NSG5002 Week 1 Discussion And Project Example

NSG5002 Week 1 Discussion And Project Example

NSG5002 Week 1 Discussion And Project Example

Week 1 Discussion

Theories are derived from conceptual models and are comprised of concepts and propositions. The only concepts that are common to all nursing theories, in some shape or form, are patient, nurse, health, and environment. These are sometimes referred to as the basic metaparadigms of the nursing domain. NSG5002 Week 1 Discussion And Project Example

  • Describe the four metaparadigms: patient, nurse, health and environment. Cite the sources you use.
  • Choose a theory that finds practical application to your current area of clinical nursing practice, briefly describe the theory, and explain why you find this theory appropriate for your area of clinical practice.

Guidelines: To support your work, use the textbooks from your course and also use the South University Online Library, citing your sources in your work and providing references for the citations in APA format. Weekly lecture notes are designed as overviews to the topic for the respective week and should not serve as a citation or reference.

Submission Details

  • In your discussion question response, provide a substantive response that illustrates a well-reasoned and thoughtful response; is factually correct with relevant scholarly citations, references, and examples; and demonstrates a clear connection to the readings.
  • Post your response to the Discussion area by the assigned due date.
  • Be sure to correct any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors before you post.
  • By the end of day four (4), respond to at least 2 of your peers’ submissions. In your participation responses to your peers, comments must demonstrate thorough analysis of postings and extend meaningful discussion by building on previous postings.
    Note: Review South University’s Substantive Participation Policy Criteria, Helpful Tips, and Late Policy available by clicking on the South University Policy and Guidelines navigation tab here. The late policy applies to late discussion question responses.

In your group discussion board, place a post to your group member with your contact information. During this week your group should choose a leader and choose a theory for your group project. The group leader should email your instructor with your first and second choices. The earlier you are with this email, the greater the chance you will receive one of your choices. The group may not choose the same theory that any of the group members is using for their discussion board entry from this week. NSG5002 Week 1 Discussion And Project Example

Example Approach

Metaparadigms are concepts that shape a certain discipline just as in nursing. The concept is that the patient, nurse, health and environment are all intertwined and actually guide the nursing practice/discipline. “The general consensus in nursing is that nursing is a discipline with a metaparadigm” (Butts & Rich, 2018, p. 93). The four basic nursing metaparadigms are patient, nurse, health and environment. These components are translated into the patient being cared by the nurse, the health condition or status of the patient and the environment in which the patient is cared for.  All of these components make up nursing.

“Florence Nightingale was one of the first nurses to document the impact of the environment on patients” (Zborowsky, 2014, p. 20).  The goal of this theory is that if one of the components is off balance the patient may need longer time to heal. As nurses we are the primary caregiver for the patient and therefore can adjust the patient’s environment to promote healing. Just as Florence Nightingale’s environmental theory, “Nurses today see the influence of the surrounding environment on the patient’s ability to health” (Zborowsky, 2014, p. 21).  

Going into the operating room (OR) the patient is already anxious for a procedure and the surrounding environment should be considered when bringing the patient into the OR. The lighting, the noise, patient comfort and the layout are all important factors.  Environmental factors that affect the patients’ health and recovery are often overlooked in all parts of healthcare.  Giving the patient your full attention in order to ease the patient’s nerves can make all the difference. Providing warm blankets to comfort the patient in a cold environment such as the OR, providing calming noise during a stressful time can be soothing to a patient, as well as adjusting the type of lighting in the room, depending on the situation, is important.

Just as the founder of nursing Florence Nightingale and her environmental theory she believed that “the environment was the fundamental cause of suffering and disease” (Thompson & Barcott, 2017, p. 1316). As nurses we must be visual and consistently monitoring the patient’s environment in order to improve the patient’s outcome. “Nursing is the backbone for what goes on in hospitals and nurses are able to identify threats to patient safety and quality of care” (Zborowsky, 2014, p. 23). NSG5002 Week 1 Discussion And Project Example


Butts, J. B., & Rich, K. L. (2018). Philosophies and theories for advanced nursing practice (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Thompson, M. R., & Barcott, D. S. (2017). The concept of exposure in environmental health for nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73(6), 1315-1330. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.13246

Zborowsky, T. (2014). The legacy of Florence Nightingale’s environmental theory: Nursing research focusing on the impact of healthcare environments. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 7(4), 19-34. https://doi.org/10.1177/193758671400700404

Week 2

Nurse educators believe that a knowledge of theory helps provide a basis for the reality of nursing. A knowledge of the theoretical foundations and the factors that influenced the theory development process is essential to understand the Science of Nursing. This week, we will begin with a discussion of some of the factors that influence the development of nursing theory—the barriers to and facilitators of the process of theory development.

