NURS 3110-001 Health Assessment: Clinical Application Assignments
NURS 3110-001 Health Assessment: Clinical Application Assignments
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NURS 3110-001 Health Assessment: Clinical Application Assignments
Dear Students,
Welcome to NURS 3110 Health Assessment: Clinical Application. This course focuses on acquiring knowledge and skills to perform a health history and physical assessment across the lifespan of your patient, with an emphasis on the adult and geriatric population. You will learn interviewing and health assessment skills then practice those skills in laboratories and selected settings. One of the most important skills for you to develop as a nurse is how to thoroughly examine your patients to assess their health care needs. I am looking forward to meeting with all of you and to facilitate your learning.
This is a 3 hour/week lab in which you will spend 2 hours/week in the lab and 1 hour outside the lab preparing for it. During your preparation time, you are required to spend at least one hour on Shadow Health.
Sandra Weeks, MSN, RN
NURS 3110 – Course Coordinator
Sandra L. Weeks, MSN, RN, Course Coordinator
Clinical Instructor Email:
Office: NS 2.210
Office Hours: By Appointment
Office phone: 210-567-2162
Office of Faculty Affairs and Diversity
This course provides an opportunity for application of health assessment theory and skills in a simulated practice setting with emphasis on the adult and geriatric populations. NURS 3110-001 Health Assessment: Clinical Application Assignments.
1 semester hour (1 hour clinical skills laboratory)
Admission to the Traditional Undergraduate Program is required. Co-requisite: NURS 3204: Health Assessment-Theoretical Foundations.
At the completion of the baccalaureate program the student will demonstrate the following:
- Incorporate knowledge, skills, and attitudes from the liberal arts and sciences in professional nursing education and practice.
- Apply knowledge and skills of organizational and systems leadership, quality improvement and patient safety in promoting safe, high-quality care for diverse patients across healthcare systems and environments.
- Analyze and apply evidence from research and other information sources as a basis for nursing practice.
- Incorporate knowledge and skills in using information systems and a range of patient-care technologies to facilitate delivery of quality patient care.
- Advocate for financial and regulatory healthcare policies, processes, and environments that improve the nature and functioning of the healthcare delivery system and nursing practice.
- Collaborate and communicate effectively with healthcare professionals to promote positive working relationships, improve patient health outcomes, and deliver quality, safe patient care.
- Promote individual and population health by assessing factors that influence individual and population health and apply principles and culturally appropriate health promotion and disease-prevention strategies. Demonstrate consistent application of the core values of the discipline of nursing and the professional standards of moral, ethical, and legal conduct.
- Demonstrate consistent application of the core values of the discipline of nursing and the professional standards of moral, ethical, and legal conduct.
- Integrate the knowledge, skills, and attitudes expected of baccalaureate prepared nurses by providing professional nursing care to diverse patients and populations across the lifespan, healthcare settings, and healthcare environments. NURS 3110-001 Health Assessment: Clinical Application Assignments.
- Collect and record a complete health history. (Essential VI, VII, IX)
- Demonstrate application of selected assessment tools. (Essential VI, VII, IX)
- Use effective interviewing and communication skills when conducting a health history and performing physical examination. (Essential VII, IX)
- Demonstrate physical examination of each designated body system. (Essential IX)
- Demonstrate an integrated head-to-toe physical examination. (Essential IX)
- Apply principles of infection control and patient safety during the assessment process. (Essential IX)
- Satisfactory achievement of all course objectives.
- Satisfactory completion of the Health History Write-Up with Self-Evaluation.
- Satisfactory completion of any assigned written assignments.
- Satisfactory completion of all Shadow Health Module Activities
- Minimum score of 85% on the Final Integrated Physical Exam Return Demonstration. Any student earning less than 85%will be provided ONE additional opportunity to repeat the return demonstration.
- Clinical attendance must be consistent with UTHSCSA School of Nursing Clinical Attendance Policies and individual absences will be handled on an individual basis at the discretion of your clinical instructor and/or the Course Coordinator.
- Respect for classroom and clinical communication processes are necessary for teaching and learning.
- Silence mobile devices / cell phones in classrooms and clinical settings.
- Remove Bluetooth devices prior to entering the classroom and when in ANY clinical setting.
- Failure to do so can / will / may (depending on the faculty) either affect your class participation, clinical or final course grade.
Attendance in class is an expectation of each student.
The School of Nursing faculty expects that its students will recognize that they have entered a profession in which commitment to full participation in clinical experiences is an essential component as students are considered to be part of the nursing team. Therefore, regular attendance in clinical, laboratory and simulation experiences is mandatory. Missed hours can prevent adequate development and assessment of the required knowledge, skills, attitudes and clinical judgment. Absence from clinical/lab/simulation jeopardizes the student’s ability to successfully meet the required clinical course outcomes and competencies. NURS 3110-001 Health Assessment: Clinical Application Assignments. Punctuality is expected in professional workplaces. Students are expected to arrive on time for clinical/lab/simulation experiences and stay for the entire time allotted for that clinical/lab/simulation experience. Important information affecting patient care is communicated to students at the start of clinical experiences. Therefore, tardiness for clinical/lab/simulation experiences jeopardizes the student’s ability to give safe nursing care. NURS 3110-001 Health Assessment: Clinical Application Assignments.
