Stage 1: Organizational Analysis and Requirements


Before you begin work on this assignment, be sure you have read the Case Study. Refer to the System Recommendation Report – Table of Contents – below to see where you are in the process of developing this report.

As a professional medical consultant, you have been asked to conduct an analysis, develop a set of system requirements and propose an Electronic Health Records (EHR) system to improve the Midtown Family Clinic’s processes. This work will be completed in four stages, and each of these four stages will focus on one section of an overall System Recommendation Report to be delivered to the Midtown Family Clinic.

The sections of the System Recommendation Report will be developed and submitted as four staged assignments. In stages 2, 3 and 4, you will also incorporate any feedback received when the previous stage is graded to improve the effectiveness of your overall report and then add the new section to your report. At the end of the course, you will submit a complete System Recommendation Report that includes all the sections and changes that resulted from previous feedback. A key to successful business writing is quality and conciseness rather than quantity.

The sections are described below and the graphic that follows provides the detailed outline and Table of Contents for this report:

Introduction – Provides background and sets the stage for the rest of the document. To be written and submitted as part of Stage 1.

Section I: Organizational Analysis and Requirements (Stage 1) – The first step is to look at the organization and explain how an EHR system could benefit the Midtown Family Clinic’s processes.

Section II: Data Sharing (Stage 2) – Next you will explain, the types of data that need to be shared with other organizations, and what data interchange standards should be used.

Section III: Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues (Stage 3) – Then you will analyze the ethical, legal and regulatory policy issues that impact the EHR solution for the Midtown Family Clinic.

Section IV: System Recommendation (Stage 4) – Finally, you will identify a certified EHR system for the Midtown Family Clinic, and explain what improvements the Clinic can expect, how it meets the requirements, and what needs to be done to implement the system at the Clinic.

Conclusion – Summarizes the document. To be written and submitted as part of Stage 4.

References– List of references. A separate page developed as part of Stage 1 with references added (in alphabetical order) as other sections are added to the report.

Begin by creating a title page to include your name, course information and date; followed by a page break. On a separate page, create the Table of Contents, which you will update as you add the sections of the Report. Note that each section has its own introduction and summary.


System Recommendation Report

Table of Contents

II. Organizational Analysis and Requirements (Stage 1)

A. Introduction

B. Strategic Use of Technology

C. Components of an Information System

D. Functional Requirements

E. Summary


A. Introduction

B. Need to Share Data

C. Types of Data to be Shared

D. Data Interchange Standards

E. Summary

A. Introduction

B. Table of Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues

C. Addressing the Most Difficult Issue

D. Summary


A. Introduction

B. Proposed IT solution

C. How the Proposed IT Solution Meets the Requirements

D. Improvements from Proposed IT Solution

E. Implementation Considerations

F. Summary

Conclusion (Stage 4)


System Recommendation Report (SRR), Section I – Organizational Analysis and Requirements

Section I of the SRR document contains an organizational analysis and identifies ways in which an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system can help the Midtown Family Clinic to meet its strategic goals. The next step is to identify data and functional requirements for the EHR system. This analysis lays the ground work for the rest of SRR, as the recommendation for an EHR must support the Clinic’s strategic goals and meet its functional and data requirements.


Stage 1 Assignment Instructions

Using the case study, the overview above, Course Content readings, and external resources, develop your Introductionand Section I: Organizational Analysis and Requirements. Recommended lengths for each section are provided and you should be sure to include all pertinent information.

Introduction– briefly describe (at a high level) the organization in the Case Study; provide a context for the rest of the document. (one to two paragraphs)

I. Organizational Analysis and Requirements

A. Introduction –Introduction to this section describing what is included. (3-4 sentences)

B. Strategic Use of Technology– Using the Strategic Goals section of the Case Study, list three strategic goals that have been identified by the Midtown Family Clinic, and that can be supported with an EHR system. For each, explain how an EHR system can be used to support the goal(Introductory sentence and list of three strategic goals with one to two strong sentences that explain how an EHR system would support the strategic goal and justify your position with specifics from the Case Study.)

1. Strategic Goal 1 and explanation:

2. Strategic Goal 2 and explanation:

3. Strategic Goal 3 and explanation:

C. Components of an Information System –An information system is comprised of people, technology, processes (or organizational components), and data. Explain each of the following in relationship to an EHR system to support the Midtown Family Clinic:

1. People– List the people who would use the new EHR system by name and role, and identify two things that person needs (functions) the system to do to help them with their job. (Provide an introductory sentence for Section C, and a sentence on people followed by a list of the people who will use the system and their roles.)