Next, we will begin our theoretical journey through the various milestones that provided an impetus to the growth of theories, and trace the evolution of nursing theoretical foundations. As you go through the theory development timeline from its beginnings, with the ideas of Florence Nightingale to theories developed in the last several years, you will examine the ways in which these theories have influenced the practice of the discipline.

The ability to analyze and evaluate a theory is critical for understanding theory-based nursing practice. It also facilitates the development of a theoretical perspective that will help to frame potential research questions. This week will familiarize you with the elements of theory critique and allow you to test the user-friendly quotient of a theory, as well as its strengths and weaknesses. NSG5002 Week 1 Discussion And Project Example

We will conclude this week with an examination of the reasons behind the persistent efforts to explore and eliminate the theory-practice gap and to understand the need for correlating content studied in the classroom to actual experiences in clinical nursing.

This week helped you to understand the evolution of theories over the past few decades.

Here are the key points covered:

  • There are many barriers and stimulants in the theory development process, which are either professional or social. Knowledge and gender can act as barriers and at the same time be forces that stimulate the theory development process. A nursing professional must have an understanding of barriers and stimulants in order to influence theoretical advancement.
  • Theory is made up of three structural elements; context, content, and process. Theory development depends on research. Theories emerge from areas like nursing practice, nursing education, nursing research, and existing theory.
  • Various milestones in theory development, right from 1955 to the present, help to understand the evolution of theories and the context of changes that occurred through the decades.
  • Conducting a theory critique is the best way to analyze its relevance to practice. Theory critique also helps to develop a theoretical perspective and formulate potential research questions. Evaluation of a theory should focus on the depth and breadth of content.
  • Bridging the theory-practice gap is one of the major concerns of nursing professionals because what happens in clinical practice must be correlated to what is provided in the textbook.

Your Learning Objectives for the Week:

  • Critically analyze the philosophical underpinnings of nursing theories.
  • Critique nursing’s conceptual models, grand theories and mid-range theories.
  • Examine the influence that nursing models and theories have upon research and practice.
  • Construct a nursing theory that represents current professional nursing practice.
  • Apply nursing theory or theories to nursing research.

NSG5002 Week 1 Discussion And Project Example – Week 2 Discussion

  • Choose two concepts in the theory you choose last week and describe:
    • How are the concepts defined in general (from other references)?
    • How does the theorist define each of the concepts you have chosen?
    • How do those concepts apply to your clinical practice? Give concrete examples.
  • The second part to this week’s discussion includes developing your group project. Post an outline of the project with assignments for each portion on your group discussion board. Each group member should complete an equal amount of work

Guidelines: To support your work, use the textbooks from your course and also use the South University Online Library, citing your sources in your work and providing references for the citations in APA format. Weekly lecture notes are designed as overviews to the topic for the respective week and should not serve as a citation or reference.

Submission Details

  • In your discussion question response, provide a substantive response that illustrates a well-reasoned and thoughtful response; is factually correct with relevant scholarly citations, references, and examples; and demonstrates a clear connection to the readings.
  • Post your response to the Discussion area by the assigned due date.
  • Be sure to correct any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors before you post.
  • You will be required to post an initial reponse and any additional  questions from your faculty.
    Note: Review South University’s Substantive Participation Policy Criteria, Helpful Tips, and Late Policy available by clicking on the South University Policy and Guidelines navigation tab here. The late policy applies to late discussion question responses.

NSG5002 Week 1 Discussion And Project Example – Week 2 Project

This week you will turn in a draft of your “Personal Philosophy and Theoretical Concepts” paper. Your paper should contain the following sections:

  • Nursing Autobiography: A brief (1 page) discussion of your background in nursing. This does not include future goals.
  • The Four Metaparadigms: Describe what the literature says about the basic four metaparadigms/concepts of patient, nurse, health, and environment. Do not relate the metaparadigms to the theory you have chosen.
  • Briefly describe the theory you have chosen.
  • Two Practice-Specific Concepts: in separate subsections discuss each of your two concepts:What is the definition of the concept (outside of the theory)?How does your theorist define your concept?How does this concept apply to your clinical setting? Give an example of how nurses in your area provide care that correlates with the theorist’s definition of the concept.

You MUST use the attached template here to complete your paper.

The paper is to be thoroughly researched and well documented, with relevant material from the nursing theorists presented incorporated into the paper. Use the current edition of the APA Manual throughout the paper. Sources should focus on references from nursing theory but may also include conceptual and theoretical material from other professional domains. The paper, excluding references or appendices, is to be limited to 3-5 pages. Writing should be succinct and well organized, as it is impossible for the facilitator to evaluate form and content separately.

Submission Details:

  • Save your document as W2_Project_NSG5002_Lastname_Firstname.
  • Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned. NSG5002 Week 1 Discussion And Project Example.