NURS 4100 Assignment: Quality and Safety Through Evidence-Based Practice
Assignment: Quality and Safety Through Evidence-Based Practice
I work in a hospital frequent falls is a problem
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In this Discussion you will identify three clinical practice problems in your current (or past) practice as a nurse that risk compromise to quality of care and patient safety. You will select one of these problems to clearly define the risk and ask a question using the PICO format. Asking the question and selecting the problem is the first step of the Impact Model that is discussed in the textbook. Evidence-based practice questions are asked and written in the PICO format and you will use this process as you develop an evidence-based practice project that will be completed in steps during the course.
Note Initial Post: A three-paragraph (at least 350 words) response. Be sure to use evidence from the readings and include in-text citations. Utilize essay-level writing practice and skills, including the use of transitional material and organizational frames. Avoid quotes; paraphrase to incorporate evidence into your own writing. A reference list is required. Use the most current evidence (usually ? 5-years-old.)\
NURS 4100 Quality and Safety Through Evidence-Based Practice
My Evidenced Based Problem would be FALLS
Evidence-Based Problem and Question Template
To begin your EBP project for the course you will develop your PICO statement and practice question using the Evidence-Based Problem and Question template in this week’s resources. The template covers all three parts of this assignment:
(1) Identify one nurse sensitive indicator that you think is a problem in your workplace. (For the purposes of this class it is not recommended students attempt to select the topics of staff ratios/mix or turnover, job satisfaction, nursing care hours provided per patient day, or insurance issues. Focus on everyday nursing practice issues such as, falls, pressure ulcers, unsafe work environment, pain assessment, peripheral intravenous, physical restraints, healthcare associated infections, or education.)
(2) Use the four PICO categories to describe this clinical problem.
(3) Develop an answerable EBP question.
(4) Save your Assignment using the following naming convention: WK1Assgn+last name+first
initial and submit.
Nurse Sensitive Indicator See example in the course text.
PICO Question
Population P:
Intervention I:
Comparison C:
Outcome O:
Answerable Evidence-Based Practice Question, Assignment: Quality and Safety Through Evidence-Based Practice.