Ashworth Introduction During Exercise Physiology Discussion
Ashworth Introduction During Exercise Physiology Discussion
Guided Response: Read several of your classmates’ posts and respond to at least three of your peers by Day 7. In your response to each classmate, suggest one additional job possibility in the field of exercise physiology that may fall outside the norm.
My response
Introduction during Exercise Physiology
I am Brenna Norman. I am thirty-five years old. I worked as a lifeguard for six years. My core duties were to train people how to swim and rescue swimmers that are overpowered by water. Swimming is part and parcel of active exercise session that helps an individual to become physically fit. However, I am currently working as a cashier at Lowes, which I find unfulfilling.
According toPowers,Howley, and Quindry (2007), the main components of exercise physiology include the following; first, it is cardio-vascular endurance. It is pivotal in ensuring the body has sufficient oxygen in the working muscles during physical activity. Second, it is muscular strength. It captures the weight a person can lift without exhaustion. Third, it is body composition. It determines the leanness of the body.
Adamopoulos et al. (2019)argue that exercise physiologists have various job opportunities, including the following; first, it is a clinical exercise physiologist. Here, an individual is responsible for dealing with people with chronic health issues. Second, it is a personal trainer. Here, an individual helps people to undertake workout routines. Third, it is a wellness coordinator. Here, an individual helps people to maintain the required diet.
Taking a course in exercise physiology can help my future profession in the following ways; first, it will prepare me to work in various settings, such as hospitals and rehabilitation services. Second, it will help me interact with my clients easily. Third, it will prepare me to advance my knowledge in the profession.
Adamopoulos, S., Corrà, U., Laoutaris, I. D., Pistono, M., Agostoni, P. G., Coats, A. J., … & Lund, L. H. (2019). Exercise training in patients with ventricular assist devices: a review of the evidence and practical advice. A position paper from the Committee on Exercise Physiology and Training and the Committee of Advanced Heart Failure of the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology.European journal of heart failure, 21(1), 3-13.
Powers, S. K., Howley, E. T., & Quindry, J. (2007).Exercise physiology: Theory and application to fitness and performance (pp. 303-308). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
student’s response
Carmen Greene
Jan 5, 2021 at 7:21 AM
Hello class. My name is Carmen Greene, and I live in Phoenix, AZ. I currently work as a utilization nurse reviewer for an insurance company. This means that I review patient charts and ensure that days are being utilized correctly, following Medicare and Medicaid guidelines for payment. I have been a nurse for thirty years, working in managed care for the last fifteen. Before this, I did bedside care in hospitals, nursing homes, private duty, and hospice care. I have been on the sick side of medicine and want to transition to the wellness side as a health coach, keeping people healthy and avoiding the chronic diseases I see daily, mostly self-induced.
From our text, I learned that the three main components of exercise physiology are: Knowledge gained of facts and theories from theoretical, clinical, and practical research. It is a formal degree program in accredited institutions of higher learning. And it is how practitioners and future leaders in the field get prepared and certified (Katch et al., 2015). There are many different job opportunities for exercise physiologists. Three that stood out to me were working as a sports/fitness director, becoming a college professor, and managing a health and wellness program (Katch et al., 2015).
Taking this course in exercise physiology will help me in my future goal of becoming a wellness coach for the insurance company I work for. I will likely be working with sedentary, overweight, and deconditioned members. This class will help me learn how to safely help them. I look forward to learning more!
Katch, V., McArdle, W., & Katch, F. (2015). Essentials of exercise physiology. (5th ed.). Retrieved from