UOH PSY 225 How to Create Growth & Find Meaning out Of Trauma & Suffering Presentation

UOH PSY 225 How to Create Growth & Find Meaning out Of Trauma & Suffering Presentation

UOH PSY 225 How to Create Growth & Find Meaning out Of Trauma & Suffering Presentation

Resource: Resilience Presentation Grading Guide

Prepare a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that illustrates how people create growth and find meaning out of trauma and suffering.

Create a mock case study of a client who is a survivor of a traumatic event and who has overcome the experience, and is now demonstrating resilience and overall wellbeing.


Include and discuss the following concepts:

  • Introduce the concept of resilience.
  • Describe the event the client experienced.
  • Discuss how the client interpreted and overcame the event by use of meaning-making, sense-making and benefit-finding.
  • Discuss the post-traumatic growth the client experienced.
  • Explain the role of resilience in protecting wellbeing.

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

Grading Guide


Resilience Presentation


This assignment is due in Week Two.



60 Percent

Points Earned


·        Introduces the concept of resilience.

·        Describes the event the client experienced.

·        Discusses how the client interpreted and overcame the event by use of meaning-making, sense-making and benefit-finding.

·        Discusses the post-traumatic growth the client experienced.

·        Explains the role of resilience in protecting wellbeing.

Organization and Development

20 Percent

Points Earned


·        The presentation is 10 to 12 slides.

·        The presentation is clear and organized; major points are supported by details, examples, or analysis.

·        The presentation uses visual and auditory aids appropriately and effectively.

·        The presentation effectively incorporates design elements, such as font, color, headings, and spacing.

·        The presentation is logical, flows, and reviews the major points.

Mechanics and Format

20 Percent

Points Earned


·        The assignment file is presentable and functional; for example, the audio clips are audible, visual components are viewable, and links work appropriately.

·        Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct throughout the presentation.

·        The presentation is consistent with APA guidelines.

Additional Comments:


Total Earned
