within the organization and it enables on to take advantage of the specialized skills for once (Harris, 2017). The disadvantages of delegation on the other hand include possible miscommunication conflicts, lack of desired commitments and the risk for inferior results. Even though delegation is necessary, the due steps to delegation should be adhered to for better outcome or results.
Explanation Of Impact If The Issue Is Unresloved
If delegation of duties is left unresolved at the hospital, there will be conflict at the workplace and impact on positive nursing teamwork. This is because delegation causes miscommunication conflicts and leads to lack of commitment (Lee & Kim, 2017). Delegation also leads to the risk of inferior or poor results. Since delegation of duties in the nursing department is all about the senior and experienced nurses leaving out certain duties for the junior nurses to accomplish, there could be a possibility of miscommunication on the overall expectation of the job and this leads to conflicts between the seniors and the junior staffs. The juniors who are assigned the duty would fear to seek clarification for potential sacking since they will appear incompetent enough (Lin, MacLennan, Hunt, & Cox, 2015). The senior nurses on the other hand would assume the complexity or the difficulty of the task and assume how simple it is to the juniors as it is to them and they would feel there is no need for thorough explanation of the task. This contrasting ideas on how the task would be achieved is the one that leads to conflict.
Delegation of duties will also impact the nursing teamwork at the hospital due to the lack of commitment. During delegation of tasks, studies have shown that the subordinate staff who has been delegated the task might not have the passion as the senior nursing staff themselves (Tyczkowski et al., 2015). This is due to the fact that it might never be their original idea from the onset. A good example is when you work hard for several months providing patient education and elicit positive reactions from the patients, then you will value the whole process than the person who never witnessed the original efforts(Wong, 2015). Lack of commitment from a section of the nurses eventual impact the positive nursing teamwork since some will feel they are being let down by their compatriots.