Nurse-to-Patient Ratio

Nurse-to-Patient Ratio Research Papers

Nurse-to-patient ratio research papers are custom written by nursing professional writers from Paper Masters. The nurse-to-patient ratio is an important part of every medical facilities administrative responsibilities and a custom written research paper on the topic will help explain the importance of it in nursing.Research Papers from agree with the American Medical Association reports that the current nursing shortage is the number one concern of nurses today. As a possible solution, a safe staffing law has been passed in California and are being considered elsewhere in the United States. Nurse-to-patient ratio legislation will create many changes for the nursing profession. In addition to providing improved care to patients, the new nurse-to-patient ratio will also allow nurses to spend more time with patients at a pace that is more conducive to appropriate health care. This nurse-to-patient ratio research paper will examine the following:


  1. Ways in which the nurse-to-patient ratio applies to nursing in general
  2. The legal responsibilities and ethical dilemmas presented by this law.
  3. A nurse-to-patient ratio research paper will demonstrate that hospitals and nursing administrators will gain legal responsibility for maintaining staffing levels, while many ethical problems associated with under-staffing will be resolved for nurses in many areas.
California initiated the nation’s first nurse-to-patient ratios for intensive care units in 1976, which provided the nursing profession and hospitals with a general model for expanded staffing. California’s new Safe Staffing Law, referred to as Assembly Bill 394, was signed by Gov. Gray Davis in 1999 to establish minimum licensed nurse-to-patient ratios for acute-care hospitals. The deadline for implementation is January 1, 2004, and hospitals and nursing administrators are working to recruit and hire additional staff to meet the standards set by the law. In this respect, one of the most immediate general impacts of the legislation will be to increase the number of Registered Nurses in hospitals. Because there is a nursing shortage in California and other states, this increase in staffing levels will require a new approach to the hospital’s relationship to nurses. Generally, the new staffing law will enhance the recruitment and retention of Registered Nurses, therefore it will most likely result in an improvement in general working conditions.

The new staffing law will require a great deal of input from nurse. For example, the staffing system must “be created with input from direct-care RNs; be based on the number of patients and level and intensity of care to be provided, with consideration given to admissions, discharges, and transfers that nurses must handle each shift; account for architecture and geography of the environment and available technology; and reflect the level of preparation and experience of those providing care.

Nurse-to-Patient Ratio Research Papers