A. Person 1 and role, and two functions

B. Person 2 and role, and two functions

C. Person 3 and role, and two functions

2. Organizational Processes– list three processes that are used at the Clinic that would be supported by an EHR system and explain how the processes would be improved using an EHR system. (Provide an introductory sentence and list/explanation of three processes.)

A. Process 1 and how it would be improved

B. Process 1 and how it would be improved

C. Process 1 and how it would be improved

3. Data – The new EHR system will need to collect, store and process data. An example of needed data is “Name of Patient.” The case study provides insight into the kinds of data that will be needed. First, insert an introductory opening sentence for this section. Then identify ten (10) critical data items for this EHR system solution. (Provide an introductory sentence and copy the table and insert information within.)

Data Items Needed for EHR System

D. Functional Requirements– The next step is to identify the essential requirements for the EHR system. Review the processes and data items you listed above and create a list of ten (10) requirements. Each requirement is one sentence in length and addresses one thing the system must do. The requirements are documented in a table, as shown below. For a full requirement specification, there will be many requirements statements; you only need to provide ten. The requirements should be derived from the Case Study; an analyst should not “invent” requirements. (Provide an introductory sentence and copy the table and insert information within.)


Functional Requirements

E. Summary– briefly summarize the content of this section and tie the information together for the reader. (3-4 sentences, IFSM305 -STAGE 1,2,3,4 ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS PAPER)

Formatting Your Assignment

For academic writing, the writer is expected to write in the third person. In third person, the writer avoids the pronouns I, we, my, you, your, and ours. The third person is used to make the writing more objective by taking the individual, the “self,” out of the writing. This method is very helpful for academic writing, a form in which facts, not opinion, drive the tone of the text. Writing in the third person allows the writer to come across as unbiased and thus more informed. The Report is to be written for the Midtown Family Clinic, and reference should not be made by name to individuals who own or work in the Clinic.

· Write a short concise paper: Use the recommendations provided in each area for length of response. Content areas should be double spaced; table entries should be single-spaced. It’s important to value quality over quantity. The body (Introduction to the report and Section I) of the assignment should not exceed 6 pages.

· Ensure each section has an introductory sentence or two that sets the stage for the information to follow.

· Ensure that each of the tables is preceded by an introductory sentence that explains what is contained in the table, so the reader understands why the table has been included.

· Use at leasttwo resources with APA formatted citation and reference. Use at least one external reference and one from the course content.

· Compare your work to the Assignment Instructions above and the Evaluation Criteria/Grading Rubric below to be sure you have met content and quality criteria. Do not overlook this step. Read your work out loud or have your computer read it to you. Fix the grammar and other areas identified.

· Submit your paper as a Word document, or a document that can be read in Word.

· Your submission filename should be as follows: Lastname_firstname_Stage_1

Stage 2: Sharing Data


Before you begin work on this assignment, be sure you have read the Case Study and reviewed the feedback received on your Stage 1 assignment. Refer to the System Recommendation Report Table of Contents below to see where you are in the process of developing this report.

As a professional medical consultant, your next step in developing your recommendation for an EHR system is to determine what data will need to be shared with other organizations and how that data will be shared.

System Recommendation Report

Table of Contents

Introduction (Stage 1)


B. Organizational Strategy

C. Strategic Use of Technology

D. Components of an Information System

E. Requirements

F. Summary

A. Introduction

B. Need to Share Data

C. Types of Data to be Shared

D. Data Interchange Standards

E. Summary

A. Introduction

B. Table of Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues

C. Addressing the Most Difficult Issue

D. Summary

A. Introduction

B. Proposed IT solution


C. How the Proposed IT Solution Meets the Requirements

D. Improvements from Proposed IT Solution

E. Implementation Considerations

F. Summary

Conclusion (Stage 4)


System Recommendation Report (SRR), Section II – Sharing Data

Section II of the SRR document addresses the need for the Midtown Family Clinic to share data with other organizations. As part of analyzing the requirements for the new system, one step is to consider how that system will enable the Midtown Family Clinic to exchange electronic data with other health organizations – such as other providers, pharmacies, insurance companies, and even patients themselves. The case study mentions several of these. For this assignment you will select two types of external organizations and describe what kind of data would flow between the Midtown Family Clinic and those organizations and how that can be done effectively.

