7068.1.1 : Promoting Systems-Level Culture Based on Quality and Value-Based Care Concepts
The graduate analyzes the culture of continuous quality improvement and the provision of value-based care to optimize patient outcomes using a systems-thinking analytic approach.
7068.1.2 : Finding Vulnerabilities and Managing Risk
The graduate develops a systematic process that incorporates quality measures and benchmarks to assess organizational strengths and vulnerabilities. AXM1 TASK1: ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE IN PATIENT CARE THROUGH VALUE-BASED CARE STRATEGIES
7068.1.3 : Increasing Quality through Performance and Process Improvement
The graduate integrates performance and process improvement methodologies to develop solutions for identified quality and safety gaps in the practice setting.
7068.1.4 : Evaluating the Effectiveness of Value-Based Care Initiatives
The graduate establishes measurable metrics and processes to evaluate the effectiveness of value-based care strategies and initiatives.
Organizational leaders in healthcare focus on and develop innovative initiatives to achieve value-based care. Interdisciplinary teams assess organizational readiness and develop strategies for organizations to implement value-based care. In this task, you will demonstrate how an organizational leader might present these initiatives and strategies to key stakeholders.
You are an executive nurse leader in your organization tasked with developing a strategic action plan to implement value-based care.
You recently completed a clinical practice experience (CPE) that required you to fill out a “Value-Based Nursing Care Readiness Assessment” evaluating your organization’s current efforts to establish value-based care. As part of that CPE, you also identified strategies to implement value-based care.
Relying on your experiences and the knowledge you gained during your CPE, you will develop a multimedia presentation to inform key stakeholders of an action plan to achieve excellence through value-based patient care and to optimize reimbursement.
Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The originality report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.
You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.
A. Create a multimedia presentation, including presenter notes for each slide, to inform key stakeholders about value-based care and present elements of an action plan.
Note: Presenter notes must be included for each slide to fully cover the level of explanation, analysis, and discussion necessary.
1. Provide an introduction (suggested length of 3–4 slides) to value-based care by doing the following:
a. Describe the elements of a value-based healthcare framework.
b. Explain the benefits of value-based care for patients and populations.
c. Describe the rationale for implementing value-based care in a healthcare organization.
2. Identify (suggested length 1–2 slides) a nursing role, using the “WGU Nursing Programs Conceptual Model” web link as a guide.
a. Describe how the advanced professional nurse could facilitate the implementation of value-based care within the role identified. AXM1 TASK1: ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE IN PATIENT CARE THROUGH VALUE-BASED CARE STRATEGIES
3. Summarize (suggested length of 5–6 slides) evidence relevant to the topic of value-based healthcare from five peer-reviewed scholarly sources published within the past five years.
4. Describe (suggested length of 2–3 slides) two strategies to implement value-based healthcare, or if the organization has already implemented it, describe two strategies that were used.
a. Identify key stakeholders for each strategy.
b. Describe the role of each stakeholder for each strategy.
c. Identify specific methods to measure the effectiveness of each strategy.
5. Using the “Value-Based Nursing Care Readiness Assessment” completed in your CPE (see the attached document), discuss (suggested length of 4–7 slides) the organization’s readiness for change by doing the following:
a. Summarize each assessment area in the readiness assessment:
• defined need
• readiness for change
• leadership and management support
• time, resources, and personnel
• sustainment of the change
b. Discuss two organizational strengths.
c. Discuss two organizational opportunities for improvement.
d. Analyze your organization’s level of readiness to implement value-based care based on its readiness score.
e. Provide the completed “Value-Based Nursing Care Readiness Assessment” from your CPE.
Note: This should be an exact copy of your previously submitted readiness assessment. This is for evaluator reference.
B. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
C. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.
NOTE: The Performance Assessment should be uploaded as a separate attachment(s) and should not be included in the E-portfolio or submitted as a link.
File size limit: 200 MB
File types allowed: doc, docx, rtf, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, odt, pdf, txt, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma, flv, asf, mpeg, wmv, m4v, svg, tif, tiff, jpeg, jpg, gif, png, zip, rar, tar, 7z
NOT EVIDENT A multimedia presentation is not provided. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The multimedia presentation does not include presenter notes. |
COMPETENT The multimedia presentation includes presenter notes. |
NOT EVIDENT A description of the elements of a value-based healthcare framework is not provided. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The description provides limited or inaccurate details about the elements of a value-based healthcare framework, or 1 or more key elements are missing. No supporting examples are provided, or the examples are irrelevant to the topic of value-based healthcare frameworks. |
COMPETENT The description provides specific, accurate details about the elements of a value-based healthcare framework. Relevant examples are provided that support the description of the elements of a value-based healthcare framework. |
NOT EVIDENT An explanation is not provided. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The explanation provides limited details or does not include specific examples of how value-based care benefits patients and populations. Or the explanation of benefits is limited in scope, relying too heavily on one area related to benefits while ignoring other relevant applications. AXM1 TASK1: ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE IN PATIENT CARE THROUGH VALUE-BASED CARE STRATEGIES |
COMPETENT The explanation provides sufficient details and specific examples of how value-based care benefits patients and populations. The explanation covers multiple relevant benefit areas. |
NOT EVIDENT A rationale for implementing value-based care in a healthcare organization is not described. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The rationale contains limited details or does not include specific examples that influence the decision of whether to implement value-based care in a healthcare organization. Or the described rationale is not plausible. |
COMPETENT The rationale contains substantial details and specific examples that influence the decision of whether to implement value-based care in a healthcare organization. The rationale is plausible. |
NOT EVIDENT A nursing role is not identified. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The nursing role identified is irrelevant to the “WGU Nursing Programs Conceptual Model.” |
