NUR 598 Week 2 Nursing Research Utilization Project Proposal Sections A & B Drafts
NUR 598 Week 2 Nursing Research Utilization Project Proposal Sections A & B Drafts
NUR 598 Week 3 Individual Assignment Nursing Research Utilization Project Proposal Section C Draft
Complete Section C: Research Support.
Develop a research base for the proposed solution that is sufficient to support its use.
Provide a sufficient (4-6 articles) and compelling research base for the proposed solution.
Summarize all research reports used in a concise manner and provide acceptable internal and external validity.
Describe the essential components of each study so readers can evaluate the scientific merits.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. NUR 598 Week 2 Nursing Research Utilization Project Proposal Sections A & B Drafts
NUR 598 Week 4 Individual Assignment Nursing Research Utilization Project Proposal Section D
Complete Section D: Implementation Plan.
Describe the methods to be used to implement the proposed solution.
Describe the overall plan for implementing the proposed solution.
Identify resources needed for the proposed solution’s implementation.
Describe the methods for monitoring solution implementation.
Describe the way(s) in which a theory of planned change was used to develop the implementation plan.
Discuss the feasibility of the implementation plan
Complete Section E: Evaluation Plan.
Describe the methods to be used to evaluate the solution.
Outcome Measure:
Develop or revise an outcome measure that evaluates the extent to which the project objective is achieved. A copy of the measure must be included in the appendix.
Describe the ways in which the outcome measure is valid, reliable, sensitive to change, and appropriate for use in this proposed project.
Evaluation Data Collection:
Describe the methods for collecting outcome measure data and the rationale for using those methods.
Identify resources needed for evaluation.
Discuss the feasibility of the evaluation plan.
Identify two possible grant funding sources and why your proposal would be a good fit for these sources.
NUR 598 WEEK 4 Annotated Bibliography
Review the same clinical setting as chosen in Week 2 Learning Team assignment.
Identify 5 peer-reviewed scholarly articles from the UOP library.
Develop an annotated bibliography for the articles and submit. Note: articles must relate to motivating individuals, teams, and the organization toward change.
Submit the assignment as directed by the instructor.
NUR 598 Week 5 Individual Assignment Nursing Research Utilization Project Proposal Sections F Draft
Complete Section F: Decision Making.
Describe the methods to be used to decide the future of the solution
Discuss methods and specific plans to maintain a successful project solution
Discuss methods and specific plans to extend a successful project solution
Discuss methods and specific plans to revise an unsuccessful project solution
Discuss methods and specific plans to terminate an unsuccessful solution.
Describe specific plans for feedback in the work setting and for communicating the project and its results to professional groups external to the project.
Format your paper consistent with APA 6.0 guidelines. NUR 598 Week 2 Nursing Research Utilization Project Proposal Sections A & B Drafts
NUR 598 Week 6 Individual Assignment Nursing Research Utilization Project Proposal Paper and Presentation
Prepare a nursing research-based project proposal, not to exceed 5,000 words, that is designed to address a problem in the professional work setting. The cover sheet, abstract, references page, and appendices are not included in the word limit.
Include the following content:
Abstract: between 200 and 350 words
Section A: Problem Identification—Identify a work-setting problem.
Section B: Solution Description—Develop a description of the proposed solution.
Section C: Research Support— Develop a research base for the proposed solution that is sufficient to support its use.
Section D: Implementation Plan—Describe the methods to be used to implement the proposed solution.
Section E: Evaluation Plan—Describe the methods to evaluate the solution.
Section F: Decision Making— Describe the methods to be used to decide the future of the solution.
Incorporate any faculty, class, and Learning Team feedback.
Format the paper consistent with APA 6.0 guidelines.
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation for your nursing research-based project proposal, not to exceed 12-15 slides.
Content (8 points)
Content reflect graduate-level depth
All sections of the project proposal are addressed
Points Possible = 8 Points Earned =
Presentation (2 points)
Presentation style is consistent with that expected in the professional environment
Presentation skills are consistent with graduate-level expectations
Content of slides and speaker notes in accurate
Speaker notes contain content of the actual presentation and do not repeat slide content
Slides contain an appropriate amount of content
Slides are professional in appearance and tone
Slides ad speaker notes are free of grammatical, spelling, punctuation, proofreading, and other errors.
