Nursing 504 Research Article Summary Assignment

Nursing 504 Research Article Summary Assignment

Nursing 504 Research Article Summary Assignment

Directions: Use the templates below when summarizing your research articles. Include a cover page, and start a new page for each article summary. Use level 1 and 2 headings when composing the summaries to separate distinct parts.

Title of Quantitative Article
(Example of text: This article was authored by Watson and James and published in the Journal of Nursing Research in 2008. This article was selected as an example of a quasi-experimental design.The model summary selected for this paper is found on page 90 to 91of the textbook.This is a summary of a quasi-experimental study in which though there is a comparison group; subjects were not randomly assigned to groups. The research article being summarized also is an experiment that used a comparison group without randomization.)
Problem Statement
Statement of Purpose
Research Question(s)/Hypothesis
Study Methods
Key Findings

Title of Qualitative Article

(Example of text:Ramirez (2008) studied adolescent depression and the influence of significant adults on the course of the depression.The model summary utilized is found on page 91of the textbook. It was selected because it is an example of a grounded theory study as is the article selected.)
Problem Statement
Statement of Purpose
Research Question(s)
Key Findings

Directions: Use the templates below when summarizing your research articles. Include a cover page, and start a new page for each article summary. Use level 1 and 2 headings when composing the summaries to separate distinct parts.

Title of Quantitative Article
(Example of text: This article was authored by Watson and James and published in the Journal of Nursing Research in 2008. This article was selected as an example of a quasi-experimental design.The model summary selected for this paper is found on page 90 to 91of the textbook.This is a summary of a quasi-experimental study in which though there is a comparison group; subjects were not randomly assigned to groups. The research article being summarized also is an experiment that used a comparison group without randomization.)
Problem Statement
Statement of Purpose
Research Question(s)/Hypothesis
Study Methods
Key Findings

Title of Qualitative Article

(Example of text:Ramirez (2008) studied adolescent depression and the influence of significant adults on the course of the depression.The model summary utilized is found on page 91of the textbook. It was selected because it is an example of a grounded theory study as is the article selected.)
Problem Statement
Statement of Purpose
Research Question(s)
Key Findings

Nursing 504 Research Article Summary Assignment