Assignment: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Assignment: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
The STD assigned is –Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
STD presentation contributes unique perspectives/insights applicable to the results from the physical exam and data.
List the STD standard that you were assigned in a paragraph format covering all the points listed below:
- Give a complete background information about Pelvic inflammatory disease
- signs and symptoms
- treatments per current clinical guidelines
- Side effects of medications or the disease itself
- follow-up care
- possible psychological issues that may present
- long term health outcomes
- find and identify your local or state statistics (New Jersey State) for Pelvic inflammatory disease from the CDC website
Student’s Pelvic Inflammatory Disease discussion is supported by evidence which includes:
- One (1) EBP Clinical Practice Guideline
- Three (3) peer reviewed journal articles from Chamberlain Online Library
- And other current references (within the last 5 years)
- In-text citations and full references
.. you need a minimum of 5 scholarly articles, …..Three from Chamberlain and the others that you can find….
This are the three journals from Chamberlain library that you have to use in addition to other articles and in addition to the Clinical Practice Guideline
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention.
Full Text Available
Academic Journal
(English) ; Abstract available. By: Curry A; Williams T; Penny ML, American Family Physician [Am Fam Physician], ISSN: 1532-0650, 2019 Sep 15; Vol. 100 (6), pp. 357-364; Publisher: American Academy of General Practice; PMID: 31524362, Database: MEDLINE Complete PubMed
Women’s experiences of pelvic inflammatory disease: Implications for health-care professionals.
Detail Only Available
Academic Journal
By: Newton, Danielle; Bayly, Christine; Fairley, Christopher K; Chen, Marcus; Keogh, Louise; Temple-Smith, Meredith; Williams, Henrietta; McNamee, Kathleen; Fisher, Jane; Henning, Dorothy; Hsueh, Arthur; Hocking, Jane. Journal of Health Psychology , May2014, Vol. 19 Issue 5, p618-628, 11p. Publisher: Sage Publications, Ltd.., Database: Complementary Index
Full Text Available
Academic Journal
By: Shen, Cheng-Che; Yang, Albert C.; Hung, Jeng-Hsiu; Hu, Li-Yu; Chiang, Yung-Yen; Tsai, Shih-Jen. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology , Mar2016, Vol. 37 Issue 1, p6-11, 6p. Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd., Database: Complementary Index
Assignment: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Sample Essay Solution:
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, PID
Pelvic inflammatory disease, PID is an infection that affects the reproductive system of women and associated organs such as the uteruses, fallopian tubes, and cervix (Planned Parenthood Federation of America). There are many causes of Pelvic inflammatory disease, but the cause is mainly attributed to Chlamydia and gonorrhea as they are the most common bacterial sexually transmitted diseases. PID causes damage to the fallopian tubes and other tissues located near the ovaries and the uteruses. Pelvic inflammatory disease can also lead to serious and complicated consequences such as ectopic pregnancies, infertility, and severe pain in the pelvic. Statistics show that, in the United States, an approximate 750000 women experience an occurrence of acute Pelvic inflammatory disease. Of this number, an estimated ten to fifteen percent may become infertile as a result of suffering from Pelvic inflammatory disease (Centre for Disease Control and Transmission). Many of the ectopic pregnancies that are reported are caused by Pelvic inflammatory disease.
The infection process of Pelvic inflammatory disease starts with bacteria moving from the vagina of the woman to the cervix which is the opening to the uteruses and then to the reproductive organs. The highly susceptible groups are sexually active females in child bearing ages. The females aged above twenty five years are less likely to contract PID as compared to those aged below twenty-five years (Centre for Disease Control and Transmission). The reason for this is that the cervix of young females and the teenage girls is not fully developed, and thus increasing the susceptibility to PID. The susceptibility is further increased whereby a woman engages herself with more than one sex partner. In addition, a woman whose spouse engages himself in sexual activities with more than one partner is at a higher risk of contracting PID. Females who insert Intrauterine Devices into their vagina are at an increased risk catching Pelvic inflammatory disease at the time of the insertion as compared to other females who use other types of contraceptives or use no contraceptives. However, the risk of contracting Pelvic inflammatory disease can be reduced if the woman gets tested and the necessary treatment administered prior to inserting IUDs (Centre for Disease Control and Transmission).
