Professional Values in Nursing Assessment

Professional Values in Nursing Assessment

Professional Values in Nursing Assessment

Module Title: Professional Values, Ethics and Law
Module Level: 4
Student Study Hours: 200 hours
Contact Hours: 30 hours
Private Study Hours: Electronic supported activity 20 hours
Pre-requisite Learning (If applicable): None
Co-requisite Modules (If applicable): N/A
Course(s): BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing
BSc (Hons) Children’s Nursing
BSc (Hons) Learning Disability Nursing
BSc (Hons) Mental Health Nursing

Year and Semester Year 1 semester 2

Subject Area: Professional values, ethical theories and the law pertaining to health and social care.
Summary of Assessment Method: 3,000-word assignment based on a case study.

Professional Values in Nursing Assessment


This module is designed to ensure students develop a foundational understanding of their professional, ethical and legal responsibilities. The focus is on developing an appreciation of the professional codes, ethical values and legal frameworks which underpins health care practice. Emphasis will be placed upon understanding of the need to use up-to-date knowledge including ethical, legal and professional obligations to assess, plan, deliver and evaluate care, communicate findings, influence change and promote health, welfare and best practice.


This module aims to:
• To ensure students understand their professional, ethical and legal responsibilities including the need to adhere to the code of conduct for their profession.

• To ensure students understand the need to practice in a non-discriminatory, holistic, non-judgmental, caring and sensitive manner recognising and valuing the individuality and distinctness of others

• To develop students as reflective practitioners able to appraise their own and other’s work


Formative assessment:

?? There will be a formative assessment which will consist of an essay plan which will be constructed during the seminar in week 6 and peer reviewed.

Summative assessment:

The summative assessment is a maximum 3,000 word nursing practice essay based on a choice of two different case studies

Case Study One:

Kate is 17 years old, having just been admitted to hospital following a collapse at work (exact cause unknown). The accident and emergency staff recommended hospitalisation as she was found to be mildly dehydrated and hypoglycaemic. At handover the A&E nurse mentioned a referral to psychiatry had been made as the registrar suspected Kate might have an eating disorder.

Kate is a rather remarkable young lady in that she lives independently whilst studying for two A- Levels at night school. She tells you that she was an adoptee given back to foster care, and then abused by her carer. She is now an independent minor who works 30 hours per week in the local supermarket to support herself. Kate has absolutely no family support.
Kate is scared, stating that she doesn’t want to see the on-call psychiatrist and that she will
discharge herself from care if he arrives on the ward.

Whilst you are completing your admission paperwork with Kate, the psychiatrist walks onto the ward.
Explore your professional, ethical and legal obligations towards Kate. Case Study Two:

As a first year student nurse you are shadowing the ward sister whilst she is caring for six patients on an acute medical admissions ward. It is a bank holiday Monday and the ward is severely short staffed with the agency unable to fulfil the shortfall (it is a sunny day). Professional Values in Nursing Assessment.

Two of your patient’s Mr. Arnold and Mr. Ahmed require their pain medication of Oramorph. As this is a controlled drug, the ward sister asks a colleague to assist.

Two hours later, Mr. Arnold who has mild learning disabilities is shouting at his visitors that the nurses are withholding his pain medication. Mr. Arnold informs you that his syringe of Oramorph was only half full.

Mr. Ahmed who is receiving palliative care has been unusually quiet all afternoon.

You find the ward sister to inform her about Mr. Arnold’s pain and Mr. Ahmed being sleepy all afternoon. The ward sister initially looks horrified but then states “the syringes must have got mixed up; I’ll top up Mr. Arnold’s pain relief, no harm done”.

Explore your professional, ethical and legal obligations towards Mr. Arnold and Mr. Ahmed.

Assignments must be submitted electronically via Turnitin for an originality report and also Moodle in order to receive your grade.

Instruction to students on submitting assignments electronically:

1. All assignments will be submitted electronically through the assessment activity in Moodle
and through TurnitinUK. No paper copies need to be handed in.

2. The submitted assignment must have a front page in the style as attached.

3. The submitted assignment must have a footer which includes page numbers and student number.

4. Turnitin will be configured to allow for more than one submission to enable multiple testing for similarity. Your marker will be examining your Turnitin report and therefore it is essential that you are confident that inadvertent plagiarism has not occurred.

5. Please ensure your completed assignment is uploaded before 23.45 on the submission date. The Turnitin and Moodle assessment sites will automatically close at 23.45 and no further submissions will be accepted.

6. Students who have special dispensation to submit after the published submission date or wish to submit late will be able to access an alternative Turnitin and Moodle assessment site. This site will open on the 0900 the day after the published submission date and close at 23.45 two weeks after the published submission date. This is available for first attempts only. Professional Values in Nursing Assessment.

7. Subsequent attempts do not have a two-week extension and so must be submitted on the published date.

8. When submitting your assignment into Moodle you will be certifying that your work is your own except where indicated through accurate referencing using the Harvard Referencing format.