Stage 2 Assignment Instructions

The first step is to incorporate the feedback you received on your Stage 1 assignment, making any needed corrections or adjustments. For this assignment, you will add Section II of the System Recommendation Report (SRR).

Using the case study, the overview above, Course Content readings, and external resources, develop your Section II on Sharing Data. Approximate lengths for each section are provided as a guideline; be sure to provide all pertinent information. Apply specific information from the case study to address each area listed below.

II. Sharing Data

A. Introduction – Introduction to this section describing what is included. (3-4 sentences)

B. Need to Share Data –Review the Midtown Family Clinic Case Study and identify two types of external organizations (e.g., hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, laboratories, pharmacies, health insurance providers, etc.) with which the Midtown Family Clinic needs to communicate and the purpose of the communication. (Introductory sentence and list of two external organizations and the purpose of their communication with the Midtown Family Clinic, providing specifics from the Case Study.)

1. External Organization #1 and purpose of communication.

2. External Organization #2 and purpose of communication.

C. Types of Data to be Shared – In Stage 1, Section C.3., Data, you took an initial look at the types of data the new EHR system will process. But now we’re going to take that a step further and add a layer of complexity by considering the needs and requirements of different external organizations. Using the two external organizations you listed in Section A above, list five data items, or data elements, that would be shared with each external organization, and explain whether that information is going out from the Midtown Family Clinic or coming in from each of the two external organizations. Feel free to consult the list you developed for Section C.3 of your Stage 1 assignment. Some of these data elements may come from that list if they are appropriate for this purpose; however, other, different, data elements may be listed here. Note: For full credit, a different list of data elements should be provided for each organization (no duplicates in the table below, although data elements may be repeated from Section C.3). (Provide an introductory sentence and copy the table and insert information within.)

Organization #1 (replace with your organization from above)
Data Element or Item Data Goes TO/FROM Midtown Family Clinic
Organization #2 (replace with your organization from above)
Data Element or Item Data Goes TO/FROM Midtown Family Clinic

D. Data Interchange Standards– Conduct some external research and identify a data interchange standard that would apply to the data that is exchanged with each external organization. The standard you select should apply to one or more of the data elements you listed above for each organization. Provide a brief description of what the standard is, what it requires, why it is important and how it applies to the data elements listed and the Midtown Family Clinic EHR system. Note: For full credit, two different data interchange standards are required. (There are some specific data interchange standards that apply to health data exchange; if the same standard applies to the data exchanged with both organizations, explain how it relates to each.) (Introductory sentence and list of two external organizations and the information shown about the Data Interchange Standard selected for each, providing specifics from the Case Study.) IFSM305 -STAGE 1,2,3,4 ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS PAPER

1. External Organization #1

a. Data Interchange Standard and description

b. What the Data Interchange Standard requires

c. Why the Data Interchange Standard is important

d. How the Data Interchange Standard applies to the data elements listed and the Midtown Family Clinic EHR system

2. External Organization #1

a. Data Interchange Standard and description

b. What the Data Interchange Standard requires

c. Why the Data Interchange Standard is important

d. How the Data Interchange Standard applies to the data elements listed and the Midtown Family Clinic EHR system

E. Summary –briefly summarize the content of this section and tie the information together for the reader. (3-4 sentences)

Formatting Your Assignment

For academic writing, the writer is expected to write in the third person. In third person, the writer avoids the pronouns I, we, my, you, your, and ours. The third person is used to make the writing more objective by taking the individual, the “self,” out of the writing. This method is very helpful for academic writing, a form in which facts, not opinion, drive the tone of the text. Writing in the third person allows the writer to come across as unbiased and thus more informed. The Report is to be written for the Midtown Family Clinic, and reference should not be made by name to individuals who own or work in the Clinic.

· Include the Introduction and Section I, revised according to any feedback received, and add to it Section II.

· Write a short concise paper: Use the recommendations provided in each area for length of response. Content areas should be double spaced; table entries should be single-spaced. It’s important to value quality over quantity. Section II should not exceed 4 pages.

· Ensure that the table is preceded by an introductory sentence that explains what is contained in the table, so the reader understands why the table has been included.

· Use at least two resources with APA formatted citation and reference. Use at least one external reference and one from the course content.