Absences from clinical experience are closely monitored by faculty and should occur only in rare circumstances. Clinical absences will be evaluated on an individual basis. If the student has any clinical absences during the semester, clinical may be made up through a plan developed by the clinical/lab instructor. However, the opportunity to make up absences may not be possible, depending on the length of the clinical rotation, the availability of the faculty and/or the agency to which the student is assigned and may result in inability of the student to meet course outcomes. If it is determined by the faculty team that a student will be unable to meet course objectives due to clinical absences or if a pattern of absence develops or excessive absences exist, the appropriate course coordinator will refer the student the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies to determine progression in the program.
A student who is unable to attend a clinical experience must contact the clinical faculty personally prior to the beginning of the clinical experience. Leaving a message or e-mail for the faculty is not acceptable. Faculty will share specifics regarding appropriate means of communicating during orientation. Travel to surrounding communities may be necessary. NURS 3110-001 Health Assessment: Clinical Application Assignments.
Students are expected to demonstrate achievement of clinical objectives by the end of a clinical course. If, in the instructor‘s professional judgment, a student is consistently unable to provide safe nursing care to patients and cannot remedy the deficit in the given clinical time, the student will receive a grade of ―F for the course. Faculty, or staff in the clinical agency, has the right to remove a student from the clinical area at any time for any cause.
Students are required to maintain a clinical passport and have this on their person at all times while in the clinical setting.
Students are required to maintain American Heart Association Health Care Provider Basic Life Support certification. NURS 3110-001 Health Assessment: Clinical Application Assignments.
- If written assignments are made in a course they are required.
- Students are expected to submit written work on the scheduled date and time.
- The student must notify the course coordinator prior to the scheduled due date and time if they are unable to submit the written work as scheduled. Failure to make this notification in advance will result in a “zero” for that written work.
- If the excuse is accepted as reasonable and necessary, arrangements will be made for an alternative due date and time.
- Each student is responsible for making sure that he or she has completed the written work prior to submission.
- Late work will be accepted with consequences as outlined per course syllabi.
The APA Publication Manual 6th edition is required for use in all nursing school programs.
Students are expected to be above reproach in all scholastic activities. Students who engage in scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties, including the possibility of failure in the course and dismissal from the university. “Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, collusion, and submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts.” Regents Rules and Regulations, Part One, Chapter VI, Section 3, Subsection 3.2, Subdivision 3.22.
Students who are nurses or are preparing to enter the profession of nursing are expected to treat others with respect and compassion. “The principle of respect for persons extends to all individuals with whom the nurse interacts. The nurse maintains compassionate and caring relationships with colleagues and others with a commitment to the fair treatment of individuals, to integrity-preserving compromise and to resolving conflict. This standard of conduct precludes any and all prejudicial actions, any form of harassment or threatening behavior, or disregard for the effects of one’s actions on others” (American Nurses Association Code for Nurses, Interpretive Statement 1.5).
The students, faculty, Department Chairs, Associate Deans, and the Dean of the School of Nursing of the University Texas Health Science Center San Antonio subscribe to the highest standards of conduct. Our aim is professional behavior beyond reproach. Failure to abide by the signed code of professional conduct may lead to suspension and/or permanent dismissal from the UTHSCSA SON. In particular, we subscribe to the provisions of the Code of Ethics for Nurses ( and the following points of conduct. NURS 3110-001 Health Assessment: Clinical Application Assignments.
NURS 3110-001 Health Assessment: Clinical Application Assignments.
Any student seeking reasonable accommodations through the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) should contact either the Associate Dean for Admissions and Student Services within the first week of the semester or schedule a meeting with the UTHSCSA ADA Compliance Office so that appropriate accommodations may be arranged. A request for accommodations (Form ADA-100: must be completed and submitted to the Executive Director of the ADA Compliance Office before accommodations can be provided. Additional information can be provided in the Student Success Center, Room 1.118 or through the ADA Compliance Office website:
Jarvis, C. (2016). Laboratory Manual for Physical Examination & Health assessment (7th ed.). St. Louis: Saunders Elsevier. ISBN: 9780323265416
Jarvis, C. (2016). Physical Examination and Health Assessment-Elsevier e-Book, 7th edition: ISBN 9780323265324
Jarvis, C. (2016). Laboratory Manual for physical examination & health assessment (7th ed.). St. Louis: Saunders Elsevier.
ISBN: 9781455728107
- General Survey, Measurement, Vital Signs & Pain Assessment
- Cultural Competence
- The Interview & The Complete Health History
- Assessment Techniques and Safety in the Clinical Setting (online)
- Nervous System and Mental Status Assessment
- Thorax and Lungs Assessment
- Cardiovascular and Peripheral Vascular Assessment
- Abdominal Assessment
- Male and Female Genitourinary and Breast Exam
- Musculoskeletal Assessment
- Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth, and Throat Assessment
- Skin, Hair, and Nails Assessment
- Head, Face, Neck, Including Regional Lymphatics
- Integrated head-to-toe physical exam and Focused assessments