9. Student feedback will be available via Moodle on the published date 12th June. Please note these are only provisional results and subject to change.

10. If you are planning to submit your assignment close to the deadline, this is likely to be a busy period and may result in a failure to submit.

11. Not being able to upload onto Turnitin and Moodle close to the deadline will not form the basis for extenuation.

House style front page

Module Title: Professional Values, Ethics and Law
Student Number: ******* Assignment Title: Case Study
Field: Children’s Nursing

Cohort: September 2014

Word Count: 3000


You should receive detailed comments on your assignment within 3 weeks of the submission date, if you have submitted on time. This will be available via Moodle. This feedback should give a clear indication of the strengths of your work and also highlight areas where improvements might be made. You are encouraged to attend the scheduled feedback sessions with your Module Co-ordinator for specific guidance if you are unclear about what a particular comment means, or if you are uncertain about how you might improve future assignments.

Recommended Practice:

Below are some suggestions about how to read and use written assignment feedback for the case based essay. We hope that these key points will assist you to gain the most from your feedback.

• In reading the feedback, make sure that you also revisit the question and associated assignment guidelines. It is surprising how rapidly these can fade from memory. Also, feedback can easily be misinterpreted outside the context of the original question.
• If you have a number of questions, attend one of the organised feedback sessions with your Module Co-ordinator to discuss your queries in greater depth.
• As part of this review process, it is important to conclude with a positive question such as, ‘What can I do about my academic work in the future to sustain or enhance my marks?’
• Take time to read the feedback carefully alongside the recommended mark. You may feel relieved, elated or angry regarding the mark that has been awarded, and lose the benefit of explanations offered because of this first emotional response.


7.1 Overview of the Main Content

• Professional values:
o An understanding of the values that underpin nursing care, the NMC Code of Conduct, and NMC Guidance on Professional Conduct for student nurses and midwives
• Ethical theory:
o Virtue theory, Utilitarianism, Deontology and Principalism
• Biomedical ethics:
o Modern day issues, including technological imperative and human rights
• The law:
o UK, English and European law; common law and duty of care, consent, confidentiality (Caldicott Principles), negligence, accountability
• Case law affecting health care
o Bolam V Friern Hospital Management Committee , Bolitho V City and Hackney Health Authority, Sidaway V Bethlam, Gillick V West Norfolk and the Fraser Guidelines.
• Statute law
o Human Rights Act (1998), Children’s Act (1989) (2004), Mental Health Act (l983) (2007), Mental Capacity Act (2005), Data Protection Act (1998), Professional Values in Nursing Assessment.

The module content is delivered and interacted with both in the face-to- face and virtual learning environment (VLE). You are required to attend face-to-face study sessions (30 hrs) as well as undertaking “learning activities” (L-tivities) (20hrs). This module format should allow you flexibility in the way you manage when and where to study.

The L-tivities include materials developed from accessing electronic media (e.g. books, journals, video casts and web pages). You will be required to complete the study materials on a weekly basis. Each L-tivity is designed to support your learning within the seminars and key lectures. Feedback and clarification on L-tivities will be via the face-to-face sessions or from materials and interactions from within the VLE.

7.2 Overview of Types of Classes

Teaching and learning strategies based on blended learning approaches will be employed to ensure a balanced and integrated learning. The use of a constructivist model of learning and teaching will be employed.

Key Lectures to introduce and extend knowledge and understanding of the topic areas.
Group work and Seminar activities to develop a better understanding of the topics and encourage peer assisted learning. Peer sharing of ideas /experience will encourage students to reflect on their life experiences or previous learning opportunities. Facilitation will be provided
by a member of the module teaching team.

Moodle (VLE)

Moodle will be used in two ways, firstly as a means of communicating subject materials and secondly as an interactive learning experience. E-learning will use a range of electronic technology to engage students in multi-sensory inclusive learning.

7.3 Importance of Student Self-Managed Learning Time

In order to achieve the learning outcomes of this module, students have been given 150 hours for self-managed learning and 20 hours for directed blended learning. Clear guidelines for study are provided and students are provided with a comprehensive range of resources on the VLE to support this.

The objectives for blended learning are:

• Completion of blended learning to engender a deep learning of the subject matter

• To use blended learning in a constructionist manner building upon previous learning

• Engage with research material to enhance understanding of the subject matter and to understand the application to the student’s field of nursing. Professional Values in Nursing Assessment.

7.4 Employability

Agenda for Change (2004), the Knowledge and Skills Framework (2004) identify the key role nurses have in taking the health service forward and delivering safe optimal standard of care. The National Service Framework (Department of Health, 2004) provides the contextual reference for this care for patients. Through this module the individual nurse will develop knowledge and understanding which will contribute to the sociological, physiological and cultural assessment of the patient. In this way the individual nurse will be fit for purpose with relation to this aspect of care delivery.