Florida Gulf Coast University Theories of Human Development Paper
Florida Gulf Coast University Theories of Human Development Paper
What questions do you have about the ideas in the post? What can you add to their ideas, building upon the connections you have made to the material so far? Your responses to other learners are expected to be substantive, referencing the assigned readings as well as other scholarly or professional literature to support your statements. End with a positive. Florida Gulf Coast University Theories of Human Development Paper
1. When I started thinking about a research question for this assignment, I came up with more than 10 different topics, I wanted to look at in the area of sexual assault (SA) and therapeutic methods. I kept writing down things I was interested in knowing more about and the next thing I knew there was a long list of items. I decided to group them together and narrowed it down to two main pathways: the intersection of oppression (race, class, gender, and sexual orientation) and treatment success; and the effect the reporting or nonreporting of a SA and the timeliness of therapeutic treatment had on the reduction of ongoing trauma and overall healing. In thinking about this project, I decided to go with the later and will be looking at this for my project.
Only 25% of all sexual assaults are reported to the police (Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, National Crime Victimization Survey, 2010-2016 (2017) and this number can vary greatly depending on the demographic of the person reporting. For this research, I will look at the correlation between the reporting or nonreporting of a sexual assault and the start of therapeutic treatment on survivor resilience, the reduction of trauma, and overall healing.
This topic is directly related to the volunteer work I currently am involved with a Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault advocate, the work I want to do in private practice and eventually in my Ph.D. work.
I will admit, I was overwhelmed by a library that is completely online and procrastinated because of that fear. However, once I worked my way through the library tutorial and all the shared links. I am still working my way through all the links, I was and am excited to keep searching for and reviewing literature for my chosen topic.
I think the topic I chose may need to be narrowed down, but for now, I am going to keep researching based on what I have now, see what is out there and then perhaps narrow it down. (Any insights would be appreciated!). There are a lot of statistics and research on who reports a SA and why they may or may not do so, but less so on what therapeutic models may be used with a survivor and how that correlates to the success of the therapy.
I think there is a lot of research that needs to be done on this topic and I look forward to reading what is out there and eventually contributing to that knowledge base.
2. I want to do my topic on ABA and its role in the education of students with autism. I have worked in schools with autism programs but never even heard of schools that are for students with learning disabilities that function with ABA at its core, until college. In the schools that I have worked in that aren’t dedicated to their disabilities, I’ve noticed that the “special education” classes and students are very much so othered. They attend the school and some of the events but the school is clearly not for them and not always inclusive. I’m interested in learning how much of a difference schools that are dedicated to children with special needs, makes on how well they perform in school and integrate into a neurotypical world. I have been struggling a bit with a narrowed down question for this research topic, but I have come up with this, “Do students attending special schools show greater developmental success in life, social and communicative skills than mainstream schools.”
I hope to one day open a school (maybe schools) for students with special needs. My purpose is to serve this community and the biggest goal that I feel needs to be focused on within this community are social skills and life skills.
According to the Library Research Knowledge Assessment (Capella, 2020), I did well on all skills but from personal experience, I feel that I could use help with searching more effectively. In order to find research on my topic I used the Boolean command AND, and looked up comparisons of mainstream schools AND schools dedicated to the needs of children with special needs on student success. I am already familiar with Boolean commands from undergrad so I did not have trouble with it. One way that I always managed to remember the commands was this: if your research is based on comparisons between different things, use AND. If your research is not comparative but you’d like to narrow down articles between topics, use Boolean command OR. You’re more likely to find articles you’re looking for that way.
Doing the little bit of research that I have done already has shown me how little research has been done on the topic but, its encouraged me to make research into styles of ABA and techniques and experiments done with ABA at its center. I read a lot of studies that weren’t relevant to my research question, but informed me.
3. This post will review the attachment theory by John Bowlby and the psychosocial stages of development from Erik Erikson. The post will review the similarities and differences between these two theories. While Bowlby developed attachment theory with Mary Ainsworth we will only focus on Bowlby for the comparison. This post will also review the validity of the sources used. We will briefly review each theorist’s work in isolation as well. Attachment theory has been expended in recent years to include adults and continues to provide a rich source of information and understanding of social-emotional development (Pietromonaco, Uchino, & Dunkel Schetter, 2013). Erikson’s work extends from birth to death (Gilleard & Higgs, 2016; Knight, 2017) which is a longer span than Bowlby.
John Bowlby
Attachment theory was developed in the 1950s (Bretherton, 1992). Attachment theory in its simplest form is the theory about how the connections built with caregivers in early infancy affect behavior and development in later infancy and adulthood (Bretherton, 1992). Some research has even found that attachment in early infancy and the development of attachment can have an effect on a person’s health (Pietromonaco et al., 2013). Attachment theory has four principal parts haven, secure base, proximity maintenance, and separation anxiety (Bretherton, 1992). Theories of Human Development Paper
Erik Erikson
Erikson developed an eight-stage psychosocial/ life cycle development theory, which extends to old age (Zock, 2018). The eight-stages are built on trust (Zock, 2018). Transitioning from one stage to another is generally triggered by a crisis (Knight, 2017). The eight stages are as follows:
- Stage 1 basic trust vs miss trust (age 0-1)
- Stage 2 Autonomy VS Shame and Doubt (age 2-3)
- Stage 3 Initiative VS Guilt (age 4-5)
- Stage 4 Industry VS Inferiority (age 6-12)
- Stage 5 Identity VS Role Confusion (ages 13-19)
- Stage 6 Intimacy VS Isolation (age 20-24)
- Stage 7 Generativity VS Stagnation (age 25-64)
- Stage 8 Ego VS Despair (age 65-) (Knight, 2017
How Bowlby Work Is Similar to Erikson
Bowlby’s work and Erikson’s work are similar in that they both depend on the relationship with another person and trust in that person. Both are also similar in that they describe development in stages. Other similarities include describing development in early infancy. Both Bowlby and Erkison developed a framework for future research and discussions of child and adult development.
How Bowlby’s Work Is Different From Erikson
Erikson’s theory extends into adulthood, which is not something Bowlby’s theory does. Bowlby’s theory extends through infancy as it was initially designed by Bowlby (Pietromonaco et al., 2013). Later researchers have expanded attachment theory to include adulthood, however. Theories of Human Development Paper.