NUR 598 Week 2 Nursing Research Utilization Project Proposal Sections A & B Drafts
NUR 598 Evidence-Based Sample Paper
Approximately 16% of individuals are affected by depressive disorders. Depression affects the patient’s quality of life. It is important to control the burden of depression as much as possible. Research has convincingly demonstrated that symptoms of depression can be reduced through guided Internet-based interventions (Kenter, Cuijpers, Beekman, & VanStraten (2016) This paper is going to provide a synthesis of two articles, along with a short essay describing their relevance and proposed utilization in daily practice. The PIO question being used for this evidence-based paper is: In depressed individuals what is the effect of internet-based self-help on the reduction of depressive symptoms?
One study (Kenter et al. (2016) about the effectiveness of web-based guided self-help intervention for outpatients with a depressive disorder uses a randomized controlled trial to look at individuals with depressive disorder who are registered for treatment at an outpatient mental health clinic. The goal was to look at how effective guided internet-based self-help before starting face-to-face treatment. Each individual studied did an internet-based problem solving therapy before face-to-face treatment; the primary outcome was measured along with depressive symptoms. The outcome of the study yielded that internet-based problem solving therapy is not more effective in reducing symptoms of depression in comparison to unguided self-help books (Kenter et al. (2016). Another study (Lattie et al. (2016). presents the uptake and usage of applications from the IntelliCare suite following an open deployment on a large application market. The IntelliCare suite application was developed in order address the discrepancy between the need for diverse behavioral strategies and constraints imposed by typical applications use (Lattie et al. (2016). Each individual application pays attention to a specific strategy based on a certain amount of clinical aims that are relevant to depression and anxiety. The outcome of shows that people use multiple applications, each application targets a specific behavioral strategy. “Uptake and continued usage of these apps were higher than has been seen in previous publicly available BITs, suggesting the feasibility of such an approach” (Lattie et al. (2016). The studies yielded different results, however each study shows that just internet-based self-help therapy is not effective on their own.
Relevance & Utilization
There is a great need for the mental health care and especially with depression, it is important that health care providers working in mental health use all of the resources possible. There are wait-lists in regards to starting psychological treatment, which can lead to the worsening of symptoms. Internet-based self-help therapy for depressed individuals has many advantages in regards to the patient. It is available at any time and place making it convenient, the patient can work at their own pace and review materials whenever they need to, and internet-based therapy can be integrated into daily life more easily. As mentioned before, there is a wait-list at many places when it comes to receiving treatment; this stands true for this writer’s location of employment as well. Many patients are seen in the emergency department for depression and there are no beds up on the psych unit for them. They have to be sent home, but this is not always the best thing. Patients that are depressed may not take their medication they are sent home with the right way if they even take it. Sometimes they need therapy to help them reduce the symptoms as well. By implementing internet-based self-help therapy this will help reduce symptoms of depression while they wait to get into the inpatient program and be seen face-to-face by the provider.
Depression continues to be a highly prevalent mental health disorder seen throughout the general population. It is not often that patients being referred to mental health care receive access to psychological treatments right away. Using other resources such as internet-based self-help therapy can help these patients get started on treatment at their own speed. Face-to-face therapy is still needed for treatment, the two combine show to be effective.
Kenter, R.M.F., Cuijpers, P., Beekman, A., & VanStraten, A., (2016). Effectiveness of a Web-
Based Guided Self-help Intervention for Outpatients With a Depressive Disorder: Short-term Results From a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 18(3), . doi: 10.2196/jmir.4861
Lattie, E.G., Schueller, S.M., Sargent, E., Stiles-Shields, C., Tomasino, K.N., Corden, M.E.,
Begale, M., Karr, C.J., & Mohr, D.C., (2016, May). Uptake and usage of IntelliCare: A
publicly available suite of mental health and well-being apps. Elsevier, 4(2), 152-158.
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