NURS 3005 – The Context of Healthcare Delivery Discussion Essay Assignments

NURS 3005 – The Context of Healthcare Delivery Discussion Essay Assignments

NURS 3005 – The Context of Healthcare Delivery Discussion Essay Assignments

Improvement of healthcare delivery in the United States relies on many factors, such as effective nurse advocacy through politics, policy, and professional associations. But advocacy depends on the ability to fully understand current issues, systems, policies, and related contexts. In this course, students engage in a systems-level analysis of the implications of healthcare policy on issues of access, equity, affordability, and social justice in healthcare delivery. They examine legislative, regulatory, and financial processes relevant to the organization and provision of healthcare services. Students also assess and consider the impact of these processes on quality and safety in the practice environment and disparities in the healthcare system. (Prerequisite(s): NURS 3000.)

NURS 3005 – The Context of Healthcare Delivery Discussion Essay Assignments

NURS 3005 – The Context of Healthcare Delivery Required Course Readings

After clicking on a citation below, enter your myWalden user name and password at the prompt.

Please Ask a Librarian if you have any questions about the links.

Adler-Milstein, J. Kvedar, J., and Bates D. W. (2014). Telehealth among US hospitals: Several factors, including state reimbursement and licensure policies, influence adoption. Health Affairs, 33(2), 2207-215. NOTE: This article is not available in the Walden Library. Please use Talbot (below)

Abiola, S. E., Colgrove, J., and Mello, M. M. (2013). The politics of HPV vaccination policy formation in the United States. Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law Aug; 38(4): 645-81.

Auerbach, D., Staiger, D. O., Muench, U., and Buerhaus, P. I. (2013). The nursing workforce in an era of health care reform. The New England Journal of Medicine april; 368: 1470-1472

Avila, R. and Bramiett, M. (2013). Language and immigrant status effects on disparities in Hispanic children’s health status and access to health care. Maternal & Child Health Journal Apr; 17(3): 415-23.

Battie, R. and Steelman, V. (2014). Accountability in nursing practice: Why it is important for patient safety. Association of perioperative Registered Nurses Journal,100(5), 537-541. NOTE: This article is not available in the Walden Library. Please useOestberg or Fuchs.

Brown, Lawrence D. and Gusmano, M. K. (2013). Introduction: Evaluation in analytic theory and political practice. Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law Dec; 38(6): 1071-9.

Chandra, A., Dalton, M., and Holmes, J. (2013). Large increases in spending on postacute care in medicare point to the potential for cost savings in these settings. Health Affairs May; 32(5): 864-72.

Collins, S., Piper, K. B., and Owens, G. M. (2013). The opportunity for health plans to improve quality and reduce costs by embracing primary care medical homes. American Health & Drug Benefits Jan-Feb; 6(1): 1-7

Cosgrove, D. M., Fisher, M., Gabow, P., Gottlieb, G., Halvorson, G. C., James, B., C., Kaplan, G. S., Perlin, J. B., Petzel, R., Steele, G. D., and Toussaint, J. S. (2013). Ten strategies to lower costs, improve quality, and engage patients: The view from leading health system CEOs. Health Affairs, Feb; 32(2): 321-7.

Dennis, A., Blanchard, K., Cordova, D., Wahlin, B., Clark, J., Edlund, K., McIntosh, J., and Tsiktas, L. (2013). What Happens to the Women Who Fall through the Cracks of Health Care Reform? Lessons from Massachusetts. Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law Apr; 38(2): 393-419.

Eaton, M. K. (2012). Professional advocacy linking Virginia’s story to public policy-making theory, learning from the past and applying it to our future. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice,13(2), 105-112.

Ewing, M. (2013). The patient-centered Medical home solution to the cost-quality conundrum. Journal of Healthcare Management Jul-Aug; 58(4): 258-66.

Faiman, J. and D’Antonio (2013). History counts: How history can shape our understanding of health policy. Nursing Outlook Sept-Oct; 61(5): 346-352.

