M4A1:  HIM Department Strategic Plan

M4A1:  HIM Department Strategic Plan

M4A1:  HIM Department Strategic Plan

Instructions:  Read the 2014-2017 AHIMA Strategic Plan http://bok.ahima.org/PdfView?oid=107449.  Focusing on one of the five goals, Leadership, Public Good, Information Governance, Informatics, and Innovation, develop a strategic plan for your HIM Department.  Utilize the Strategic Process to define a HIM department strategic priority and project with goals and objectives.  Define how they will be developed, implemented, and monitored.  Assign responsibilities, assignments, expected outcomes, and follow-through.  Describe how you will involve top leadership.  Identify stakeholders to your plan.  Provide a timeline for planning and implementation.  The expected outcome should be measurable. M4A1:  HIM Department Strategic Plan


The following may serve as a model for your strategic priority and project.  Use the BOLD outline titles below as your template for your Strategic Plan.  Include at least two quality sources in your report.  Provide at least two citations and references.  Your report will be graded on critical thinking, demonstration that you completed the assigned reading, organization, completeness, and synthesis of more than one quality source.  Submit your plan as an attachment with the following naming convention:  Lastname.FirstName.DeptStrategicPlan

Strategic Plan Goal Category:  Information Governance:  Be Recognized as the Healthcare Industry Experts in Information Governance (AHIMA, 2014 p. 16)

Goal:  Improve outcomes while decreasing hospital readmissions (AHIMA, 2014 pp. 9, 16).

Objective:  Share information across the care continuum.  The Care Continuum is defined as hospitals, primary care provider, and discharge location.  The discharge location may be home, home health, skilled nursing facility, rehabilitation facility, transport services, etc.

Expected Outcome:  Hospital readmissions within 30 days will be reduced by 10% from the rate of readmission for the calendar year prior to implementation to the rate of readmission in the first calendar year following implementation.

The Stakeholders in This Process:  patient, caregiver, hospital, providers, payers, post-acute care facilities.

How This Will Be Developed:  Analyze data on patients readmitted to the hospital within 30 days of discharge.  Identify which diagnoses are most prominent.  Identify the post-acute care facilities receiving these discharged patients.  AMI, CHF, pneumonia, hip and knee replacements, and COPD are the conditions that CMS is monitoring and penalizing for excessive readmissions (Rice, 2015).

How This Will Be Implemented:  partner with post-acute care facilities to improve management of patients with these conditions (Wilkins, 2012).  Discuss workflows and problems encountered on each side of the transition of care.  Improve communications between facilities and agree on constructive improvements to coordinate care.

How This Will Be Monitored:  Review readmissions weekly.  Identify what needs to be done differently.

How Top Leadership Will Be Involved:  present budget to top leadership demonstrating impact to bottom line by avoidance of 3% penalties by CMS (Rice, 2015) for readmissions for the target conditions.  Obtain buy-in from CMO and CFO of hospital and post-acute care facilities.  Enlist support of physician champion.

Timeline from Planning to Implementation:


  1. Gather data on current status of readmissions
  2. Gather data on rate of readmissions from facilities patients that frequently receive patient post discharge
  3. Present data and budget to top leadership
  4. Enlist support of physician champion
  5. Form a committee to examine current workflows and problems
  6. Assign staff to connect with post-acute care facilities to participate in discussions examining current workflows and problems
  7. Brainstorm constructive improvements to processes.
  8. Select one of the key diagnosis conditions to pilot the initiative
  9. Identify key measurement indicators of performance for initiative. Will use CMS numerator and denominator described at National Quality Forum hospital-level 30-day risk-standardized readmission rate (RSRR) for patients discharged from the hospital with a principal diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) as one of the types of measurement as an indicator (National Quality Forum, 2015).
  10. Obtain agreement on key measurement indicators from stakeholders
  11. Review readmissions weekly
  12. In coordination with post-acute facilities, identify what needs to be done differently
  13. Implement agreed-upon changes to improve process


Works Cited

AHIMA. 2014. 2014-2017 Strategic Plan: Driving the power of knowledge. Chicago : AHIMA, 2014.

Ledlow, Gerald R. & Coppola, M. Nicholas. 2014. Leadership for Health Professionals: Theory, skills and applications. Burlington : Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2014. p. 27.

National Quality Forum. 2015. Hospital 30-day all-cause risk-standardized readmission rate (RSRR) following acute myocardial infarction (AMI) hospitalization. Quality Forum. [Online] 2015. http://www.qualityforum.org/QPS/QPSTool.aspx#qpsPageState=%7B%22TabType%22%3A1,%22TabContentType%22%3A2,%22SearchCriteriaForStandard%22%3A%7B%22TaxonomyIDs%22%3A%5B%5D,%22SelectedTypeAheadFilterOption%22%3A%7B%22ID%22%3A18339,%22FilterOptionLabel%22%3A%22.

Rice, Sabriya. 2015. Most hospitals face 30-day readmissions penalty in fiscal 2016. Modern Healthcare. [Online] 8 3, 2015. http://www.modernhealthcare.com/article/20150803/NEWS/150809981.

Wilkins, Bonnie. 2012. HIE in Care Transitions to LTPAC Settings. 2012.