Discussion: Individual vs Structural-Cultural Theories

Discussion: Individual vs Structural-Cultural Theories

Theories help frame more than presenting problems—they also frame social problems, and both types of problems can be linked in relation to client issues. For example, many scholars and social workers have attempted to understand the social problem of poverty. Turner and Lehning (2007) classified various psychological theories to explain poverty under two headings: (1) individual-related theories or (2) structural/cultural-related theories. In other words, think of these two headings as lenses in viewing poverty. In this Discussion, you apply lenses through which to understand a client’s problem in relation to social problems. Discussion: Individual vs Structural-Cultural Theories.


To prepare for Discussion: Individual vs Structural-Cultural Theories:

Read this article listed in the Learning Resources: Turner, K., & Lehning, A. J. (2007). Psychological theories of poverty. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 16(1/2), 57–72. doi:10.1300/J137v16n01-05
Select a theory under the individual-related theories and a theory under the structural/cultural-related theories.
Complete the handout “Comparing Individual-Related and Structural/Cultural-Related Theories” to help you craft your response. (Note: You do not need to upload the handout to the Discussion forum. The handout is intended to assist you in writing your Discussion post.)

By Day 3


Describe how a social worker would conceptualize a presenting problem of poverty from the two theories you selected.
Explain how this conceptualization differs from an individual-related versus a structural/cultural-related theoretical lens.
Compare how the two theoretical lenses differ in terms of how the social worker would approach the client and the problem and how the social worker would intervene. Discussion: Individual vs Structural-Cultural Theories. Discussion: Individual vs Structural-Cultural Theories.

SOCW 6060 Week 2 Assignment – The case study to use is  Helen Petrakis. (attached)

Assignment: Application of Systems Theory to a Case Study

In this course, you will be asked to select one case study and to use it throughout the entire course. By doing this, you will have the opportunity to see how theories guide your view of a client and the client’s presenting problem. Although the case may be the same, each time you use a different theory, your perspective of the problem changes, which then changes how you go about asking the assessment questions and how you intervene.

The first theoretical approach you will use to apply to a case study is systems theory. In other words, your theoretical orientation—your lens—will be systems theory as you analyze a social work case study.

Different theories can be used to take a systems approach. For example, Bertalanffy’s General Systems Theory considers how a system is made of smaller subsystems that influence each other and seek homeostasis, whereas Brofennerbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory focuses on how an individual’s experience is influenced by different system levels (micro, meso, exo, macro, and chrono). Systems theory is commonly used to understand the interrelationships of the systems (e.g., family, community, organizations, society) of the client. If you are working with families, communities, and organizations, it is also beneficial to use systems theory to get a holistic picture of all the interrelated parts of the system.

To prepare: Select and focus on one of four case studies listed in the Learning Resources. You will use this same case study throughout the course.

By Day 7

Focus on the identified client within your chosen case.
Analyze the case using a systems approach, taking into consideration both family and community systems.
Complete and submit the “Dissecting a Theory and Its Application to a Case Study” worksheet based on your analysis.

SOCW 6060 Week 3 Discussion – Discussion: Evaluating Psychoanalytical Theory

Sigmund Freud is often hailed as the father of psychoanalytical theory. His theory was the first to point to the influence of early childhood experiences. However, psychoanalytical theory has received a lot of criticism. Although theories are supposed to be objective and value-free, they are developed within a sociocultural and political context. For example, with historical perspective, it is possible to see that values within the Western Victorian era influenced Freud as he developed his theory. Another criticism is that many psychoanalytical concepts cannot be measured. For example, how do you measure the id, ego, and superego or the notion of unconscious conflicts? As a result, it is difficult to test the accuracy of these concepts using social science research methods.


It is important to critically evaluate theories for their practical use. For example, is it appropriate to use a theory when working with diverse populations or with populations different from those with whom the theory was normed (e.g., women, racial and ethnic minority groups, those who are economically disadvantaged)? Finally, are the assumptions of theories consistent with the values underlying the field? In this Discussion, you respond to some of these concerns.

