The Blue Carbuncle Analysis Paper
The Blue Carbuncle Analysis Paper
The Blue Carbuncle Analysis
Sherlock Homes puts in yet another masterclass in his article The Blue Carbuncle. The story in this article commences 48 hours after Christmas when Watson visits Holmes to wish him good luck for the period. He stumbles upon Holmes inspecting a black hat that had been conveyed to him by a policeman from the local police station. This makes the beginning of a compelling mind-blowing mystery that Sherlock Holmes take upon himself to solve. Along the way, he makes some spending deductions regarding various aspects of the mystery. The story possess some unnerving drama within itself while certain bamboozling scenes. Sherlock uses all his experience in solving cases to dissect the theft that had taken place at the Hotel Cosmopolitan. The goose and the hat that had been left at the place ply a significant role in the investigation that Sherlock conducts. In order to advance the plot of this story, the author has used various literary devices that are important when it comes to textual analysis. The current paper will analyze some of the aspects of the book using textual evidence from the play in order to provide a clear understanding of the novel.
The Analysis
The author has used a lot of symbolism, allegory, and imagery to goof effect in the novel. The heavy black clothes that some of the characters in the novel wear are symbolic of the melancholy that may have engulfed them. In the The Blue Carbuncle, the author uses the objects to advance his stories and not to symbolize something. James Ryder has been used to bring thieving in the novel. Nevertheless, as long as his usefulness is finished, the author cuts him from the story. In the novel, the engineers thumb is utilized to state that Victor Hatherley is articulating the truth. The objects that are used in the story are nearly utilitarian given the fact that they only offer a way to the end. They are only important in as far as they are essential to the case that Sherlock Holmes is trying to crack. The moment that the mystery in the story becomes solved and the plot unravels, the Blue Carbuncle and all the objects that are used in Homes apartment named 221B lose their magic.
Sir Author Doyle has similarly utilized various characters in all of his articles in the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. In the Blue Carbuncle, the Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson are the predominant figures, as they have always been in all of his articles. Holmes is a consulting detective in the story. He has a mind that is cold and calculating with a very deductive tendency. Sir Doyle portrays Holmes as an individual who can come up with theories that are relevant to solving the mysteries in the story. His deductive capacity is seen when he states that “…the man was fairly well-to-do within the last three years, although he has now fallen upon evil days.” He additionally states deduces that “He is a man who leads a sedentary life, goes out little, is out of training entirely, is middle-aged, has grizzled hair which he has had cut within the last few days, and which he anoints with lime-cream” (Doyle, 1994), effectively solving one of the most mysterious component of the storyline. As a matter of fact, the author uses the traits of Holmes to perpetuate the plot of his story. He explores Holmes deductive reasoning capacity to solve the mysteries in the story especially from the hat.
In addition, Sir Doyle uses a clever thief known as Jack Ryder in the story to advance the storyline. While he is very smart for a thief, Ryder is eventually caught by the trickery and innovativeness of Sherlom Holmes. However, Holmes releases Ryder even after catching him. Sir Doyle uses the plight of Ryder, who is a hotel employee to highlight the plight of the lesser members of the society, which culminates to the culprit being left. Henry Baker, who lost the hat and the goose, and Peterson the Commissionaire, the employee of the hotel and Holmes’ friend who takes the remaining goose and hat to him are the other minor characters in the story that are used by the author to perpetuate the storyline.
The setting of the story is in 221B Baker Street, whereby Holmes has a house and the Hotel Cosmopolitan. The house that Holmes live in is characterized by a lot of stuff such as encyclopedia, gold snuff cases, tobacco filled shoe, a pipe-rack, and a sofa. There are various other stuffs in the house as it is alternatively used by Holmes and Dr. Watson to solve the mysteries in the stories. The fact that all the above-mentioned things are brought up to the scene gives the location a connotation of actual, physical presence, which makes the story captivating to read. The Hotel Cosmopolitan where it is based is fictional and is not found anywhere in Britain. However, it provides a significance basis upon which the story is set and where the blue carbuncle was stolen.
Furthermore, Sir Doyle has kept the usage of fiction throughout the story to great effect. Numerous aspects of the story are fictional. Starting with the main character Sherlock Homes to the setting, the author has accentuated certain themes of the storyline. Indeed, the usage of the fictional Hotel Cosmopolitan within the story and in London, allows for a certain flexibility regarding how the author sets up other parts of the story. The blue carbuncle is also fictional in the story. As a matter of fact, even Holmes himself does not know exactly what it is-he refers to it as “crystallized charcoal” yet there is no stone with charcoal inside (Doyle, 1994). As such, fiction has been employed effectively by Arthur Conan Doyle.
In conclusion, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has used various literary devices to write this story. He uses allegory, symbolism fiction, and character creation in a manner that is consistent with the kind of novel that he wrote. In addition, setting to highlight certain features in Holmes life as well as his friends. Therefore, the novel The Blue Carbuncle is definitely impressive from the literary point of view.