· Compare your work to the Assignment Instructions above and the Evaluation Criteria/Grading Rubric below to be sure you have met content and quality criteria. Do not overlook this step. Read your work out loud or have your computer read it to you. Fix the grammar and other areas identified.

· Submit your paper as a Word document, or a document that can be read in Word.

· Your submission filename should be as follows: Lastname_firstname_Stage_2

IFSM305 -STAGE 1,2,3,4 ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS PAPER Stage 3: Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues


Before you begin work on this assignment, be sure you have read the Case Study and reviewed the feedback received on your Stage 2 assignment. Refer to the System Recommendation Report Table of Contents below to see where you are in the process of developing this report.

As a professional medical consultant, your next step in developing your recommendation for an EHR system is to determine what ethical, legal and regulatory policy issues apply and how they will be addressed in the selection and use of the system.

System Recommendation Report

Table of Contents

Introduction (Stage 1)

A. Introduction

B. Organizational Strategy

C. Strategic Use of Technology

D. Components of an Information System

E. Requirements

F. Summary

A. Introduction

B. Need to Share Data

C. Types of Data to be Shared

D. Data Interchange Standards

E. Summary

A. Introduction

B. Table of Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues

C. Addressing the Most Difficult Issue

D. Summary



A. Introduction

B. Proposed IT solution

C. How the Proposed IT Solution Meets the Requirements

D. Improvements from Proposed IT Solution

E. Implementation Considerations

F. Summary

Conclusion (Stage 4)


System Recommendation Report (SRR), Section III – Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues

Section III of the System Recommendation Report (SRR) analyzes the ethical, legal, and regulatory policy issues that influence the selection of an EHR system and how it is used. For this assignment, you will identify the ethical, legal and regulatory policy issues related to health care information systems, explain the impact of the ethical, legal and regulatory policy issues on the selection and use of health care information systems, and describe how the ethical, legal and regulatory policy issues can be addressed in the development and use of EHR systems. This analysis leads into Section IV – System Recommendation section of the SRR (the Stage 4 assignment) that will propose an EHR solution to meet the Midtown Family Clinic’s organizational strategy and fulfill its operational needs.

Below are a list of course resources and an example to assist you in completing Section III of the Report.

Course Resources: The table below provides the sources for the definitions and explanations of the topics. You should use other resources as well, but be sure they apply to health care information technology implementations. IFSM305 -STAGE 1,2,3,4 ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS PAPER

Course Resources for Table of Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues
Topic Source of Definitions/Explanations

(located in Course Content)

1 Safe Design Week 2: “Principles of Quality and Safety for HIT,” lecture b
2 Meaningful Use Week 2: “Introduction to Quality Improvement and HIT,” lecture a
3 Quality Improvement Week 2: “Introduction to Quality Improvement and HIT,” lecture b
4 Data Accuracy Week 3: “Data Quality Improvement” lecture a
5 Data Accessibility Week 3: “Data Quality Improvement” lecture a
6 Data Comprehensiveness Week 3: “Data Quality Improvement” lecture a
7 Data Consistency Week 3: “Data Quality Improvement” lecture b
8 Privacy Week 4: “Privacy, Confidentiality & Security,” lecture a

Week 4: “Security,” lecture c

9 Confidentiality Week 4: “Privacy, Confidentiality & Security,” lecture a

Week 4: “Security,” lecture c

10 Security Week 4: “Privacy, Confidentiality & Security,” lecture a
11 Individually Identifiable Health Information Week 4: “Privacy, Confidentiality & Security,” lecture a
12 Protected Health Information Week 4: “Privacy, Confidentiality & Security,” lecture c
13 HIPAA Privacy Rule Week 4: “Privacy, Confidentiality & Security,” lecture c

Week 4: ” System Security Procedures and Standards,” lecture a

14 HIPAA Security Rule Week 4: “Privacy, Confidentiality & Security,” lectures c and d

Week 4: ” System Security Procedures and Standards,” lecture a

15 Business Associate Contracts Week 4: “Privacy, Confidentiality & Security,” lectures c and d
16 Authentication Week 4: “Security,” lecture a
17 Authorization Week 4: “Security,” lecture a
18 Encryption Week 4: “Security,” lecture b
19 Technical Safeguards Week 4: ” System Security Procedures and Standards,” lecture b
20 Healthcare Ethical Principles Week 4: “Ethics and Professionalism,” lecture a

Example: An example for a topic entry is provided below.