There are many signs and symptoms that are associated with PID. The symptoms range from simple to serious. When Pelvic Inflammatory disease is caused by Chlamydia, the infected woman only recognizes mild symptoms despite the severe damage being caused in her reproductive organs. Chlamydia may damage the fallopian tubes without being noticed (Teens Health). As a result of these hidden symptoms, it can take many days for physicians and the affected women to recognize the Pelvic Inflammatory disease. Women suffering from PID complain of severe pains on the lower parts of the abdomen. Other signs and symptoms include irritating urination, bad smelling vaginal discharge, painful intercourse, and unusual menstrual bleeding (Lauren, DeCherney, & Pernoll 44). Assignment: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
PID results to many complications. However, appropriate and prompt medication can assist in the preventing these complications including prevention of the severe permanent damage to the woman’s reproductive organs. PID causing bacteria may enter the fallopian tubes in a silent unnoticed way, and transforming the soft tissues to a scar tissue (Mayo Clinic Staff). The scar formed obstructs the movement of ovum from the ovaries to the uteruses. When the fallopian tubes experience a total blockage, fertilization of the eggs by the sperms becomes impossible. The subsequent result is that the woman becomes infertile and cannot bear a child. A woman is at high infertility risks if she experiences many episodes of PID (Planned Parenthood Federation of America). To add to this, fallopian tubes, which are partially blocked, may bar the eggs from movement and hence the eggs remain in the fallopian tubes. If, by any chance, the eggs are fertilized and remain in the fallopian tubes, there is a high chance of occurrence of an ectopic pregnancy. As the embryo grows, the fallopian tubes may burst leading to internal bleeding and acute pains. This may eventually lead to death of the affected woman. The scarring on the fallopian tubes and other internal reproductive organs result to acute pelvic pains, and this may last for a long time. These complications caused by Pelvic Inflammatory disease are hard to diagnose because many of the associated symptoms and signs are mild (Lauren, DeCherney, & Pernoll 68).
Many episodes of Pelvic Inflammatory disease may go unrecognized by both the health providers and the woman. Due to the non specified symptoms, the diagnosis can only be carried out through clinical findings (Mayo Clinic Staff). If the woman complains of lower abdominal pains, the health provider should carry out tests for determining the nature and the location of the pain. The physician should also check for fevers, vaginal discharge, and any evidence for gonorrhea or Chlamydia infection. Since other complications with similar symptoms may also occur in the same patient, ultrasound procedures should be conducted (Blenning, Muench, Judkins, & Roberts 34). When PID has been diagnosed, it can be treated by use of various antibiotics, which are prescribed, by the physician though the damages cannot reverse. Early treatment can reduce the damage to the reproductive system. Hospitalization can be recommended for severely ill patients, pregnant mothers, or those whose illness does not respond to antibiotics. However, Pelvic inflammatory disease can be prevented by taking precautionary STD preventive measures and seeking early medication and treatment. Proper use of condoms can play a big role in reducing the transmission of gonorrhea and Chlamydia (Teens Health). Assignment: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
In conclusion, Pelvic inflammatory disease is an illness that affects the reproductive system of women and associated organs such as the uteruses, the fallopian tubes, and the cervix. It is caused by bacteria, and it is often associated with Chlamydia and gonorrhea. The disease is characterized by some symptoms such as nausea, vaginal discharge, irregular menstruation, and lower abdominal pains. There are no specific diagnosis practices because of unspecific symptoms. The disease can be controlled by taking precautionary STD control measures such as use of condoms, and seeking and early medication.
Works Cited:
Blenning C.E., Muench J., Judkins D.Z., Roberts K.T. Clinical inquiries. Which tests are most useful for diagnosing PID? Journal of Family Practice. 56.3. 2007. Print.
Centers for Disease Control and Transmission. Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, (PID). Web. 2011.
Lauren Nathan, DeCherney Alan, Pernoll Martin. Current Obstetric and Gynecologic diagnosis and treatment. New York: Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill. 2003. Print.
Mayo Clinic Staff. Diseases and Conditions: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, (PID). Web. 2011.
Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, (PID). Web. 2013.
Teens Health. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, (PID). Web. 2013.