Qualitative Study on Nursing Research Assignment

Qualitative Study on Nursing Research Assignment

Qualitative Study on Nursing Research Assignment

Nursing Assignment Questions

The Major Assignment consists of three written tasks. Each task will be graded in terms of both completing the minimum task and undertaking a reasoned, knowledgeable and scholarly approach. This assessment will contribute 64% to the overall grade.

Task 1: Design a qualitative study

Task 2: Validity in qualitative research

Task 3: Reflexivity and qualitative research


Sample Nursing Assignment Solution




Diabetes Mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases in which the sugar level of a person is high over a long period of time. It has vast areas of complications affecting all major systems of our body, which severely impacts on the quality of life. The disease is less understood in the general public and the detection rate is poor. The global pandemic of diabetes mellitus shows an increasing trend both in developed and in developing countries. This is due to number of factors such as population ageing, obesity and greater survival among patients with diabetes due to improved management. It is predicated that by 2025 worldwide 318 million people will be suffering from diabetes while 418 million with impaired glucose level.  (Van Dieren S, May 2010)

With the current pace of growth of diabetes in Australia it is expected that up to 3 million of ns above the age of 25 years will have diabetes by the year 2025. At present around 1 million Australians have been diagnosed with diabetes. Indigenous Australians have a three times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than non Indigenous Australians.  (Diabetes: the silent pandemic and its impact on Australia , 2012) Type 2 diabetes in Australia is occurring due to rising obesity, the ageing population, and dietary and sedentary lifestyles.

According to WHO, Social determinants of health comprise of education, income, age, gender, the physical environment, health care access and social support networks. Health care seeking behavior includes the socio-demographic factors, treatment options available, the decision making capability, provider and patient relationship, etc. Healthcare-seeking behavior in patients with diabetes mellitus has not been studied to a large extent and far less in developing countries. The qualitative studies conducted to understand the healthcare seeking behavior in diabetes patients suggests that changing the healthcare providers as well as the treatment option often can affect the glycaemic control of diabetes patients adversely.

The treatment is mostly sought among doctors and nurses in the professional sector because of severe symptoms along with complications related to the disease. In cases of failure of treatment female patients more than men seek advices from complementary alternative medicine (CAM) and traditional healers. Females report larger number of symptoms then men and the consequent follow up is more than male patients. Among the availability of healthcare services females often opt for free Governmental institutions while males prefer private for-profit clinics. (Atwine, 2011) The diabetes care also shows influence of self-efficacy related to ethnic differences. Self-efficacy emerges to be an important determinant in explaining the differences in levels of HbA1c in patients.  (Lanting LC, July 2008)

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