PSY 8115 Effects of a Single Parent Home on a Child’s Behavior Essay

PSY 8115 Effects of a Single Parent Home on a Child’s Behavior Essay

PSY 8115 Effects of a Single Parent Home on a Child’s Behavior Essay

Even after years of research there are still those who have their opinions about children who grow up in broken or single parent homes. Research shows the impacts of a solitary parent home on a youngster’s conduct can be sweeping and effect a few regions of life, including scholastic accomplishment and social behaviors. I’m writing this paper to find out how the effects of single parent structures if it dictates that child’s behavior. There are many stereotypes and comments made towards children growing up in single parent homes. So this paper will give myself and those reading a better understanding to how a child’s behavior is affected.



Purpose of study

In order to accomplish the purpose of this research study, the following research questions will be investigated. (1) Find out the impact single parent families have on children’s emotional and social development. (2) The difference between both parents raising a child versus one parent. (3) Figure out which environment is better for a child to grow up in. (4) Why Do Single-Parent Families Put Children at Risk?




Research Question

What are the impacts that single parent families have on children’s emotional and social development? If you only have one parent will you have more economic hardships and less educational



Benefit of Study

The Benefit of this study is to accomplish the following one investigate, examine how and why children act a certain way due to their environment in which they are growing up in. Also find statistics on the difference between growing up in a single parent home versus a divorced home. To see if children growing up with both parents turn out to have less behavior issues compared to having one parent. Finding out whether a child’s behavior is truly determined by having both parents in the house. This paper should increase the awareness of those people who want to be future parents it will allow them to put certain things into consideration.


Literature Review

The reason for this area is to survey past studies that have been carried out in this subject area. With a specific end goal to viably direct the audit, the writing is sub-separated into the following areas. (1) Types and Quality of parenting; (2) Economic hardships ;( 3) Academic Achievement; (4) Exposure to stress; (5) short and long term economic and psychological advantages. (6) Demographic Trends.


Types and Quality of Parenting Definitions

Single Parenthood- a person who has a dependent child or dependent children and who is widowed, divorced, or unmarried. (Collins Dictionary 2014)Authoritative parenting- a strategy that seeks to set reasonable rules and guidelines that are in the best interests of the child. The rules provide structure while still allowing room for the child to explore, test, and begin the process of learning what constitutes acceptable behavior. (Tatum, M. (n.d.). Authoritative Parenting. Retrieved November 13, 2014.) Permissive Parenting- According to Baumrind, permissive parents “are more responsive than they are demanding. They are nontraditional and lenient, do not require mature behavior, allow considerable self-regulation, and avoid confrontation. (Baumrind, D. 1991).Neglectful Parenting-Uninvolved parenting, sometimes referred to as neglectful parenting, is a style characterized by a lack of responsiveness to a child’s needs. Uninvolved parents make few to no demands of their children and they are often indifferent, dismissive or even completely neglectful. (Baumrind, D. 1967).


Single-guardian families are by and large arranged by the sex of the custodial guardian (mother-just or father-just families). Mother-just families incorporate widows, separated and differentiated ladies, and never-wedded moms. On account of separation, moms are normally given authority in the United States and other created nations. In Italy, in 1997, for instance, 90 percent of youngsters whose folks separated went into the authority of their moms. Since the greater part of single folks are moms, the majority of the exploration concentrates on female-headed families. Then again, paying little mind to sex, single folks offer comparable issues and difficulties (Grief 1985).


Economic Hardships

In this section I will discuss the economic hardships children are at risk at when growing up in a single parent home. (a). It is difficult for poor single parents to afford the books, home computers, and private lessons that make it easier for their children to succeed in school; (Amato, P. 2005); (b). For example, in the United States, the custodial mother’s and children’s standard of living is reduced by 30 percent on average while the noncustodial father’s standard of living increases by 15 percent (Hoffman and Duncan 1988); (c). For single parents the housing/employment issue is one of affordability and geographic proximity and access to jobs that pay a living wage (Mulroy 1995); (d). Single fathers, on the other hand, were more likely to be working full-time (77%), with only 17 percent working part-time or part-year. In addition, single mothers are more likely than other employees to experience layoffs, they receive fewer fringe benefits, and they pay higher expenses for childcare (Kinnear 1999); (e). According to one study, a father’s child support payments average less than his car payments (Pearce 1990). Despite recent U.S. legislation (Family Support Acts of 1988 and 1994), many fathers do not pay court-ordered child support payments.

