NURS 3101 Trends in Nursing Study Guides & Discussion Essay 

NURS 3101 Trends in Nursing Study Guides & Discussion Essay 

NURS 3101 Trends in Nursing Study Guides & Discussion Essay 

In this course, students are provided with an overview of the evolution of nursing as a profession and introduced to their new role as scholar-practitioners. They examine changes in the U.S. healthcare delivery system, the importance of information technology, and measures that promote quality, safety, and better health outcomes in patient care. Students consider major issues and trends in contemporary nursing and healthcare practice, including the influence of socioeconomic, ethical, legal, and political variables and professional values.

Through weekly discussions and assignments, students explore and share personal experiences in the context of contemporary nursing issues, such as the nursing shortage, workforce challenges, healthcare financing, professional organizations, and diversity. They are challenged to examine and propose solutions to these nursing issues in addition to those in their workplace. Students reflect on Walden’s mission of social change and its impact on their future nursing practice as a scholar-practitioner. Because this is the first nursing course within the RN/BSN program, students learn to use Walden University’s resources to enhance writing skills. Students are also introduced to the tools essential to success at Walden.

NURS 3101 Trends in Nursing Study Guides & Discussion Essay Course Readings

After clicking on a citation below, enter your myWalden user name and password at the prompt.

Please Ask a Librarian if you have any questions about the links. Bradbury-Jones, C. & Taylor, J. (2014). Applying social impact assessment to nursing research. Nursing Standard, 28 (48), 45-49. Fowler, M. D. M. (2015a). Guide to the code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements: Development, interpretation, and application (2nd ed.). Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Association. Fowler, M. D. M. (2015b). Guide to nursing’s social policy statement: Understanding the profession from social contract to social covenant. Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Association.
Gilmartin, M. J. (2013). Principles and practices of social entrepreneurship for nursing. Journal of Nursing Education, 52(11), 641–644. Hart, C. (2015). The Elephant in the room: Nursing and nursing power on an interprofessional team. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 46, 349-355. doi:10.3928/00220124-20150721-01
Heege, M. (2011). The empty carriage: Lessons in leadership from Florence Nightingale. Nursing Science Quarterly, 32 (121-25)
Hinds, P. S, Britton, D., Coleman, L., Engh, E. Kunze Humbel, T., Keller, S, Patterson Kelly, K., Menard, J, Lee, M. A., Roberts-Turner, R., & Walczak, D. (2014). Creating a career legacy map to help assure meaningful work in nursing. Nursing Outlook , 63(2), 211 – 218.
Ma, C., Shang, J, & Bott, M. (2015) Linking unit collaboration and nursing leadership to nurse outcomes and quality of care. Journal of Nursing Administration, 45(9), p. 435-442. DOI: 10.1097/NNA.0000000000000229
Martin, D., Godfrey, N., & Walker, M. (2015) The Baccalaureate Big 5. What Magnet Hospitals Should Expect From a Baccalaureate Generalist Nurse. Journal of Nursing Administration, 45 (3), p. 121-123. Tinkham, M. R. (2013). Pursuing magnet designation: The role of structural empowerment. AORN Journal, 97(2), 253—256.

NURS 3101 Issues & Trends in Nursing Study Guides & Discussion Essay Assignment Papers

Pathophysiological mechanisms of Exacerbating Acute and Chronic Asthma


Asthma has sudden and fatal attacks, and there are risks and complications which are encountered when the condition is not monitored (Maslan, & Mims, 2014). For instance, in case of severe asthma collapsing of the lungs can occur this is the case of pediatric patients who are seen to be healthy at first sight. The condition is chronic, and it tends to affect the inflammation of the pulmonary airways and the bronchial. This is seen when the air is obstructed in the lower airways. Asthma has no test to determine whether one is suffering from it. This calls for the healthcare providers to be versatile with the symptoms which are closely related to asthma. In the course of treatment, one needs to focus on the airway smooth muscles. There is also the case of allergic asthma which is initiated by allergic reactions. This can be to some extent be reversed through medical ways. The non-allergic asthma is initiated by other various factors which are also reversible through medication (Maslan, & Mims, 2014). For the two types the acute and chronic asthma they vary on how they develop. For the case of acute asthma, it is more sudden also very severe at the initial stages. On the other hand, chronic asthma tends to develop gradually, and if acute asthma is not treated, it may progress to being chronic asthma.

