WGU Professional Presence and Influence – D024 Essays
WGU Professional Presence and Influence – D024 Essays
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American Nurse. (2012, May 11). Doing the right thing: Pathways to moral courage. https://www.americannursetoday.com/doing-the-right-thing-pathways-to-moral-courage/
American Nurse. (2019, July 17). Understanding moral disagreement. https://www.myamericannurse.com/understanding-moral-disagreement/
Edmonson, C. (2015). Strengthening moral courage among nurse leaders. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 20(2).
Sherman, R. (2018, September 17). Building your resiliency. American Nurse. https://www.myamericannurse.com/building-your-resiliency/
Wocial, L. (2018). In search of a moral community The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 23(1). WGU Professional Presence and Influence – D024 Essays
Review your CPE Record to ensure you are on track for completing all of the CPE activities. Refer to the MSN core sample e-portfolio to see how the deliverables are organized.
Refer to the CPE Record in the assessment for details on deliverables.
List 10 innovative skills needed by an advanced professional nurse to engage successfully in self-care, life management, and mindfulness.
DFA: Reflecting on a Stressful Situation
Learning Objectives
In this DFA, you will reflect on a professional experience that left you stressed or overwhelmed, and then explore mindfulness techniques that may have served you well then or in similar situations in the future.
Take a few minutes to reflect on a particularly stressful situation in your professional practice environment involving a patient, peer, or practice issue. Describe the situation in as much detail as possible, with a focus on how you were perceiving and experiencing the situation: your thoughts, feelings, and physical reactions. Then choose specific mindfulness techniques that you could use to buffer the stress of the situation.
What techniques would you choose? How would you implement them in the workplace? What would be the outcomes you might achieve after using them? How might the techniques that you choose help to change your thoughts, feelings, and physical reactions in ways that could reduce stress and lessen reactivity?
Respond: A Communication Plan
In this activity you will provide a communication plan in response to a patient and family scenario. How would you communicate caring and respond to the patient, family, and the interdisciplinary team taking care of this patient and family?
Communication Plan Case Study
Mr. Richards is an 89-year-old man who has come into the intensive care unit after suffering an acute stroke with resulting aphasia. His son Jason came to visit him for the first time in five years from Montana and noticed his mumbled, garbled speech, drooping eye, and lip. Mr. Richards is the proud father of five children, all of whom are married, and a grandfather of 10. Some of these grandchildren are old enough to have spouses of their own. Unfortunately, Mr. Richards’s wife died last year, and his care was transferred to his eldest daughter, Melissa, for the past six months.
The relationship between Melissa and her siblings is complicated, and all of them have insisted on obtaining a security code for themselves to access information about Mr. Richards’s condition. Melissa, not wanting to start an argument, has given it to her brothers and sisters, who, in turn, gave it to a few grandchildren. Melissa tells you that her father has not spoken to two of the siblings since the death of his wife due to “issues in settling her will and last wishes.” Melissa reports to the nurses that Jason is feeling guilty that he has not been more involved in the past five years. Jason refused to attend his mother’s funeral last year but produced a list of items he wanted sent to him from her belongings. Melissa also warns you her dad was well respected and attended a local church, whose parishioners have been pressuring her for information. One parish nurse in particular, Patty, has been known to call and visit the hospital during past hospitalizations of Mr. and Mrs. Richards, seeking information about their condition.
Every day on the unit, the nurse assigned to Mr. Richards receives at least eight phone calls about his status from a variety of relatives and friends. Although the nurse tries to be concise, often the conversations with family can take up to 30 minutes, as the nurse has to explain several times and in detail medical issues the patient is having. After a few days of this, the care team brings the family together for a care conference and explains the difficulties in handling so many calls when their father’s care is so critical.
As an end result of the meeting, it was decided that all information will flow through Melissa, and visitation will be restricted to only Melissa, although this does not make everyone happy. The plan is agreed to, however, and now the nurses will field one update call per shift to Melissa and continue to care for and communicate with Mr. Richards.
What is your communication plan for today when you take on the patient and family in this case?
How do you respond and communicate with the following? WGU Professional Presence and Influence – D024 Essays
Clinical Practice Experience Progress Check
Review your CPE Record to ensure you are on track for completing the Phase 2 CPE activities. Refer to the MSN core sample e-portfolio to see how the deliverables are organized.
Refer to the CPE Record in the assessment for details on deliverables.
DFA: Identify Social and Emotional Intelligence Skills
Learning Objectives
In this unit, you learned the importance of applying social and emotional intelligence skills to promote collegiality and civility in the workplace. In this activity, you will write a reflective journal entry to identify your own social and emotional intelligence skills as they relate to resolving conflict in the workplace.
Examine the social and emotional skills necessary for building relationships that are founded on caring and trust. Review the power skills for SEL and identify those that will enhance your relationships with colleagues and staff. In your response, discuss three significant attributes or skills and how their embodiment can inspire others. Use current evidence-based resources, included in the module, to support your answer. What SEI skills that have been described in the readings are familiar to you? Which do you possess, or would you like to possess? How can you strengthen your SEI for better self-awareness? Describe how your own SEI can improve your work as a nurse leader, your teamwork in the workplace, and your patient care skills.