Academic Achievement

Most single-guardian families are controlled by moms, and the nonappearance of a father coupled with lower family unit wage can expand the danger of youngsters performing defectively in school. The absence of monetary backing from a father regularly brings about single parents working more, which can thus influence youngsters in light of the fact that they get less consideration and direction with their homework. Specialist Virginia Knox closed from information from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, that for each $100 of kid help moms get, their youngsters’ state administered test scores increment by 1/8 to 7/10 of a point. Moreover, Knox found that kids with single parents who have contact and enthusiastic backinghigher absentee rates at school, lower levels of education, and higher dropout rates (with boys more negatively affected than girls); and more delinquent activity, including alcohol and drug addiction from their fathers have a tendency to improve in school than youngsters who have no contact with their fathers. Kunz, M. (Ed.). (2014, January 6). PSY 8115 Effects of a Single Parent Home on a Child’s Behavior Essay


Exposure to stress

Kids living with single folks are presented to more unpleasant encounters and circumstances than are youngsters living with ceaselessly married parents. Despite the fact that researchers characterize stretch in sort of diverse ways, most accept that it happens when outer requests surpass individuals’ adapting assets. This results in emotions of enthusiastic trouble, a lessened ability to capacity in school, work, and family parts, and an increment in physiological pointers of arousal. Economic hardship, awkward child rearing, and loss of contact with a guardian (as noted prior) can be distressing for kids. Watching clash and threatening vibe in the middle of occupant and alien parents  is stressful as well .Conflict between separated parents  seems, by all accounts, to be especially destructive when kids feel that they are gotten in the center, as when one guardian criticizes the other parent in front of the kids, when youngsters are asked to send  discriminating or candidly negative messages from one guardian to the next, and when one guardian endeavors to enroll the kid as an associate against the other. Interparental clash is an immediate stressor for kids, and it can likewise meddle with their connections to parents, bringing about emotions of enthusiastic instability (Amato, P.2005).Girls are at greater risk of becoming single mothers as a result of no marital childbearing or divorce. (McLanahan and Booth 1989).


Demographic Trends

All inclusive, one-quarter to one-third of all families are headed by single parents, causing to be reinvestigated the normativeness of couple headed families. There was a great increase in single-guardian families in the United States in the most recent three many years of the twentieth century; just 13 percent of families were going by a solitary parent in 1970. Created nations, specifically, are encountering an increase in single-guardian families as separation gets to be more basic. In developing countries, divorce is not as common, but desertion, death, and imprisonment produce single-parent families, primarily headed by women (Kinnear 1999). The factors most commonly related to the contemporary U.S. single-parent family are changing social and cultural trends, increased rates of divorce and nonmarital childbearing, increased employment opportunities for women, decreased employment opportunities for men (especially African-American men), and the availability of welfare benefits that enable women to set up their own households (Rodgers 1996). Since 1990, births have declined among African-American teens and risen among white teens, who comprise two-thirds of teen mothers. The factors contributing to teen pregnancy and childbirth include lack of close contact with adult role models; peer pressure; family poverty; the perception among many teens that few opportunities for success are available; and inadequate sex education, especially about contraception and family planning (Sidel 1998).PSY 8115 Effects of a Single Parent Home on a Child’s Behavior Essay





Short and long term economic and psychological advantages.

In the first few years after a divorce, the children have higher rates of antisocial behavior, aggression, anxiety, and school problems than children in two parent families. However, some of these problems may be attributed to a decrease in available resources and adult super-vision; many of the negative effects disappear when there is adequate supervision, income, and continuity in social networks (McLanahan and Sandefur 1994). A common explanation for the problems found among the children of single parents has been the absence of a male adult in the family (Gongla 1982) in one study more than 60 percent of fathers either did not visit their children or had no contact with them for over a year. The loss of a father in the family can have implications beyond childhood (Wallerstein and Blakeslee 1989). Although the research findings are mixed on long-term effects, the majority of children adjust and recover and do not experience severe problems over time (Coontz 1997). With that being said the things parents do and say around kids no matter what the age has an effect on them mentally and psychically. The way parents partake in raising and speaking towards the child says a lot about how that child will grow up. Even when you think the child isn’t listening or doesn’t understand is when they really do. PSY 8115 Effects of a Single Parent Home on a Child’s Behavior Essay














When writing my literature review I found a great deal of information on the different types of parenting styles and the economic hardships of going up in single parent home. Very little information on the academic achievement of the children. The information was either very vague or repeated itself. For the rest of my paper I plan to look harder and deeper in articles books to find more statistics and information on academic achievement. my objective in this paper has been to inform the person about the impacts of single guardian homes on kids. Initially, how do kids in families with one and only natural guardian contrast from kids in family units with both organic folks, as far as their cognitive, social, and emotional well-being research unmistakably exhibits that youngsters growing up with two ceaselessly wedded folks are more outlandish than other youngsters to experience an extensive variety of cognitive, enthusiastic, and social issues amid youth, as well as in adulthood. In spite of the fact that it is impractical to exhibit that family structure is the reason for these distinctions, concentrates on that have utilized a mixed bag of refined factual systems, including controls for hereditary elements, recommend that this is the situation. This qualification is considerably stronger in the event that we concentrate on kids growing up with two joyfully wedded natural folks










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