The effects of asthma on the patients

The effects of asthma on the patients are a pulmonary condition, and it can go to acute or chronic respiratory tube inflammation (Bel et al. 2014). Also, the smooth muscles tighten which are located in the respiratory tract. Other cases the bronchoconstriction will occur. Pathology mechanism establishment of both acute and chronic asthma is necessary during the determination of identification, exacerbation, and treatment prescription (Bel et al. 2014). 

Chronic asthma pathophysiological exacerbation

Chronic asthma exacerbation is narrowly related to the etiological feature of the chlamydia and viruses which are insistent (Hamid, Mahboub, & Ramakrishnan, 2018). The viruses and chlamydia have a big role in the provision of conditions which favors the thriving of asthma. The main method in the exacerbation is a replication of the viral particles, and they get into the respiratory tract epithelial cells, and this stimulates the release of cytokines, inflammation occurs and production of large amounts of mucus (Hamid, Mahboub, & Ramakrishnan, 2018). There is no change of the chlamydia or viral particles into sporadic form when they are in the patterns of blood in the arteries. Time is vital for an asthma attack to occur, it requires time. The particles of oxygen in the blood which is 100mm Hg will tend to fall to around 85mm Hg, and the PH will tend to slightly rise to 7.45 as compared to the normal of 7.40. The above process is meant to clear the chlamydia and the viral attack (Gel, Christenson, & Nadel, 2016). The viruses are very advanced over this defense system and those being intact with the inflamed state of cells the virus, and the chlamydia tends to start symptomatology instead of dying. Also, the body immune system has been compromised, and it is slow in action, and this makes it difficult for it to get lead of the viruses and the chlamydia. This leads to pulmonary vein infiltration, and the asthma inflammation is exacerbated.

How the gas level in the bloodstream changes

In acute asthma exacerbation, a great role is played by dehydration. Various studies which have been carried out have revealed that water and asthma have a close relationship; body water levels with respects to the cells of the epithelial (D’amato et al. 2015). The water levels will contribute to the damaging of the edema and epithelial cells together hyperresponsiveness. The process does not only come to be, but it requires asthma which has been induced. When a person is under attack of asthma the patients’ blood pattern in the arterial shows a very sensitive alteration of the blood PH, and it may rise to 7.6, on the other hand, the oxygen particles in the blood tend to reduce to low amounts in a short span of time and it can go down up to 40 mm HG while the carbon (iv) oxide particles levels rise in the bloodstream (D’amato et al. 2015).

Other possible condition which might trigger the occurrence of acute asthma is a span of sorrow grief and being stressed emotionally. Also, the patients who have asthma have greater anxiety when they are compared to the patients of hepatitis B (D’amato et al. 2016). Due to the quick lowering of oxygen levels in the blood and a quick rise of carbon (iv) oxide particles, the patient will tend to lose breath instantly also the rise in PH contributes to the loose of breath.  When a patient has emotions which are intense the asthma symptoms tend to show up.

Asthma has various factors which lead to its attack. The strongest of the factors is the allergic factors especially for the case of chronic asthma. When a family is known for various allergic reactions, this can lead to a fast asthma attack. Therefore allergic attacks which tend to immunological response act a trigger factor in the asthma symptomatology.  When the cells of the epithelium wall are disrupted a response is triggered, and it tends to explain the commonly occurring allergic responses. The responses are noted to the patients who are exposed to the inhalant antigens.

