Assignment: Principal Components and Exploratory Factor Analysis
Assignment: Principal Components and Exploratory Factor Analysis
After reading about the concepts for both Principal Components Analysis and Exploratory Factor Analysis, complete the exercises using SPSS for both techniques.
Click on the Data Files Link under Materials.
Download the data file named Leanne and load it into SPSS. The data file contains 310 cases; however, the 30 individual item or the variables to be used for factor analysis in this assignment are named aspire01 through aspire30.
Save the SPSS output file with your name_LeanneOutput, eg. LeonardHuggins_LeanneOutput.
Complete the practice exercises in Chapter 12B of the Meyers, Gamst, and Guarino (2013) text using SPSS and the aspire01 though aspire30 variables in the Leanne dataset.
Write a 1,050 to 1,400-word paper that includes the major elements, concepts, or components. Address the following issues:
- Analyze and explain similarities and differences in the exploratory factor analysis and principal component analysis.
- Assess how exploratory factor analysis can help to reduce a small number of themes, factors, or components and why the focus on commonality in the subsets of variables is important for the overall analysis.
- Replicate the major tables for principal component analysis and exploratory factor analysis. After each of the primary tables explain (from your own understanding) the primary results that are shown in certain table columns that lead to the interpretation of the test results. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses or limitations of the model.
- Draw conclusions about how the early principal components analysis and exploratory factor analysis techniques might provide benefits for a projected dissertation study.
Format your paper according to APA guidelines. Do not include Appendices in your paper.
Submit both your paper assignment and your SPSS output file to the Assignment Files tab as two separate files.
RES 726 WEEK 7 Principal Components and Exploratory Factor Analysis
After reading about the concepts for both Principal Components Analysis and Exploratory Factor Analysis, complete the exercises using SPSS for both techniques.
Click on the Data Files Link under Materials.
Download the data file named Leanne and load it into SPSS. The data file contains 310 cases; however, the 30 individual item or the variables to be used for factor analysis in this assignment are named aspire01 through aspire30.
Save the SPSS output file with your name_LeanneOutput, eg. LeonardHuggins_LeanneOutput.
Complete the practice exercises in Chapter 12B of the Meyers, Gamst, and Guarino (2013) text using SPSS and the aspire01 though aspire30 variables in the Leanne dataset.
Write a 1,050 to 1,400-word paper that includes the major elements, concepts, or components. Address the following issues:
- Analyze and explain similarities and differences in the exploratory factor analysis and principal component analysis.
- Assess how exploratory factor analysis can help to reduce a small number of themes, factors, or components and why the focus on commonality in the subsets of variables is important for the overall analysis.
- Replicate the major tables for principal component analysis and exploratory factor analysis. After each of the primary tables explain (from your own understanding) the primary results that are shown in certain table columns that lead to the interpretation of the test results. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses or limitations of the model.
- Draw conclusions about how the early principal components analysis and exploratory factor analysis techniques might provide benefits for a projected dissertation study.
Format your paper according to APA guidelines. Do not include Appendices in your paper.
Submit both your paper assignment and your SPSS output file to the Assignment Files tab as two separate files.