Creating a Joyful, Healthy Work Environment
Amaya, M., Melnyk, B. M., & Neale, S. (n.d.). Environmental wellness. American Nurse. https://www.americannursetoday.com/environmental-wellness
Gelinas, L. (n.d.). Enhancing innovation skills to inspire future thinking. American Nurse. https://www.myamericannurse.com/teamwork-unexpected-tool-innovation/
Gelinas, L. (n.d.). Listening as a caring competency. American Nurse. https://www.myamericannurse.com/listening-caring-competency/
Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc. (2018, October 8). Encouraging nurses to pursue innovative thinking. https://nursing.jnj.com/nursing-news-events/nurses-leading-innovation/encouraging-nurses-to-pursue-innovative-thinking
RHCCentral. (2018, December 4). Workplace violence testimony [Video], YouTube. https://youtu.be/IyPmmrMOsHE
The Joint Commission. (2016). Sentinel Event Alert 40: Behaviors that undermine a culture of safety. https://www.jointcommission.org/resources/patient-safety-topics/sentinel-event/sentinel-event-alert-newsletters/sentinel-event-alert-issue-40-behaviors-that-undermine-a-culture-of-safety/
Reflect on your use of silence, eye contact, and surface language. Do you feel that your intrapersonal communication accurately portrays your intended social presence?
Outline how internal narrative can impact difficult situations. In your response, prepare three strategies for effectively articulating your narrative to others during challenging situations. Use the evidence-based resources included in this module to support your answer.
American Nurses Association. (2015, July 22). Incivility, bullying, and workplace violence [Position Statement]. https://www.nursingworld.org/practice-policy/nursing-excellence/official-position-statements/id/incivility-bullying-and-workplace-violence/
Kennison, M. (2019, February 22). Overcoming workplace interpersonal conflict [Conference session]. Sigma’s Creating Healthy Work Environments conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. https://nursingcentered.sigmanursing.org/features/more-features/overcoming-workplace-interpersonal-conflict
PACERS Civility Toolkit. (2015, August 7). Incivility and bullying in healthcare “Overview” video 1 of 3 [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/4DOQ593cHfE
PACERS Civility Toolkit. (2015, August 7). Incivility and bullying in healthcare “Approach to respectful conversations” video 2 of 3 [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/WbP3O_UC1LE
PACERS Civility Toolkit. (2015, August 7). Incivility and bullying in healthcare “Practice vignettes” video 3 of 3 [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/t8XddfSddz
Reflect on your ability to inspire and reinforce confidence in others. What inspirational characteristics do you embody and how do you plan to build upon your own sense of professionalism for improved empathic engagements?
Explore Your Understanding
Discuss the importance of being able to inspire and reinforce confidence in others as an advanced professional nurse. Integrate three techniques for inspiring and reinforcing confidence in others in your response. Use the evidence-based resources, included in the module resources, to support your answer.
Using the content from the learning resources in this module, describe how you might have conducted a more thorough assessment of the change process and the responses and resistance that occurred when you complete the Reflection on the Change Process reflection. Once you have described how a more thorough assessment could have been conducted, discuss how you might use the strategies identified in the module to support the individual or group in responding to the change in positive, productive ways. What strategy or strategies do you consider to be the most potentially helpful, and why? Support your answer with content from the learning resources in the module. WGU Professional Presence and Influence – D024 Essays
DFA: Mind Map for Creating a Healthy, Joyful Workplace
Learning Objectives
In this interactive DFA, you will apply your knowledge of mind mapping and force field analyses to create your own mind map.
Mind mapping is an easy way to brainstorm thoughts and ideas without worrying about order and structure. Once you have collected these random thoughts and ideas, it is possible to develop a mind map, which is a diagram for representing the main idea and related concepts and ideas. Visualize a tree where the trunk is the main idea, branches are major concepts or themes, and related ideas are the twigs.
Mind maps are simple to create, and there are several programs that are designed specifically for mind mapping. In the following scenario, the mind map can be created using Shapes in Microsoft Word.
In this activity, you will produce a mind map of factors that influence an organization’s ability to create a healthy, joyful workplace. Research the factors that impact change at the individual, departmental, organizational, or systems levels. Individual-level and departmental-level factors include employee or team readiness for change. Organizational factors may include the structure of the organization (e.g., departments, leaders, managers, etc.). Systems-level factors may include technologies for supporting the change. When creating your mind map, assign at least three factors to each of these categories.
Use the free program MindMup to create your mind map. Use the information from your mind map to create a force field analysis, which is a table of forces that will drive or impede the change to a healthy, joyful workplace. Describe the mind map and force field analysis you created in the box below. Then click the “Submit and Compare” button to compare your response. WGU Professional Presence and Influence – D024 Essays