Fuchs, J. The legislative process (2014). AAACN Viewpoint Jan-Feb; 36(1): 14-5.

Grob, R., Schlesinger, M., Davis, S., Cohen, D., and Lapps, J. (2013). The affordable care act’s plan for consumer assistance with insurance moves states forward but remains a work in progress. Health Affairs 32(2): 347-356.

Herrera, A.P., George, R., Angel, J. L., and Markides, K., Torres-Gil, F. (2013). Variation in older Americans act caregiver service use, unmet hours of care, and independence among Hispanics, African Americans, and Whites. Home Health Care Services Quarterly Jan-Mar; 32(1): 35-56.

Nickitas, D. M. (2013). Health care spending: The cold, hard facts on cost, quality, and care. Nursing Economic$ Jan-Feb; 31(1): 5-11.

Oestberg, F. Policy and politics: Why nurses should get involved (2012). Nursing Dec; 42(12): 46-49.

Primomo, J. and Bjoling, E. (2013). Changes in political astuteness following nurse legislative day. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice May; 14(2): 97-108.

Ruiz-Casares, M., Rousseau, C., Laurin-Lamothe, A., Rummens, J., Zelkowitz, P., Crepeau, F., and Steinmetz, N. (2013) Access to Health Care for Undocumented Migrant Children and Pregnant Women: The Paradox Between Values and Attitudes of Health Care Professionals. Maternal & Child Health Journal Feb; 17(2): 292-8.

Sabella, D. (2012). PTSD among our returning veterans. How to recognize and assist veterans with this increasingly common mental health disorder. American Journal of Nursing, 112 (11), 48-52.

Sarna, L., Bialous, S. A., Chan, S., Hollen, P., and O’Connell, K. A. (2013). Making a difference: Nursing scholarship and leadership in tobacco control. Nursing Outlook Jan-Feb; 61(1): 31-42.

Spetz, J., Parente, S. T., Town, R. J., and Bazarko, D. (2013). Scope-of-practice laws for nurse practitioners limit cost savings that can be achieved in retail clinics. Health Affairs Nov 32(11): 1977-1984.

Stuart, B., Loh, F., Roberto, P., and Miller, L. (2013). Increasing medicare part d enrollment in medication therapy management could improve health an lower costs. Health Affairs Jul; 32(7): 1212-20.

Talbot, J., Coburn, A., Croll, X., Ziller, E. (2013). Rural considerations in establishing network adequacy standards for qualified health plans in state and regional health insurance exchanges. Journal of Rural Health,  29(3), 327-35.

NURS 3005 – The Context of Healthcare Delivery Discussion Essay Assignments

Nurs 3005 Transition to Professional Practice 2 


Topic Code & Name: Nurs 3005 Transition to Professional Practice 2 (PEP)
Assessment Number & Title (as per SAM):
Assignment 2: Individual Poster: Specialty Stream content Assessment (1600 word equivalent) submitted on line

Assessment Description: Poster Presentation This assignment requires you to create a poster (using the template provided) addressing a Question or issue from your specialty stream content. You are expected to read a wide range of peer reviewed journal articles to support your discussions, this assignment requires you to present the current researched evidence throughout your poster. Points that you need to address:

• Question or Issue to be stated in the title of the poster. Your specialty stream tutor will identify the options which you can do for this assignment.
• Background- discuss the background knowledge of the question or issue, ensuring it is relevant to your specialty stream content.

• Include Key Messages- Perform a literature search and identify 3 key messages which you want to present to support the importance of discussing your question or issue.
• Recommendations:

• What recommendations can be made for clinical practice surrounding your question or issue? • Does it require further research? Sometimes reading through the limitations and exclusions criteria of articles helps.

• Think of the ways for providing education and developing policy and procedures.
• Implementation of results:

• Discuss how the literature you have reviewed, and recommendations made can be implemented in practice. Always remember to link in to your question or issue.

