NSG 504 Assignment 3 Portfolio Paper
NSG 504 Assignment 3 Portfolio Paper
Advanced Role Development in Nursing
NSG 504
Assignment 3
Portfolio Paper (35 points)
Permalink: https://ulcius.com/nsg-504-assignme…-portfolio-paper/
Professional Portfolio Development
Students at the graduate level should begin to develop and keep an electronic portfolio containing professional goals and information as well as course and clinical materials throughout their graduate program of study. This process begins in this class. Information from such a portfolio is valuable in seeking certification, licensure, and employment after graduation. NSG 504 Assignment 3 Portfolio Paper
The portfolio should include:
- Resume or CV (focus on a position you would like to have)
- Professional philosophy
· Evaluations
· Recommendations - Licenses, Certifications (copies)
· Education Data: Transcripts, course descriptions, research projects, papers, and
- Work samples: teaching materials, brochures, publications
· Presentations
· Professional associations
· Awards
· Interdisciplinary and community activities
· Accomplishments
· Volunteer activities
The portfolio will be submitted as ONE pdf file and graded on the following:
- Logically organized- 30%
- Correct grammar and no spelling errors and APA where appropriate- 50%
- Professional appearance-20%
Please refer to the Grading Rubric for written assignments. Where appropriate, such as the professional philosophy, please use APA 7th ed. for format. All items should be professionally written and organized with correct grammar and spelling.
Hi Everyone,
I have gotten a couple of questions about the portfolio, so decided to share a few clarifications with everyone.
The overall objective of this project is to help you to develop a system to keep track of your professional goals, accomplishments, competencies, and skills. The assignment guidelines delineate what you might consider including. So it’s an opportunity to reflect on what you’ve done thus far, consider where you’d like to be, and to develop goals and a plan to get there.
My understanding is that this is a work in progress that you will continue through the program. So it’s not a major issue if you haven’t done something that is listed as an item in the guidelines. If it is something that you will never do (such as maybe putting together a brochure), I would leave it out. That was just an example of something that you might include. If it is something that is considered scholarly (such as publishing), I would add the heading, and indicate “none”.
Keep in mind that there is no need to reinvent the wheel here. The evaluations that you include can be copies from your employer, and it’s fine to use copies of the letters of recommendation for grad school admission if you have them. If not, a few letters from folks that you think are able to speak to your competencies would be good to acquire.
On the other hand, if you’ve been a nurse for a while and have had an extensive career, it would seem that you will need to streamline what you have, and to include more highlights of your accomplishments through the years. So maybe materials that you think demonstrate the competencies that you have that will serve to market you for the future. NSG 504 Assignment 3 Portfolio Paper
If you haven’t updated your resume or CV in a while, it’s important that you take a close look at that, as it’s a very important part of this process. If you have never done one, and would like an example of one, let me know.
It’s also a good idea to spend a little time reflecting on your philosophy of nursing as it pertains to your new practice role. There are sites on the internet that provide some tips for writing one, and provide some examples, if you want to make sure that you’re on the right track.
As far as formatting goes…. The completed project should be one pdf file. So somehow you need to compile your materials in a word document, and convert it to a pdf. I’m sure there are a number of ways to do this, and whatever way works for you is fine with me.
Since I am by no means a technical expert, I listed 4 ways that students in the past have shared. Numbers 2 & 4 produced a very impressive looking document.
1. Print your documents, other info (certifications, recommendations, etc). Then scan them all to your email, which should allow you to automatically create the files as one pdf. Then you would just need to upload that document.
2. Convert every item into a PDF using either a scanner or Microsoft Word to convert and save as PDFs. Some contents included multiple steps, such as the cards from patients. Some of the items may look better if the originals are shrunk on a copier (as in thank you cards from patients). After shrinking, cut and paste them onto an 8-1/2 x 11 piece of paper, and scan this on the copier into a PDF and upload it to the computer.
Once every item was created in PDF form, you can download a one-month trial of Adobe (if you don’t have it) and then use the PDF merge to place these PDFs in order. The final product then needs to be finalized and if it looks ok, hit the button to turn the separate PDFs into a single PDF.
3). Another option students used last year was Adobe XL. I was told that if you don’t have it on your computer, you can google it and find it as a free download. Once you download it, the instructions are:
1.Click file>create>combine files into single pdf
2.Click ‘add files’ and select files to add (It may be easier to do if all the files are saved to your desktop instead of in another folder/flashdrive)
3.Click, drag, drop to reorder files (click on the paper image, not the + sign above it)
4.When everything is in the correct order, click ‘combine files’ (this seems to take awhile, you don’t have to click or ok anything, just let it work)
5.Select file>save as>pdf
4. Use PowerPoint on Microsoft office. Create the slideshow then save it as an online publishable PDF. All you have to do is create the slides then go to Save As and pull down the menu and select PDF and it will ask you the quality and if you want it web or online publishable. To include hyperlinks to documents (like samples of your work) use Google drive and save documents there. Once you save them in Google drive you select share and can make them shareable to anyone that has the link. Then cut and paste the link within the PowerPoint document and then you have documents that are accessible without showing the whole document. Please note that one limitation with this format is that in order to open it, one must have power point. Some potential employers may not have this software.
That said…. Technology changes frequently as you know, so if you’re having difficulty you may want to connect with tech support for suggestions. Please feel free to use the course email to communicate with your colleagues if you feel that you have found a way that is helpful. NSG 504 Assignment 3 Portfolio Paper
As for grading….The written assignment grading rubric will not be used for grading the portfolio, as I don’t think that it’s particularly applicable. As stated in the guidelines, the project will be graded on the following: “Logically organized, Correct grammar and no spelling errors, and Professional appearance”. So it is not necessary to include reference’s as it is a compilation of your work. Also for the same reason, no need to tweak your portfolio if the Turnitin score is greater than 24%….
Hope that helps. Keep me posted.
Professor S.