Metal toxicity exposure

When exposed to the toxins of the metal they act as a factor to exacerbate chronic asthma. Various metals are known to have toxins, and they include aluminum, lead, copper, and zinc (Zeng et al. 2016). The toxins affect the lungs as a chronic obstruction and self-limiting neutrophil for the case of acute asthma.  When the toxins get into the blood system the PH rises, on the other hand, the oxygen level falls, and the carbon iv oxide rises.

The various factors discussed have their effects on causing and progression of asthma. Viruses and the chlamydia destroy the cells of the epithelium making the conditions optimum (Zeng et al. 2016). The release of the cytokinesis activated and initiates the inflammation plus mass production of mucus. Also being exposed to toxic metals progresses to chronic illnesses of the lungs and also the neutrophils which are self-limiting and they produce pulmonary fibrosis it is done about the damage which has been done by the toxins from the metals. Moreover, the patients are more at risk when they are stressed emotionally, and their bodies are dehydrated. This makes them prone to suffering from acute asthma suddenly.

Diagnosis of asthma

When diagnosing asthma, a specific approach is followed. This is initiated by the exacerbation. When the patient is allergic doctor carries out the allergic test (Naga, & Gupta, 2014). In the diagnosis process the history of the patient is studied and also the breathing history is noted. A test to determine how the lungs of the patient are working is also carried out. Asthma has no cure but when medications are being recommended it is advised not to administer allergic medication. The patient takes corticosteroid every day. The patients’ dehydration level is also tested, and when found to have less body water they are recommended to take more water (Naga, & Gupta, 2014). To check the metal toxicity in the patient’s solids and fluids of the body are tested to check whether they have traces of the metal toxins. When the toxins are traced, detoxification is carried out to the patients. The epistemological test is carried out on the patient to determine the attack of the virus and the chlamydia. When the chlamydia and the virus are tested positive, the patient is given antibiotics to reduce the risk of suffering from asthma.

Mind maps

Figure Attached

Acute asthma mind map

Figure Attached


Bel, E. H., Wenzel, S. E., Thompson, P. J., Prazma, C. M., Keene, O. N., Yancey, S. W., … & Pavord, I. D. (2014). Oral glucocorticoid-sparing effect of mepolizumab in eosinophilic asthma. New England journal of medicine371(13), 1189-1197.

D’amato, G., Vitale, C., De Martino, A., Viegi, G., Lanza, M., Molino, A., … & D’amato, M. (2015). Effects on asthma and respiratory allergy of climate change and air pollution. Multidisciplinary respiratory medicine10(1), 39.

D’amato, G., Vitale, C., D’amato, M., Cecchi, L., Liccardi, G., Molino, A., … & Annesi‐Maesano, I. (2016). Thunderstorm‐related asthma: what happens and why. Clinical & Experimental Allergy46(3), 390-396.

Gelb, A. F., Christenson, S. A., & Nadel, J. A. (2016). Understanding the pathophysiology of the asthma–chronic obstructive pulmonary disease overlap syndrome. Current opinion in pulmonary medicine22(2), 100-105.

Hamid, Q., Mahboub, B., & Ramakrishnan, R. K. (2018). Asthma-chronic obstructive pulmonary disease overlap: A distinct pathophysiological and clinical entity. In Asthma, COPD, and Overlap (pp. 55-66). CRC Press.

  Maslan, J., & Mims, J. W. (2014). What is asthma? Pathophysiology, demographics, and health care costs. Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America47(1), 13-22.

Naga, D., & Gupta, S. S. (2014). Diagnosis of Asthma. The Protocol Book for Intensive Care, 330.

Zeng, X., Xu, X., Zheng, X., Reponen, T., Chen, A., & Huo, X. (2016). Heavy metals in PM2. 5 and in blood, and children’s respiratory symptoms and asthma from an e-waste recycling area. Environmental pollution210, 346-353.