NR 451 Week 6 Discussion: Implementing Change Despite Resistance
NR 451 Week 6 Discussion: Implementing Change Despite Resistance
Implementing Change Despite Resistance
Change can be difficult to implement Now that you are almost finished with your change project, if you were to implement your project in your clinical practice, what type of resistance do you expect from staff? List at least three ways that you can lessen the resistance you may encounter to help ensure the success of your project.
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NR 451 Week 7 Discussion
Please go to to read the latest about the Affordable Care Act from the White House.
Respond to the questions below
• What are some benefits of the healthcare reform that has been prompted by the Affordable Care Act (ACA)?
• Why is it important to be aware of changes in healthcare policy?
• Why do you believe we spend more on healthcare than any other country but have the worst outcomes?
NR 451 Week 8 Discussion: The Future of Affordable, Safe, and Quality Healthcare
The Future of Affordable, Safe, and Quality Healthcare
What does the following statement mean to you?
In order to meet the challenges of taking care of older and sicker patients, incorporate patient safety and quality of care into practice, and understand economics and its effect on the workforce, nurses must take a leading role in the future of healthcare and remain current in their profession by means of engagement in lifelong learning.
Grading Rubric:
Assignment Criteria |
A (100%) Exceptional Outstanding or highest level of performance |
B (88%) Exceeds Very good or high level of performance |
C (80%) Meets Competent or satisfactory level of performance |
NI (38%) Needs Improvement Poor or failing level of performance |
F (0%) Developing Unsatisfactory level of performance |
The Problem 30 points |
Summary of change model and Practice issued addressed Statistical information as it relates to work area,scope of problem to healthcare as a whole, discussed. Team, stakeholders and role/reason chosen is discussed and is logical. 30 points ☐ |
Summary of change model and Practice issued addressed Statistical information as it relates to work area is missing and scope of problem to healthcare discussed. Team, stakeholders and their role/reason chosen is discussed and is logical. 26 points ☐ |
Summary of change model discussed and Practice issued addressed Statistical information as it relates to work area is missing and scope of problem to healthcare discussed minimally. Team, stakeholders and their role/reason chosen discussed and is logical. 24 points ☐ |
Summary of change model is not discussed however, Practice issued is addressed Statistical information as it relates to work area is missing and scope of problem to healthcare discussed Team and stakeholders stated butrole/ reason chosen is not discussed. 11 points ☐ |
None of the elements were present. 0 points ☐ |
The Evidence 35 points |
Discussion of the evidence is done in terms of themes the author/s pull from the multiple articles in the Systematic Review. Pertinent information is summarized. Sources are not listed individually but as an Evidence Summary synthesized into concepts discovered. 35 points ☐ |
Discussion of the evidence is done in terms of themes. Pertinent information is in paragraph as one overriding theme pulled from the Systematic Review. Sources are not listed individually but as an Evidence Summary synthesized into concepts discovered. 31 points ☐ |
Discussion of the evidence is done in terms of individual authors within the article. Pertinent information is not summarized. Sources listed individually but as an Evidence Summary synthesized into concepts discovered. 28 points ☐ |
Discussion of the evidence is done in terms individual authors. Pertinent information is not summarized. Sources are not listed individually but as an Evidence Summary synthesized into concepts discovered. 13 points ☐ |
There is no discussion of the evidence. 0 points ☐ |
The Plan 35 points |
Plan of action described. Important elements are discussed and logical. Timeline is thorough and contains all elements. Timeline is logical and appropriate. 35 points ☐ |
Plan of action described but not all important elements included. OR Timeline is present but doesn’t contain all elements. 31 points ☐ |
Plan of action described but not all important elements included AND Timeline is present but doesn’t contain all elements. 28 points ☐ |
Plan of action is present but not logical and is incomplete. The timeline is not appropriate or logical. 13 points ☐ |
Plan of action is not present. The timeline is not present. 0 points ☐ |
The Nurse’s Role 25 points |
The nurse’s role in the pilot plan is described and clear. Procedures for the pilot plan are clear and concise. 25 points ☐ |
The nurses’ role is described but not clear. OR Procedures are discussed but not clear. 22 points ☐ |
The nurses’ role is described but not clear. AND Procedures are discussed but not clear. 20 points ☐ |
The nurse’s roles are not appropriate. Procedures are not clearly written and are incomplete. 10 points ☐ |
Nurses’ roles are absent. Procedures are absent. 0 points ☐ |
Resources 20 points |
Form for tracking outcomes during pilot study is included. Resources (to help with the project) the nurses need are included. At least three resources included. The nurse investigator, the team, internet resources, or other resources is included. 20 points ☐ |
Form for tracking outcomes included. At least three resources the nurses need to help with the project are included but the resources were not the best suited resources for the project. 18 points ☐ |
Form for tracking outcomes included but was not well-developed. At least two resources are included but are not included for the duration of the project. 16 points ☐ |
Form for tracking outcomes is poorly developed. Only one resource is listed. 8 points ☐ |
Form for tracking outcomes is absent No appropriate resources are listed. 0 points ☐ |
Summary 10 points |
Summary slide reiterates the problem and purpose of the plan along with the measurable goals. 10 points ☐ |
Summary slide reiterates the problem AND purpose. Goals are stated but are not referenced in terms of success. 9 points ☐ |
Summary slide reiterates the problem OR the purpose, but not both. Goals are stated. 8 points ☐ |
Summary slide reiterates the problem OR the purpose, but not both. Goals are not mentioned. 4 points ☐ |
Summary slide is not shown. 0 points ☐ |
Overall presentation 20 points |
Presentation is presented in a clear and logical manner. PowerPoint is appealing and includes creativity. Font is easy to read. 20 points ☐ |
Presentation is accurate and covers most elements. 18 points ☐ |
Presentation content is accurate and can be followed, but it lacks flow and creativity. 16 points ☐ |
Presentation lacks organization. Creativity is difficult to follow. 8 points ☐ |
Presentation lacks any attempt at organization and comes across as chaotic. 0 points ☐ |
Mechanics 25 points |
Includes title slide.Grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure are correct. References properly cited within the presentation. Reference slide includes all citations within the PowerPoint presentation. Evidence of spell and grammar check. 25 points ☐ |
Title slide is incomplete. Minimal errors in grammar, punctuation, and/or sentence structure noted. References are present, with minimal errors in format within the PowerPoint presentation. Citations are present but not correct format. 22 points ☐ |
Missing title slide Multiple grammar and punctuation errors noted. References do not include all citations within the PowerPoint presentation. 20 points ☐ |
The title slide is missing. The references are improperly formatted and are incomplete within the PowerPoint presentation. Errors in spelling and grammar are evident. 10 points ☐ |
Title slide and citations are missing. References are missing. No evidence of proof-reading prior to submitting assignment. 0 points ☐ |
Total Possible Points = 200 points: |