NUR 405 Week 6 Individual Assignment – Persuasive Letter

NUR 405 Week 6 Individual Assignment – Persuasive Letter

NUR 405 Week 6 Individual Assignment – Persuasive Letter

Product Description

Resources: Completed Data Compilation and Assignment Grading Criteria: Persuasive Letter

Write a 750- to 1,000-word persuasive letter to an appropriate health care agency. In your letter, describe some specific health care resources that are needed in the participating family’s community and how this agency might address these needs.

Address the following points in your letter:

·  Explain the importance of advocacy in the field of nursing.

·  Explain why you chose to contact this agency.

·  Explain how the participating family’s health needs represent greater community health and environmental issues.

·  Summarize the issue and specify how this agency can address the health education and health care provision needs of the community.

·  Refer to the data you compiled to support your assertion.

·  Relate the issue to a global health initiative from a prominent health care organization, such as United Nations, World Health Organization, or Sigma Theta Tau International.

·  Attach your data compilation table as an appendix of supporting information to the Persuasive Letter.

Format your letter consistent with APA guidelines for formal letter writing.

Submit the following with your assignment:

·  Clinical Log for time spent compiling data

·  Data Compilation as an Appendix.


NUR 405 Week 7 Team Assignment State Health Department Proposal

Product Description

Resource: Assignment Grading Criteria: Watson Job-Aid and Reflection

Create a job-aid such as a matrix, brochure, video, or podcast for colleagues in your current nursing practice that emphasizes caring relationships and evidence-based practice.

 Include the following components in the job-aid:

·  One Healthy People 2020 Health Indicator that is relevant to your community

·  Explanation or demonstration on how evidence-based research and practice should improve the delivery of health care in the community as it relates to the indicator

·  Explanation or discussion on how elements of Watson’s theory of caring should influence health care delivery in the community as it related to the indicator

Write a 350- to 700-word reflection on the job-aid in which you explain the following:

·  How evidence-based research should guide the ability to deliver health care in the community

·  How a health care issue in one’s local community relate to global health care issues

·  How global issues relate to local community health care delivery challenges

·  How the concept of advocacy influences community nursing practice

·  The future trends in this community

Format your reflection consistent with APA guidelines.

Submit the Job-Aid and Reflection as instructed by your facilitator.