NURS 3001 Week 5 Discussion – Walden

NURS 3001 Week 5 Discussion – Walden

NURS 3001 Week 5 Discussion – Walden

Product Description: NURS 3001 Week 5 Discussion – Walden

American Nurses Association

The American Nursing Association (ANA) is the single largest nursing organization in the …

NA: Contribution and Impact on Nursing and Healthcare

Perhaps the single most significant impact of the ANA has been the creation of the …

Nursing Practice: The influence of Collective Bargaining Units vs. Professional Organizations

Nursing has always been an ethically driven service industry. Most nurses have fairly …


NURS 3100 Week 5 Discussion (Walden)

Product Description

One of the biggest issues in the hospital is the readmission and death rates after leaving thehospital within 30 days of being discharged for pneumonia, copd, stroke, heart failure.  I looked on the Medicare database for my hospital, Kaiser Foundation Hospital in Fontana. Per this database, the readmissions rates were no different than the national average, as well as the death rates.

NURS 3001 Application Week 5 Legal Ethics-Overtime (Walden)

Product Description

Legal and Ethical Issues Related to the Workplace: The Practice of Mandatory Overtime

Mandatory Overtime for Nurses

The topic and of mandatory overtime for nurses is one that has been debated for years by …

Employment Law

In order to understand the employee rights in situations where overtime is required, we …

The Kentucky Board of Nursing and Mandatory Overtime

Kentucky is an employment at will state. The Kentucky Board of Nursing (KBN) doesn’t ….

How Nursing Organizations are Addressing Compulsory Overtime

Several nursing organizations including the American Nursing Association (ANA), …

From the Front Lines

As a staff nurse in the ER, working full-time, the requirements are six, twelve-hour shifts …

Week 6 Discussion 2 (Walden)

Product Description

Genetics and Genomics

Every day during the admission of a patient, we ask them numerous questions about …

Incorporating Genomics into Practice

The sheer volumes of information clinical nurses require completing their daily job …

Genomics and Assessment

Nearly all nurses will agree a key component of patient assessment is patient and family …

NURS 3001 Week 6 The Scholar Practitioner and Social Change (Walden)

Product Description

The Scholar Practitioner and Social Change

The nursing occupation consists of professional expert practice that requires the …

Social Responsibility: Expansion of Nursing and Healthcare

Changes in healthcare and the patient population have resulted in large numbers of patients …

NURS 3100 Week 6 Reflection Paper (Walden)

Product Description

I can’t believe this class is already over and how much we have learned! Looking back on when I first started, I had hoped to learn and understand statistics and how to apply it to my everyday life. I remember reading the first chapters and how different polls are taken and the margin of error, and how that affects the polls. I found this to be especially interesting …

NURS 3100 Final Paper (Walden)

Product Description

Patient Safety Measures

NURS 3100 Week 6, Issues and Trends

Patient Safety Measures

There are many quality control indicators that are in place to ensure patient safety, and overall better outcome, when they are admitted into the hospital. These quality indicators are a preventative measure for our patients when in our care.  One quality indicator that is very important in the hospital setting, is patient safety measures.  The purpose of this paper is to inform the reader about why we have quality indicators for patient safety measures, and how it became important.