Example from another industry: For example, for a fitness center that is adopting a new technology solution involving a kiosk for customers to use to pay for their membership at the gym, then for the Area of Accessibility, the following might be entered. Note the thorough explanation.

Topic Definition of Topic How it impacts and will be addressed in the selection and use of a system
Accessibility Accessibility is the degree to which a product, device, service, or environment is available to as many people as possible. This includes accessibility to people with various impairments such as: cognitive, visual, hearing and /or dexterity issues. Since the customers will use the kiosk to pay their membership fees, it must be accessible to everyone, including those with some disabilities. The system will be required to give instructions in both written and audible forms. The system provides audio instructions and other tools for people with disabilities. As part of the implementation, these capabilities will be tested and front desk personnel will be trained to assist customers if needed.

Stage 3 Assignment Instructions

The first step is to incorporate the feedback you received on your Stage 2 assignment, making any needed corrections or adjustments. If you have not incorporated the feedback from your Stage 1 assignment, you should do so prior to submitting Stage 3. For this assignment, you will add Section III to Sections I and II of the System Recommendation Report (SRR).

Using the case study, the overview above, Course Content readings, and external resources, develop your Section III on ethical, legal and regulatory policy issues. Approximate lengths for each section are provided as a guideline; be sure to provide all pertinent information. Apply specific information from the case study to address each area listed below.

III. Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues

A. Introduction –Introduction to this section describing what is included. (3-4 sentences)

B. Table of Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues – The table below lists 20 topics related to ethical, legal and regulatory policy issues for healthcare IT systems. Each of these is defined in the course materials; the table above provides the sources where the definitions and explanations can be located. (Provide an introductory sentence and copy the table and insert information within.)

For each topic, you willprovide:

· a brief definition, a minimum of two sentences, in your own words

· a brief explanation, a minimum of two sentencesof the impact of the topic or issue on the selection and use of the EHR system; and

· a brief explanation, a minimum of two sentences, of how the topic or issue will be addressed in the development and use of the EHR system.

DO NOTcopy the definitions from the class resources or other sources, but use your own words and provide enough information to demonstrate your understanding of each topic.

The “right” and “wrong” answers have to do with whether or not you correctly define each issue as it relates to an EHR technology solution and provide a well-supported explanation for how it will be accommodated. Your responses will be evaluated on whether they are applicable to an EHR solution, appropriately defined, adequately explained, and are appropriate to the Midtown Family Clinic.

Table of Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues
Topic Definition of the Topic

(minimum 2 sentences for each, a definition in your own words)

How the topic impacts and will be addressed in the selection and use of an EHR system (minimum 4 sentences for each topic – 2 on impact and 2 on how addressed) IFSM305 -STAGE 1,2,3,4 ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS PAPER
1 Safe Design
2 Meaningful Use
3 Quality Improvement
4 Data Accuracy
5 Data Accessibility
6 Data Comprehensiveness
7 Data Consistency
8 Privacy
9 Confidentiality
10 Security
11 Individually Identifiable Health Information
12 Protected Health Information
13 HIPAA Privacy Rule
14 HIPAA Security Rule
15 Business Associate Contracts
16 Authentication
17 Authorization
18 Encryption
19 Technical Safeguards
20 Healthcare Ethical Principles

C. Addressing the Most Difficult Issue – Consider each of the 20 issues listed and choose the one that you believe will be the most difficult for the Midtown Family Clinic to implement. Explain why you selected the issue and what should be done to ensure it is properly addressed when the system is selected, implemented and used. Your response will be assessed on its applicability to the Case Study and how well you support your choice and explain what should be done. (A paragraph of five to six sentences.)

D. Summarybriefly summarize the content of this section and tie the information together for the reader. (3-4 sentences)


Formatting Your Assignment

For academic writing, the writer is expected to write in the third person. In third person, the writer avoids the pronouns I, we, my, you, your, and ours. The third person is used to make the writing more objective by taking the individual, the “self,” out of the writing. This method is very helpful for academic writing, a form in which facts, not opinion, drive the tone of the text. Writing in the third person allows the writer to come across as unbiased and thus more informed. The Report is to be written for the Midtown Family Clinic, and reference should not be made by name to individuals who own or work in the Clinic.

· Include Sections I and II revised according to any feedback received, and add to it Section III.

· Keep your paper concise: Use the recommendations provided in each area for length of response. Content areas should be double spaced; table entries should be single-spaced. It’s important to value quality over quantity. Section III should not exceed 4 pages.

