Assignment: HLA Assembly Language Program

Assignment: HLA Assembly Language Program

Assignment: HLA Assembly Language Program


 PROGRAM 3: Box It!
Write an HLA Assembly language program that prompts for a specific int8 value named n and then displays a repeated digit pattern starting with that number. The repeated digit pattern should show all the numbers from 1 up to that number, each on its own row. There should be a total of n 1’s on the first row. Then there should be a total of n 2’s on the second row and so on all the way up to n. Shown below is a sample program dialogue.

Gimme a decimal value to use as n: 6

Gimme a decimal value to use as n: 4

(Hint: I would recommend you write it first in C or Visual Basic and then translate your lines of code, one-by-one, into a assembly statements, just like our good friend mr. compiler does.)

Post the answer directly, I will buy it. Thanks!

Notes for the Student:

1. You may encounter contraband, e.g. images depicting adult or child pornography, during your examination of the provided forensic image. If this occurs, you are to proceed as though you had legally authorized permission to continue your examination and prepare a report which includes information about the contraband. For training purposes, Adult pornography is depicted using images of canines (dogs or puppies). Child pornography is depicted using images of felines (cats or kittens). Images of child pornography (cats or kittens) should not be included in a forensic report and should not be extracted from the forensic image.

2. For training purposes, pictures of flowers are used to denote narcotics and related contraband.

3. The referenced employment agreement is understood to include prohibitions against participating in any/all illegal activities on company premises or while using company IT resources. This prohibition includes receipt and transmission of illegal forms of pornography (as defined by the State of Maryland and the US Federal Government) and engaging in any/all forms of drug trafficking.

4. For the purposes of this assignment, you (the student) are acting in the role of “forensic examiner.” In the grading rubric, actions attributed to “the examiner” are actions that you should (or should not) have taken.

5. You should use any and all information provided in the detailed assignment description for Forensic Report #1 and the results of your examination of the evidence as reported in Forensic Report #1.

6. Use the following case naming and evidence numbering conventions:

· Case Names: PAGS01 (Forensic Report #1) and PAGS02 (Forensic Report #2)

· Evidence Labels: PAGS01_USB and PAGS02_USB