To prepare, read the following from the Learning Resources:

Auld, F., Hyman, M., & Rudzinski, D. (2005). How is therapy with women different? In Resolution and inner conflict: An introduction to psychoanalytic therapy (pp. 217–236). Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
National Association of Social Workers. (2008). Code of ethics of the National Association of Social Workers. Retrieved from https://www.socialworkers.org/About/Ethics/Code-of-Ethics/Code-of-Ethics-English


Summarize the assumptions of Freud’s psychoanalytical theory in 2 to 3 sentences.
Explain whether you believe it is appropriate to apply psychoanalytic theory to women and individuals from racial and ethnic minority groups.
Explain whether you believe psychoanalytic theory is consistent with social work values and social work ethics.

SOCW 6060 Week 3 Assignment – Assignment: Application of Attachment Theory to a Case Study

As you have read, theory guides the conceptualization of the client’s problem and how social workers assess and intervene relative to the problem. However, theory can also shape the self-reflective questions social workers ask themselves. Clients often come to social workers under stress or distress. This then affects how the social worker responds and thus the client-social worker relationship. As a result, Foley, Nash, and Munford (2009) employed attachment theory as a “lens in which to view the reflective process itself and to gain greater understanding and empathy for what each social worker within each unique social work-client relationship can access of that relationship for reflection” (pp. 44).

This week, you will apply attachment theory to the case study you chose in Week 2. In other words, your theoretical orientation—or lens—is attachment theory as you analyze the case study.

To prepare:

  •        Review the same case study you selected from last week’s Assignment. (Remember, you will be using this same case study throughout the entire course). Use the “Dissecting a Theory and Its Application to a Case Study” worksheet to help you dissect the theory. You do not need to submit this handout. It is a tool for you to use to dissect the theory, and then you can employ the information in the table to complete your assignment.
  •        Review attachment theory and the following article listed in the Learning Resources: Foley, M., Nash, M., & Munford, R. (2009). Bringing practice into theory: Reflective practice and attachment theory. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work Review, 21(1/2), p39–47. Retrieved http://dx.doi.org/10.11157/anzswj-vol21iss1-2id318

Submit a 1- to 2-page case write-up that addresses the following:

  •        Summarize the assumptions of attachment theory in 2 to 3 sentences.
  •        Identify the problem in your chosen case study to be worked on from an attachment theory perspective.
  •        Explain how attachment theory defines and explains the cause of the problem in one to two sentences.
  •        Develop two assessment questions that are guided by attachment theory that you would ask the client to understand how the stress or distress is affecting the client.
  •        Discuss two interventions to address the problem. Remember, the theory should be driving the interventions. In other words, you would not identify systematic desensitization since this is not an intervention guided by attachment theory.
  •        Formulate one self-reflective question that is influenced by attachment theory that you can ask yourself to gain greater empathy for what the client is experiencing.
  •        Explain which outcomes you could measure to evaluate client progress based theory.

Be sure to:

  •        Identify and correctly reference the case study you have chosen.
  •        Use literature to support your claims.
  •        Use APA formatting and style.

o   Remember to double-space your paper.

SOCW 6060 Week 4 Discussion – Discussion: Psychosocial Theory and Diverse Groups

There will be times when a social worker is presented with a case where they are not familiar with the surrounding psychosocial issues. Because social workers are on a continual journey in learning, it is important to read pertinent literature. This Discussion provides an opportunity to visit Walden Library and strengthen your skills in identifying and locating an empirical research article.

To prepare:

  •        Select one of these three groups: (1) an immigrant individual from a racial or ethnic minority group, (2) a gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) individual,(This the one selected) OR (3) an individual who is physically disabled.
  •        Review the Walden Library resources listed in the Learning Resources. (This is attached)
  •        Then conduct a library search for an empirical study focused on one of the groups above and the unique psychosocial factors or issues a social worker should be aware of when working with that group.

By Day 3


  •        Post the APA-style reference for the article you found in the library.
  •        Describe four specific psychosocial factors that should be taken into account in order to understand the psychosocial context when working with the group you selected. (Two of these factors should be psychologically related and two of these factors should be socially related).
  •        Identify and explain a psychosocial intervention that addresses one of the four specific psychosocial factors you described above.
  •        Identify 1 to 2 outcomes you might measure if you were to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention.
  •        Evaluate one advantage of using a psychosocial framework in social work practice with the group you chose.

SOCW 6060 Week 6 Discussion: Using Research to Select a Therapeutic Modality

Imagine that some of your colleagues mention using cognitive behavior therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and reality therapy. Your colleagues continue to say that based on their experiences, they really like these therapies and that they appear to work. Your instincts also tell you that perhaps they might be helpful for your client in your case study. However, from Week 1, you recall that experiences and instincts as sources of knowledge are quite limited because they are biased. Instead, it is important to utilize existing research and data to support your choices of interventions. Theory helps inform the evidence-based practice process that should guide social workers’ practice.

