NUR 649E Week 3: Applying Technology in Nursing and Patient Education

NUR 649E Week 3: Applying Technology in Nursing and Patient Education

NUR 649E Week 3: Applying Technology in Nursing and Patient Education

Each student will select one technology application and describe its use within nursing in general or in patient education. Address the significance of the selected technology, attributes of the selected technology (i.e., accuracy, cost, accessibility, etc.), and provide specific examples with rationale of situations in which the technology application as an educational tool would provide advantages as well as disadvantages. In addition, relate the use of the selected technology application to the appropriate professional standards and competencies.

This assignment may be completed in one of the following formats (with quantitative criteria) listed below:

1.APA-formatted paper (1,000-1,250 words)
2.PowerPoint presentation with comprehensive speakers’ notes (12-15 slides)
3.Podcast (10-15 minutes)
4.Blog or Web page (1,000-1,250 words)
5.Any other technology application as approved by the instructor

After you have completed this assignment, you will further post the assignment to the Topic 4 Discussion Forum as specified by the instructor. Within the Topic 4 forum, select and review four technology applications that are new to you in that you have not experienced them in the nursing environment.

xplain how each of the four reviewed applications may be modified or adapted for your specific field or to a specific patient population. Ask questions as needed to each classmate about the application. In addition to providing constructive feedback to your peers, your posts should include responses to any questions asked, as well as replies.

APA format is required for essays only. Solid academic writing is always expected. For all assignment delivery options, documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.


NUR 649E Week 3:

Question 1 Chapter 20 in Teaching in Nursing: A Guide for Faculty discusses the use of technology in nursing education. In addition to the technology mentioned in that chapter, there are many other types of technology devices available today such as eReaders, smartphones, and net books, to name just a few. Select one type of technology application and explain how it is changing the nature of the learning environment and/or the learner’s experience in it.

Question 2= Select a specific technology and describe how the use of that technology in nursing education would differ with different types of students.
Note: You may not select a technology that has already been posted by another student; you must select a different one. (This discussion question should be done in advance so that there will be no confusion on whatever technology is chosen). NUR 649E Week 3: Applying Technology in Nursing and Patient Education.