· Ensure that the table is preceded by an introductory sentence that explains what is contained in the table, so the reader understands why the table has been included.

· Use at least two resources with APA formatted citation and reference. Use at least one external reference and one from the course content.

· Compare your work to the Assignment Instructions above and the Evaluation Criteria/Grading Rubric below to be sure you have met content and quality criteria. Do not overlook this step. Read your work out loud or have your computer read it to you. Fix the grammar and other areas identified.

· Submit your paper as a Word document, or a document that can be read in Word.

· Your submission filename should be as follows: Lastname_firstname_Stage_3

Stage 4: System Recommendation & Final System Recommendation Report


Before you begin work on this assignment, be sure you have read the Case Study, and reviewed the feedback received on your Stage 1, 2 and 3 assignments. Refer to the System Recommendation Report (SRR) Table of Contents below to see where you are in the process of developing this report.

In this Stage 4 assignment, you will identify a certified Electronic Health Records (EHR) system for the Midtown Family Clinic and explain how it meets the requirements, how it will improve the processes at the Clinic, and what needs to be done to implement the system within the Clinic. You will add the Conclusion to the Report. In addition, you will provide a complete final System Recommendation Report incorporating feedback from earlier stages.

System Recommendation Report

Table of Contents

Introduction (Stage 1)


A. Introduction

B. Organizational Strategy

C. Strategic Use of Technology

D. Components of an Information System

E. Requirements

F. Summary


A. Introduction

B. Need to Share Data

C. Types of Data to be Shared

D. Data Interchange Standards

E. Summary

A. Introduction

B. Table of Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues

C. Addressing the Most Difficult Issue

D. Summary

A. Introduction

B. Proposed IT solution

C. How the Proposed IT Solution Meets the Requirements

D. Improvements from Proposed IT Solution


E. Implementation Considerations

F. Summary

Conclusion (Stage 4)


System Recommendation Report (SRR), Section IV – System Recommendation

Section IV of the System Recommendation Report will propose a certified Electronic Health Record (EHR) system to meet the Midtown Family Clinic’s strategy and meet its operational needs. In Section IV, you will also Identify and explain the improvements the system will bring and the high-level steps that will need to take place in order to implement the system you have proposed. For this assignment, you will add Section IV to Sections I, II and III, as outlined below.

Stage 4 Assignment Instructions

The first step is to incorporate the feedback you received on your Stage 3 assignment, making any needed corrections or adjustments. If you have not incorporated the feedback from your Stage 1 and Stage 2 assignments, you should do so prior to submitting Stage 4. This assignment requires a complete System Recommendation Report document with revisions made as needed based on the Stage 1, 2, and 3 project submissions and feedback. Note: This is a specific grading criteria in the rubric.

Using the case study and the outline listed below, develop your Section IV – System Recommendation. Approximate lengths for each section are provided as a guideline; be sure to provide all pertinent information.

IV. System Recommendation

A. Introduction –Introduction to this section describing what is included. (4-5 sentences)

B. Proposed IT Solution: There are many certified EHR systems available. Conduct some research on the web and identify a system that will support the Midtown Family Clinic and that meets the requirements you listed in Section I – Organizational Analysis and Requirements (the Stage 1 Assignment). One easy to use site is http://www.softwareadvice.com/ where you can enter “Electronic Medical Records” as the search term and then select various criteria such as specialty, practice size, price, etc. From the results presented, you can identify the names of the various systems and then search on those directly for more detailed information. Be sure to evaluate potential solutions to align with the needs of the Midtown Family Clinic. Identify the vendor and the system you selected. (One paragraph)

C. How the Proposed IT Solution Meets the Requirements: Using the 10 requirements you listed in your Stage 1 assignment (and incorporating any feedback you received), you will now explain how the solution you have chosen fulfills these requirements.

First, insert an introductory opening sentence for this section. Then copy the entries for the 10 requirements into the Requirements column from the table in Section I (Stage 1 Assignment). Complete the table by providing the explanations of how the system you selected meets each requirement. (Provide an introductory sentence and copy the table and insert information within.)



Functional Requirement

(from Functional Requirements table in Section I)

Explanation of How the Proposed System Meets the Requirement

C. Improvements from the Proposed IT Solution: Explain how the proposed IT solution will help the Midtown Family Clinic achieve its strategic goals (one paragraph) and improve the processes at the Midtown Family Clinic (one paragraph). (Two complete paragraphs in total) IFSM305 -STAGE 1,2,3,4 ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS PAPER.

