IUPUFW Agoraphobia Symptoms Case Study

IUPUFW Agoraphobia Symptoms Case Study

IUPUFW Agoraphobia Symptoms Case Study

Assignment (Due by 1159 PM EST on Sept 30)

Please write a 1-2 page reflection after watching each video clip stating your initial diagnosis with differentials using only what the clip provides. Sometimes in practice we do not have all of the preferred information available and need to proceed with what we have available. List any symptoms that helped you to focus towards your diagnosis and why. Discuss treatment suggestions you have for this patient which may include psychosocial and/or developmental considerations. (MO 7)


Username: NKUNursing (case sensitive)

Password: NKUNursing0615 (case sensitive)


Video case assignments

Video case assignments

Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferencesUse APA format to cite all references. Please include scholarly peer reviewed references published within the last 5 years. Use evidence based research to support your recommendations.
2.0 to >1.0 ptsExceeds Expectations

Used APA format correctly to cite all references. Scholarly peer reviewed sources and evidence based research used to support recommendations.

1.0 to >0.0 ptsMeets expectations

References are much older than 5 years old, not evidence based, or trouble with APA format.

0.0 ptsDoes not meet expectations

Did not use APA format or used outdated references or no references.

2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvaluationEvaluate each video clip stating your initial diagnosis with differentials using only what the clip provides. List any symptoms that influenced your decision to use your diagnosis and why. Discuss treatment suggestions you have for this patient which may include psychosocial, cultural, and/or developmental considerations.
3.0 to >1.5 ptsExceeds Expectations

Evaluated the video clip by making a diagnosis with the information provided. Included additional questions to ask, any differentials, and suggested a treatment plan to begin with this patient.

1.5 to >0.0 ptsMeets expectations

Reflection was basic and missing some of the recommended listing of symptoms, diagnosis, treatment suggestions, developmental, psychosocial, or other considerations.

0.0 ptsDoes not meet expectations

Did not provide a diagnosis or include a treatment plan for the case.

3.0 pts
Total Points: 5.0
