BSC Disruptive Behavior Disorders What Is Odd & What It Looks Like Brochure
BSC Disruptive Behavior Disorders What Is Odd & What It Looks Like Brochure
The final course assignment is the development of a Brochure for hypothetical distribution to parents, educators, and health professionals regarding (a) identification; (b) intervention; and (c) prevention of Disruptive Behavior Disorders (DBD’s) in children and teens. Please follow these instructions to successfully complete your DBD Brochure:
1. Select an age group for your Brochure. Select either early childhood (ages 2-5 years), elementary-age (5-11 years), early adolescence or preteens (12-14 years); or late adolescence or teens (15-18 years) for the focus of your Brochure.
2. Follow the Brochure Template and Assignment Rubric for required Brochure information: Introduction; Overview; What it Looks Like; How it’s different than typical development in the age range selected; How professionals identify DBD’s; Effective intervention overview; How DBD’s can be prevented. NOTE: The best DBD Brochures focus not only on 1 age group, but also on 1 disorder (e.g., ADHD, ODD, CD) rather than all DBD’s.
3. Keep your information concise! Do not overload your Brochure with text.
4. Provide a separate Reference page to document the resources used to gather information for the Brochure.
NOTE: Feel free to download the attached Template and replace the material with your own. You will need to replace the graphics and the text to receive full credit for the assignment.
Disruptive Behavior Disorders:
ADHD, CD (conduct disorder), ODD ( oppositional defiant disorder)