MFT 635 TU Treatment of Trauma in Families The CAMS Approach Discussion
MFT 635 TU Treatment of Trauma in Families The CAMS Approach Discussion
**This is a discussion post.
QUESTION TO BE ANSWERED: Describe each component of the CAMS approach and HOW the ABFT model might fit with it.
***Here are some CAMS resources.
Required Readings:
Jobes, D. A., et al. (2018). A stepped care approach to clinical suicide prevention. Psychological Services 15(3): 243-250. Retrieved from Ebscohost multisearch.
Scott, S., et al. (2016). Attachment-Based Family Therapy for suicidal adolescents: A case study. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy 37(2): 154-176. Retrieved from Ebscohost multisearch.
Diamond, G. and S. Levy (2015). Attachment Based Family Therapy (ABFT) Webinar. Philadelphia, PA. Retrieved from or
This is a 38 min. video about Attachment-based Family Therapy. It is the only evidence-based family therapy for adolescent suicide, depression, cutting, etc. Excellent interventions related to attachment and trauma. It is optional but highly recommended.
Saltzman, W. R. (2016). The FOCUS Family Resilience Program: An Innovative Family Intervention for Trauma and Loss. Family Process, 55(4), 647-659. doi:10.1111/famp.12250
Retrieved from Ebscohost multisearch.
Suicidal ideation is a result of the client’s feeling totally overwhelmed because of his/her perception of a variety of precipitating events. Suicide does not generally come without warning. Most often, persons considering it show symptoms or provide clues to their intent. A person displaying only one or two of these behaviors may not be suicidal. Other factors must be taken into consideration and a suicidal assessment must be performed.
Warning Signs of Suicide
Giving things away
Putting things in order
Writing a will
Withdrawing from usual activities
Preoccupation with death
Having experienced the recent death of a relative or friend
Feeling hopeless, helpless, worthless
Increasing drug/alcohol use
Displaying psychotic behavior
Showing agitated depression
Suicide assessment is a judgment call. Being sensitive to risk factors and asking appropriate questions are vital strategies.
Suicide Assessment
Ask if the person has thoughts of killing himself/herself
Ask family members if they are concerned that the person will commit suicide
Check if person has plan for suicide
Check persons mental status
Check the history of suicide in the person’s life
Find out about any existing support systems that the individual may have
Ask the person for a commitment to talk with you and to give up all rights to suicide for a period of time (No Suicide Contract)
Loss often triggers suicidal thinking in a grieving person, especially after the denial and anger pass and depression sets in. Kubler-Ross’s Five Stages of Death and Dying will serve as an introduction to the topic of loss.
Kubler-Ross’s Five Stages of Death and Dying
Denial and isolation
Definitions of Bereavement, Grief, and Mourning
Bereavement: A state of loss.
Grief: The feelings of sorrow, anger, guilt, and confusion that arise when one experiences a loss.
Mourning: The overt expression of grief and the usual response to bereavement with 4 tasks.
Tasks of Mourning
Accepting the Reality of the Loss
Experiencing the Pain of Grief
Adjusting to an Environment in which the Deceased is Missing
Withdrawing Emotional Energy and Reinvesting it in Another Relationship
Roberts, A.R., & Yeager, K. R. (2009). Pocket Guide to Crisis Intervention. USA: Oxford. MFT 635 TU Treatment of Trauma in Families The CAMS Approach.