D. Implementation Considerations: First, insert an introductory opening sentence for this section. Then identify whether the system will be implemented on premise or as a cloud based service, and address each of the 7 implementation considerations below by addressing the questions provided and identifying appropriate implementation steps. Label each paragraph with the consideration being addressed for clarity. Some of the information required will come from the vendor information located through your web research. (one paragraph for each consideration)

Implementation Strategy –Will the system be implemented on premise or as a cloud-based service? Explain your recommendation for the Midtown Family Practice. IFSM305 -STAGE 1,2,3,4 ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS PAPER.

Implementation Considerations:

1. Vendor agreement

a. What does the Midtown Family Clinic need to do to be able to start using the system?

b. How much will it cost to use the system?

2. Hardware and telecommunications

a. What hardware will the Midtown Family Clinic need to have in order to implement and use the solution?

b. What kind of telecommunications will be needed for the solution, including local connectivity inside the Clinic and Internet access?

3. Configuration

a. What options does the vendor offer for configuring the off-the-shelf system to the Midtown Family Clinic’s needs?

b. How will the configuration be done and by whom?

4. Testing

a. How will the Clinic test the system to see if it is working properly for its needs?

b. Choose one of the ten requirements in Requirements (Section C) above and explain how this will be tested to ensure it is working properly and the requirement is met.

5. Employee preparation – Identify what the Midtown Family Clinic will need to do in each of the following areas to prepare the employees to use the new system:

a. Leadership (2-3 sentences)

b. Change Management (2-3 sentences)

c. Training (2-3 sentences)

6. Data migration

a. What existing data would need to be entered into the system to get started?

b. How might this be accomplished?

7. Maintenance

a. Who will provide updates and corrections to the system?

b. How will that be done?

E. Summary-briefly summarize the content of this section and tie the information together for the reader. (3-4 sentences)

Conclusion: Close your System Recommendation Report with a brief summary of the key points including the benefits the Midtown Family Clinic can expect to gain from this solution and the alignment with its strategic objectives. This should be a “compelling call to action” to get the Midtown Family Clinic to approve your recommendation and move ahead to implementing the system. (One well-written paragraph.)

NOTE: This final submission should be a cohesive System Recommendation Report for the Midtown Family Clinic. Sections I, II and III should have been updated to reflect substantive feedback received during the grading process. The formatting should be consistent throughout the document, and the writing should flow well from beginning to end. Headings, numbering, page numbers, and footers should be correct for a final submission. A cover/title page should be included with the overall document. The Table of Contents should include the full outline as shown in the graphic in the assignments. The References page should include all references cited in the Report, in alphabetical order and in APA format. Although you prepared this in stages, the final product should not seem to be piecemeal or disconnected.

Formatting Your Assignment

For academic writing, the writer is expected to write in the third person. In third person, the writer avoids the pronouns I, we, my, you, your, and ours. The third person is used to make the writing more objective by taking the individual, the “self,” out of the writing. This method is very helpful for academic writing, a form in which facts, not opinion, drive the tone of the text. Writing in the third person allows the writer to come across as unbiased and thus more informed. The Report is to be written for the Midtown Family Clinic, and reference should not be made by name to individuals who own or work in the Clinic.

· Write a complete, well organized paper that includes all four sections of the System Recommendation Report. Use the recommendations provided in each area for length of response. Content areas should be double spaced; table entries should be single-spaced. It’s important to value quality over quantity. The length for Section IV should not exceed six (6) pages in addition to Sections I, II and III.

· Ensure that the table is preceded by an introductory sentence that explains what is contained in the table, so the reader understands why the table has been included.

· For Section IV, use at least three resources with APA formatted citation and reference. One reference must be from the vendor site for the solution you are recommending, one additional external source, and one from the IFSM 305 course content.

· Compare your work to the Assignment Instructions above and the Evaluation Criteria/Grading Rubric below to be sure you have met content and quality criteria. Do not overlook this step. Read your work out loud or have your computer read it to you. Fix the grammar and other areas identified.

· Submit your paper as a Word document, or a document that can be read in Word.

· Your submission filename should be as follows: Lastname_firstname_Stage_4, IFSM305 -STAGE 1,2,3,4 ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS PAPER.