HSM320 Health Rights & Responsibilities Assignments

Devry HSM320 Health Rights & Responsibilities Assignments

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HSM320 Health Rights & Responsibilities

Week 3 Assignment  


Relating course content to the current healthcare environment is an integral part of your learning; this also helps develop your awareness of the critical importance of legal and ethical issues. Two (2) collaborative activities are required in this course. These activities will give you the opportunity to apply course content. Specific instructions for each of these activities are provided each week they are assigned. The first collaboration activity on professional liability is to be completed in two parts. Part one is due week 3 and part two is due week 4.

Collaborative Activity 1: Professional Liability—select an allied health (nonphysician) profession; this can be your own profession or another profession that interests you. Some examples of allied health professions include physical therapy, respiratory therapy, pharmacy, nursing, physician assisting, radiography, ultrasonography, nuclear medicine, medical laboratory, medical assisting, phlebotomy, and many others. Research the topic of professional liability, including negligence and malpractice. Identify the most common form of litigation in this profession. Describe a situation in which an individual in this profession might be held liable for negligence and ways to proactively avoid or prevent negligence in the profession that you selected.

Week 3, each team member will complete the research on the selected allied health profession. The group will then schedule a live meeting using interactive online meeting tools, or alternatively an asynchronous meeting using a multimedia video, to discuss their individual findings and share the commonalities of the risks in these health care professions. Document the participation in this meeting by taking and saving a screen shot of the meeting or saving the multimedia video. Submit the documentation. The week 3 collaborative activity is worth 50 points.

HSM320 Health Rights & Responsibilities

HSM320 Health Rights & Responsibilities Assignments Week 4 Assignment  


Relating course content to the current healthcare environment is an integral part of your learning; this also helps develop your awareness of the critical importance of legal and ethical issues. Two (2) collaborative activities are required in this course. These activities will give you the opportunity to apply course content. Specific instructions for each activity are provided in the week they are assigned. The second part of the first collaboration activity on Professional Liability is due this week.

Collaborative Activity 1: Professional Liability—select an allied health (nonphysician) profession; this can be your own profession or another profession that interests you. Some examples of allied health professions include physical therapy, respiratory therapy, pharmacy, nursing, physician assisting, radiography, ultrasonography, nuclear medicine, medical laboratory, medical assisting, phlebotomy, and many others. Research the topic of professional liability including negligence and malpractice, Identify the most common form of litigation in this profession. Describe a situation in which an individual in this profession has been or might be held liable for negligence. Identify ways to proactively avoid or prevent negligence in the profession that you selected. Week 3 each group met and discussed the most common forms of liability in each profession. Discuss as a group the commonalities of the risks in these health care professions. Week 4 the group will develop a list of recommendations for practitioners to limit risk in these professions, there may be some overlap. Using a presentation tool with audio, such as Power Point, summarize the group findings and recommendations.  The week 4 document is worth 100 points.

HSM320 Health Rights & Responsibilities

Week 6 Assignment  


Collaborative Project: Advance Directives In teams, -research and discuss the legal and ethical basis for Advance Directives such as the Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney for healthcare. Why are these documents so valuable in healthcare situations? What legal authority do these documents provide for decision making by family and/or healthcare providers? The deliverable for this assignment is to develop an informational/educational brochure about advance directives for the general public. The brochure should include a description of advance directives, emphasizing their importance in ensuring patient autonomy in health care decisions. The brochure will also include a scenario in which a Living Will or Durable Power of Attorney for health care were helpful to the patient, family and health care team. Examples of forms for Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney will be included as examples. Week 6, the team will gather information, share this information and plan the brochure. Group collaboration may be via an organized meeting, multimedia recording, or other collaborative live or asynchronous tool. Each team member will submit a screen shot or other evidence of participation in the collaboration submission area.

The topic for your brochure is noted below. Refer to at least one outside source, in addition to your text, as you prepare your brochure.

Activity 2: Advance Directives-research and discuss the legal and ethical basis for Advance Directives such as the Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney for healthcare. Why are these documents so valuable in healthcare situations? What legal authority do these documents provide for decision making by family and/or healthcare providers? Briefly discuss a situation in which a Living Will might apply and would be of benefit to those involved. Once you have researched and discussed Advance Directives, draft a sample Living Will, indicating the type of content that should be found in such a document. Some students take this opportunity to prepare their own actual Living Will, and that certainly is encouraged.


Week 7 Assignment  


Collaborative Activities 2: Advance Directives In teams, research and discuss the legal and ethical basis for Advance Directives such as the Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney for healthcare. Why are these documents so valuable in healthcare situations? What legal authority do these documents provide for decision making by family and/or healthcare providers? The deliverable for this assignment is to develop an informational/educational brochure about advance directives for the general public. The brochure should include a description of advance directives, emphasizing their importance in ensuring patient autonomy in health care decisions. Include a scenario describing a situation in which a Living Will or Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care were helpful to the patient, family and health care team. Provide examples of forms for Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care and Living Wills.

Using the information gathered and discussed week 6, the week 7 collaborative assignment is to complete the brochure and add a section for Frequently Asked Questions, including at least four FAQ’s. Use Microsoft Word Brochure templates or other publishing software to develop the brochure. Each team will submit a copy to the Week 7 Collaborative Activity for grading. The Week 7 Collaborative Activity is worth 100 points.HSM320 Health Rights & Responsibilities Assignments