In this Discussion, you examine the research related to a therapy based on cognitive or cognitive behavior theory to determine its effectiveness.

To prepare:

Recall the client from the case study you have been using in this course  Helen Petrakis

  •          . You will apply your research for this Discussion to that client.
  •        Select one therapy from the following: cognitive behavior therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, or reality therapy.
  •        Conduct a research for one peer-reviewed research study about the effectiveness of the therapy you selected.


o   Note: You must select a study that has not already been used by a colleague in the Discussion. Each student is required to identify a unique research study.

  •        Remember when looking for studies to take into account your client’s age and developmental stage and presenting problem.

By Day 3


  •        Provide the reference for the study you found using APA guidelines.
  •        Briefly paraphrase, in 2 to 3 sentences, the methodological context (i.e., research method, how data was collected, and the instruments used) of the study and the findings.
  •        Evaluate the findings in terms of its applicability or appropriateness for the client in your case study.
  •        Determine whether you would use or not use the therapy you selected for the client in your selected case study (consider how culturally relevant it is, how aligned it is with social work ethics, etc.) and explain why.

SOCW 6060 Week 6 Assignment – Application of Cognitive Behavior Theory to a Case Study

This week, your theoretical orientation is cognitive behavior theory. You will use the same case study that you chose in Week 2 and have been analyzing in this course. Use the “Dissecting a Theory and Its Application to a Case Study” worksheet to help you dissect the theory. You do not need to submit this handout. It is a tool for you to use to dissect the theory and then you can employ the information in the table to complete your assignment.

In this Assignment, you prepare a 5-minute video case presentation. It is common to present a case analysis in multidisciplinary team meetings or with your supervisor and colleagues. This assignment offers you an opportunity to provide insights and perspectives to a case.

To prepare:

Use the same case study that you chose in Week 2. Helen Petrakis

  •        Read this article listed in the Learning Resources: González-Prendes, A. A., & Thomas, S. A. (2009). Culturally sensitive treatment of anger in African American women: A single case study. Clinical Case Studies, 8(5), 383–402. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1177/1534650109345004This article provides a nice framework for how the authors’ cognitive-behavioral theoretical orientation shaped the conceptualization of the case and assessment and intervention.

To upload your media for this Assignment, use the Kaltura Media option from the mashup tool drop-down menu. Refer to the Kaltura Media Uploader area in the course navigation menu for more information about how to upload media to the course.

Write it out and I will record

Submit a Kaltura video of yourself discussing the client. Your video should be no longer than 5 minutes.

  •        Although this is a professional presentation, it is not a formal presentation as in a speech. Imagine that you are discussing your case with a group of peers in a meeting. For example, if you stumble a bit, don’t feel you have to record yourself again.
  •        You can have notes in front of you to help you remember your points.
  •        However, your video does need to be professional. In other words, dress professionally and conduct yourself as if you are in an agency setting with colleagues and supervisors. Be sure to maintain eye contact as if you were speaking in front of your colleagues. Finally, be sure to record yourself in a room that is quiet and where no one interrupts you.

Your video presentation should include the following:

  •        In 1 to 2 sentences, identify and describe the presenting problem.
  •        In 1 to 2 sentences, briefly define and conceptualize the problem from a cognitive-behavioral theoretical orientation.
  •        Formulate 2 assessment questions that you will ask the client to better understand the client’s problem. Remember, the assessment questions should be guided by cognitive-behavioral theory.
  •        In 1 to 2 sentences, identify two goals for treatment. Again, remember, the goals should be consistent with cognitive-behavioral theory.
  •        In 1 to 2 sentences, describe the treatment plan from a cognitive-behavioral theoretical orientation. Remember, the treatment plan should align with the goal(s) for work.
  •        Discuss one outcome you would measure, if you were to evaluate whether the intervention worked, and explain how this is consistent with cognitive behavior theory. Evaluate one merit and one limitation of cognitive behavior theory as it relates to the case study.
  •        Evaluate the application of cognitive-behavioral theory in relation to a diversity issue pertinent to the case.

Be sure to:

  •        Identify and correctly reference the case study you have chosen.
  •        Speak clearly