COMPETENT The nursing role identified is relevant to the “WGU Nursing Programs Conceptual Model.” |
NOT EVIDENT A description of how the advanced professional nurse facilitates the implementation of value-based care is not provided. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The description does not address the identified nursing role from part A2, does not include specific and relevant examples of how the advanced professional nurse facilitates implementation of value-based care, or is inaccurate. |
COMPETENT The description addresses the identified nursing role from part A2, includes specific and relevant examples of how the advanced professional nurse facilitates implementation of value-based care, and is accurate. |
NOT EVIDENT A summary of evidence is not provided or does not include 5 sources. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The summary of evidence is not relevant to the topic of value-based healthcare. Or 1 or more of the 5 sources are not scholarly, not peer-reviewed, or not published within the last 5 years. |
COMPETENT The summary of evidence is relevant to the topic of value-based healthcare and is from 5 scholarly, peer-reviewed sources published within the last 5 years. |
NOT EVIDENT A description of 2 strategies to implement (or that were used to implement) value-based healthcare in the organization is not provided. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The description of 2 strategies to implement (or that were used to implement) value-based healthcare in the organization is not aligned to the “Value-Based Nursing Care Readiness Assessment” or is missing specific examples, or 1 or more of the described strategies are irrelevant or implausible. |
COMPETENT The description of 2 strategies to implement (or that were used to implement) value-based healthcare in the organization is aligned to the “Value-Based Nursing Care Readiness Assessment” and contains specific examples. The strategies described are relevant and plausible. |
NOT EVIDENT Key stakeholders are not identified. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE 1 or more key stakeholders are missing, or relevant stakeholders are not identified for each strategy described in part A4. |
COMPETENT Key stakeholders relevant to each strategy described in part A4 are identified. AXM1 TASK1: ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE IN PATIENT CARE THROUGH VALUE-BASED CARE STRATEGIES |
NOT EVIDENT The submission does not describe any stakeholder’s role. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission does not accurately describe each stakeholder’s role in relation to the implementation of value-based healthcare, or the submission does not describe each role for each strategy described in part A4. |
COMPETENT The submission accurately describes each stakeholder’s role in relation to each strategy for the implementation of value-based healthcare described in part A4. |
NOT EVIDENT The submission does not identify specific methods to measure the effectiveness of strategies. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission describes specific methods to measure the effectiveness of the strategies described in part A4, but 1 or more methods do not logically align with the corresponding strategy. Or the description of each method is not supported by specific examples. |
COMPETENT The submission describes specific methods to measure the effectiveness of the strategies identified in part A4, each method is aligned with its strategy, and the description of each method is supported by specific examples. |
NOT EVIDENT A summary is not provided. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The summary does not logically address 1 or more of the given points or is not supported by specific examples of each assessment area. |
COMPETENT The summary logically addresses each of the given points and is supported by examples of each assessment area. |
NOT EVIDENT A discussion of 2 organizational strengths is not provided. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The discussion of 2 organizational strengths is provided, but 1 or more of the strengths are irrelevant to the completed “Value-Based Nursing Care Readiness Assessment” or are not supported by specific examples. |
COMPETENT The discussion of 2 organizational strengths is relevant to the completed “Value-Based Care Readiness Assessment” and is supported by specific examples. |
NOT EVIDENT A discussion of 2 organizational opportunities for improvement is not provided. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The discussion of 2 organizational opportunities for improvement is provided, but 1 or more of the opportunities for improvement are irrelevant to the “Value-Based Nursing Care Readiness Assessment” or are not supported by specific examples. |
COMPETENT The discussion of 2 organizational opportunities for improvement is relevant to the “Value-Based Nursing Care Readiness Assessment” and is supported by specific examples. |
NOT EVIDENT An analysis of the organization’s level of readiness to implement value-based care based on the readiness score is not provided. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The analysis of the organization’s level of readiness to implement value-based care based on its readiness score is missing specific examples, or the analysis does not align with the “Value-Based Nursing Care Readiness Assessment.” |
COMPETENT The analysis of the organization’s level of readiness to implement value-based care based on its readiness score includes specific examples and aligns with the “Value-Based Nursing Care Readiness Assessment.” |
NOT EVIDENT A copy of the completed “Value-Based Nursing Care Readiness Assessment” from the CPE is not provided. |
COMPETENT A copy of the completed “Value-Based Nursing Care Readiness Assessment” from the CPE is provided. |
NOT EVIDENT The submission does not include in-text citations and references according to APA style for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. AXM1 TASK1: ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE IN PATIENT CARE THROUGH VALUE-BASED CARE STRATEGIES |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission includes in-text citations and references for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized but does not demonstrate a consistent application of APA style. |
COMPETENT The submission includes in-text citations and references for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized and demonstrates a consistent application of APA style. |
NOT EVIDENT Content is unstructured, is disjointed, or contains pervasive errors in mechanics, usage, or grammar. Vocabulary or tone is unprofessional or distracts from the topic. |
APPROACHING COMPETENCE Content is poorly organized, is difficult to follow, or contains errors in mechanics, usage, or grammar that cause confusion. Terminology is misused or ineffective. |
COMPETENT Content reflects attention to detail, is organized, and focuses on the main ideas as prescribed in the task or chosen by the candidate. Terminology is pertinent, is used correctly, and effectively conveys the intended meaning. Mechanics, usage, and grammar promote accurate interpretation and understanding. AXM1 TASK1: ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE IN PATIENT CARE THROUGH VALUE-BASED CARE STRATEGIES |