• Based on the answers you have got from the literature are there any implications for practice? This could be positive or negative implications. Are there any disagreements between the authors or conflicting results? Is the evidence strong enough to change a practice?


• You may alter the template to make the poster individual

• Images can be used as it will make the poster more visually appealing.
Remember to reference as per the normal university policy- Harvard Referencing, intext and reference list- don’t forget to reference any images used.

Performance standard

Assessment criteria Weighting Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Notes
Question or Issue and Background
Exceptional, analytical background.
Identification of the current literature to support the issue or question. 8-10
Advanced description of background and question or issue.
Clear description of background of the question or issue.
Unclear description of background linked to the question or issue.
No references used to support the introduction and background. 0-4
Key Messages
Exemplary analysis and discussion of the key messages from a wide range of primary research papers. High level of knowledge of the issue or question demonstrated. 24-30
Three highly applicable key messages from 4 primary or secondary research papers. Good level of knowledge presented with only small areas for improvement.
Description only of the three key messages from 4 primary research papers. Adequate knowledge of the researched issue/question.
Less than 3 relevant or incorrect key messages. Studies selected are not peer reviewed papers.
Student does not demonstrate an adequate knowledge of the issue/question. 0-14
Exceptional, critical and relevant recommendations based on the current evidence.
Recommendations based on research within the past 5-10 years maximum.
Clear recommendations that can be implemented into practice, further research or education.
Recommendations based on research within the past 5-10 years maximum. 13-15
Limited and basic recommendations for practice, research or education.
Recommendations based on research within the past 5-10 years maximum.
Irrelevant recommendations for practice, research or education.
Recommendations not based on current research.
Discussion/ Implementation
Demonstrate original thought, exceptional analysis of 4 research papers. Analysis of review outcomes demonstrates exceptional integration of relevant additional literature.
Demonstrates a high understanding of the issues in relation to the research question.
Demonstrate comprehensive critical analysis of 4 research papers. Analysis of review outcomes demonstrates high level integration of relevant additional literature, impressive.
Demonstrate satisfactory critical analysis of outcomes from 4 research papers. Analysis of review outcomes demonstrates adequate use of 3 relevant additional literature sources.
Descriptive level analysis.
Poor and/or unrelated analysis of 3 or less research papers. Not critical. Poor, inadequate and/or unrelated implementation of results for practice and other areas.

Poster, Writing Style and Referencing
Exceptional creative flair in layout; impressive use of colour.
Succinctly expresses insightful and original thought using exemplary poster presentation skills. Adheres to all writing guidelines, no grammar or spelling errors.
Excellent visual appeal, engaging the author.
Graphics draw in the reader. Template used to display discussion.
Correct referencing used throughout the entire poster- no errors. Reference list present. 8-10
Impressive creative flair in layout; fonts; use of colour. Template adjusted to create greater appeal to the reader.
Succinctly expresses ideas high impact images and poster presentation skills.
Adheres to all writing guidelines
Template used to display discussions.
Minimal grammar and spelling errors throughout the paper.
Minor errors in the referencing noted. Reference list present.
Basic layout; some problems with fonts and use of colour. Some images irrelevant Too much text. Vague, limited Inadequate lacking in clarity in some areas
Template used to display discussions.
Limited graphics and editing to engage the reader.
Clear Structure, clearly identified points for discussion.
Between 5 and 10 grammar and spelling errors however does not stop the reader.
Less than 5 errors in referencing noted. Reference list present.
Poorly presented, little appeal busy, difficult to read due to problems with font and colour. All images irrelevant No connection to question or issue. Poor logic, Sections required to meet assignment instructions deleted from template.
Poor presentation, no graphics used to enhance the poster.
Graphics used do not relate to the chosen question or issue.
Disjointed format of the Poster.
Multiple spelling and grammar issues which detracts the marker from the poster.
Incorrect referencing throughout the poster. Reference list not present.
Deductions (if applicable)
Student Name:
Total mark /100
Grade (if applicable)
Overall comment
Name of marker